Billion Bottles and Cans Collected for Recycling
Billion Pounds of E-Waste Collected for Recycling
Million Waste Tires Collected for Recycling
Wildfire Properties Cleaned Up
Million Mattresses Collected for Recycling
Billion Pounds of Carpet Collected
Million Gallons of Paint Collected
Million Unsold Meals to Californians in Need Since 2022
Billion Gallons of Used Oil Collected for Recycling
CA Communities Expanded Still-Fresh Unsold Food Donation Programs
Required CA Communities with Residential Organic Waste Collection
Beverage Container Recycling Rate
*Click on each number for more information.
Attention California Beverage Retailers! Register now with CalRecycle and learn about Dealer Cooperative redemption options
Our Mission
Protecting California’s environment and climate for the health and prosperity of future generations through the reduction, reuse and recycling of California resources, environmental education, disaster recovery and the transition from a disposable to a fully circular economy.
CalRecycle is implementing new recycling programs while building a Zero Waste Plan for how to transition to a fully circular economy.

91% of required communities report they have residential organic waste collection.
100% have expanded programs to send still-fresh, unsold food to Californians in need.
3 million cars worth of climate pollution will be cut by reaching SB 1383’s recycling and food rescue targets.
CalRecycle’s monthly webcast provides updates, announcements, and a report from Director Zoe Heller. Meeting Details

What Can I Recycle?

1383 Progress
91% of required communities report they have residential organic waste collection.
100% have expanded programs to send still-fresh, unsold food to Californians in need.
3 million cars worth of climate pollution will be cut by reaching SB 1383’s recycling and food rescue targets.

Monthly Public Meeting
CalRecycle’s monthly webcast provides updates, announcements, and a report from Director Zoe Heller.

SB 1383 Food and Yard Waste Resources
Tools and guidance for SB 1383 (Lara, 2016), the state’s food and yard waste recycling law, which has targets to:
- Cut organic waste disposal 75% by 2025
- Send at least 20% of surplus, still fresh food to Californians in need by 2025.

Textile Stewardship
California’s groundbreaking Responsible Textile Recovery Act holds the apparel and textile industry responsible for making sure their products get collected, repaired, reused, and recycled.

SB 54: Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act
Packaging is over 50% of waste landfilled in California by volume.
Get updates on SB 54 (Allen, 2022), the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act.