CalRecycle Data Central
Disposal Amounts (Landfilled, Transformed, Imported, Exported, plus ADC and AIC)
- Statewide (1995 to most current, annual totals)
- From Jurisdictions Within a County (1995 to most current, by quarter, by jurisdiction)
- From a Jurisdiction (For a single year, by quarter, by facility)
- At Facilities Within a County (1995 to most current, by quarter, by facility)
- At a Facility (1995 to most current, by jurisdiction)
- At a Landfill and Subject to the IWM (Integrated Waste Management) Fee (by year, by county, by SWIS)
- For more Disposal Amount information, see the Disposal Reporting System (DRS).
Disposal and Diversion by Material ( Waste Characterization)
- Waste Characterization Tool for California Jurisdictions
- By Business Group (Disposal and Diversion)
- By Material Type (Disposal and Diversion)
- By Residential (Disposal Only)
- Business Group Waste Stream Calculator
- Disposal and Diversion Rates for Business Groups
- Residential Disposal Compositions for California Regions
- See all past Waste Characterization Studies
- California Exports of Recyclable Materials (Most current)
Biomass Conversion
Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) Use
- Statewide (All years, by quarter, by material)
- Jurisdictions Within a County (For a single year, by material, by jurisdiction)
- Facilities Within a County (For a single year, by material, by facility)
- At a Facility (For all years, by jurisdiction)
Facilities & Recycling Businesses
Facilities/Businesses Using or Accepting Materials
- Beverage Container (CRV) Recycling Centers (By address, ZIP code, and by county)
- RecycleStore
- Carpet and Carpet Pad Recycling (By County, City, or State)
- Compost and Mulch Producers
- Contaminated Used Oil Options (By county)
- Electronic Product (E-Waste) Business to Business Search of Approved Collectors and Recyclers (By county, by name)
- Electronic Product (E-Waste) Recycling Facilities (By material, by county, by name)
- Used Oil Certified Recycling Centers
- Used Oil Processing Facilities Located in California
- Used Oil Haulers Outside California
- Waste Tires Facilities and Haulers (By county, by name)
- Earth 911
Facilities/Businesses Supplying Materials or Products
Solid Waste Facilities
- Facility Search (By County, Type, Status, Name or SWIS Number)
- Composting Facilities
- Landfills
- Transfer/Processing Stations
- Transformation Facilities
- Under Active Enforcement Orders
- Permitted Waste Tire Facilities
Demographics and Maps
- American Fact Finder
- California Labor Market Information Data Library (Employment Development Department)
- Population and Housing Estimates (Department of Finance)
- U.S. Census Quick Facts
Measuring Progress
Rates and Trends
- Beverage Container Sales, Returns, Redemption, and Recycling Rates (1988 to most current, by material)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recycling Statistics (2005 to most current)
- Disposal Rate Information (Most current years)
- Disposal Reduction and Diversion Rates (1995 to most current)
- Overall Disposal and Per Capita Disposal Trends (1995 to most current)
- Diversion Program Information
- Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) (1993 to most current, Historical Charts)
- State of Disposal and Recycling in California 2017 (Most current)
- Tire Diversion and Disposal
- Tire End Uses
- Used Oil Collected via Certified Claims (Most current, by city or county)
- Used Oil Sales and Recycling Rates (1994-2008)
- Diversion/Disposal Progress Report (For a single year, by county, and range)
- Program Counts (For a single year, by status)
- Program List (For a single year, implemented programs)
- Program Summary (By year and program information)
- Rate Summaries
- Diversion Rate Percent (1995-2006)
- Disposal per Capita Rate (2007 to most current)
- Diversion Rate Trends Graph (1995-2006)
- Disposal per Capita Trends Graph (2007 to most current)
State Agencies
- Annual CalRecycle Enforcement Report
- Disposal Reporting
- Enforcement Orders and related Actions
- Inventory of Solid Waste Facilities Violating State Minimum Standards
- Jurisdiction Planning Documents and Diversion Mandates
- Newsprint Recycled Content Certification
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Containers
- Solid Waste Facilities and Disposal Sites Under Enforcement Orders
- State Agency and Facility Diversion Mandates
- Stipulated Agreements Issued by Local Enforcement Agencies
- Waste Tires
CalRecycle Grant Programs
- Beverage Container (By year, amount, and grantee)
- CalRecycle Grant Details (By cycle type, cycle code, and county)
- Listing of CalRecycle Grant Awards (By county, grant category, and fiscal year)
- Summary of CalRecycle Grants-Number & Amounts (By fiscal year)
CalRecycle Loan Programs
For more information contact, the Office of Public Affairs,