CalRecycle Forms
CalRecycle forms are currently listed and linked from the sites of the programs that use them. Please use the following links to find the forms you need, or contact the forms coordinator for assistance (see bottom of page). Some forms may be listed in more than one place if they are used by more than one program.
- Beverage Container Recycling Forms
- Contract Forms
- Covered Electronic Waste (CEW) Recycling Program Forms
- Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Payment System Forms
- Financial Assurances Forms (for solid waste facilities)
- Grant Forms
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Loan Program Forms
- Household Hazardous Waste Collection Information (Form 303)
- Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Used Oil Grant Forms
- Local Enforcement Agency Forms (solid waste facility permitting, inspection, etc.)
- Local Government Disposal and Reporting
- Newsprint (Recycled-Content Certification)
- Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) Loan Forms
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Container (RPPC) Certification Forms and Data Sheets
- State Agency Buy Recycled Program (SABRC) Forms
- Trash Bags (Recycled-Content Plastic Certification)
- Used Oil Collection/Recycling Center and Generator Forms
- Waste Tire Facility Forms
- Waste Tire Hauler Forms
- Waste Tire Manifest Forms
Regulatory Forms
Some forms found in the following listings are also listed on the program-related forms pages referenced above.