CalRecycle Decisions and Public Participation
CalRecycle prioritizes operating in an open, transparent manner and providing opportunities for interested parties to participate in our decision-making processes.
- This page and linked information will inform you about:
- Ongoing activities
- Upcoming and past decisions
- Opportunities to provide input
Permit Determinations
- Solid waste facility and waste tire facility permits
- Temporary permits
- Permit revisions and permit modifications
- Related documents
Available for review:
Grants, Payments, Loan Proposals, and Awards
CalRecycle’s Public Notices page provides a listing of all:
- Grant/loan criteria
- Payments
- Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA)
- Recently approved grants, payments, and loans
Workshops, Meetings and Other Events
- Monthly Meetings. Agendas, documents, and other information for upcoming meetings conducted by CalRecycle.
- Interested Parties Workshops. Agendas and documents for upcoming workshops, such as new policy or program initiatives or program updates. Note: these may be held after the Monthly Meetings or on separate dates.
- Beverage Container Recycling Program
- Materials Management and Local Assistance Division
- Waste Permitting, Compliance, and Mitigation Division
- Regulation Development Meetings and Workshops. Notices and documents that are part of informal and formal regulation development activities. Note: these may be held as part of the Monthly Public Meetings or on separate dates.
- CalRecycle Meetings and Events. Links to listings of public events, workshops, and/or meetings that CalRecycle either participates in or sponsors.
Other Decisions
- Appeals or enforcement hearings. Includes notices, related documents, and CalRecycle decisions.
- Cleanups. Listing of recent actions taken related to CalRecycle-managed remediations or solid waste disposal site clean-ups.
- Enforcement Orders. This page provides links to documents pertaining to CalRecycle enforcement orders and related actions.
- Electronic Waste (E-Waste). Listing of hearing officer decisions, proposed rate/fee adjustments, appeals of revocations/adjustments, and other actions.
- Jurisdiction and State Agency Plans/Reports/Compliance
- CIWMB Board and Committee Meeting Archives. Archive of meeting documents and decisions by CalRecycle’s predecessor, the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB), from 1985-2009.
Laws and Regulations Relevant to Current Public Proceedings
- Regulations. Approved regulations pertaining to waste management and beverage container recycling
- Statutes. California laws relating to integrated waste management
Submit Your Comments on Draft Regulations
Information on how to submit comments on draft/proposed regulations is posted at the appropriate time on the web page for each rulemaking.
Each CalRecycle-proposed regulatory change has a page on this site with detailed information about the process, including:
- Current status
- Staff contact
- Notices
- Affected laws
- Text of proposed changes
- Public meetings
- Other opportunities for input
- How to submit comments
See the Proposed Rulemaking page for a listing of current rulemaking packages and whether they are currently open for public comment.
Required Postings
Gift to Agency Forms (Form 801)
If you require assistance in obtaining access to the forms listed below, call the Legal Office at (916) 341-6080.
- SWANA Conference, November 2018
- U.S. Food Waste Summit, June 2018PDF download
- Global Product Stewardship Council, March 31-April 7, 2018
- Packaging Association of Canada Packaging Optimization Conference, September 26-29, 2017
- Commission for Environmental Cooperation, February 27-March 3, 2017
- GreenBlue Institute, September 19-21, 2016
- Mattress Recycling Council, March 8-10, 2016
- Carpet America Recovery Effort, May 11-15, 2015
- Ameripen, June 25-27, 2014
- Carpet America Recovery Effort, May 6-9, 2014
- California Polytechnic State University Foundation, March 9-12, 2014
- Carpet America Recovery Effort, April 22-26, 2013
- Environmental Defense Fund, January 16-18, 2013
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association, April 6, 2011
For more information contact, the Office of Public Affairs,