Recycle Organics

You can help California meet SB 1383 goals by setting up a home compost system and recycling at home, using worms to compost, or joining your neighbors and co-workers in a community composting project. One of the most powerful things you can do to help California adapt to a changing climate is to use compost and mulch produced in California to sequester carbon in the soil.

CalRecycle is helping build an organics infrastructure that will provide jobs, protect the environment, and put organic waste back to work growing food and building healthy soil.

You can learn more about CalRecycle’s investments in organics management facilities at our Organics Grant Program page.

Organic Waste Prevention at Home

Person writing a grocery list

Food Waste Prevention

Plan your meals for the week before you go shop-ping and buy only the items needed to prepare those meals. By making a shopping list with weekly meals in mind, you can save money and prevent food waste.


Person in garden wearing pink glove holding bark mulch

Landscape Waste Prevention

Drought tolerant and sustainable landscaping practices save water, reduce garden waste, and take less work, saving you time and money.

Compost and Mulch

Hands holding compost

What is Compost and Mulch

Learn the difference between compost and mulch and how to use these valuable soil products in your yard.

Three big rows of compost

Find a Compost Facility Near You

Biocycle is the leading voice of the composting community. Find a composter near you in California or anywhere in the country.

Kids and adult putting compost into garden beds

Community-Scale Composting

Community-scale composting programs can help increase local resilience, and build sustainability awareness.

Row of compost bins

Home Composting

Mix your food waste with leaves, twigs, wood chips, saw-dust, dried/dead plants, and uncoated paper or cardboard to make a rich soil amendment in your backyard.

Red worms in compost


Vermicomposting is the practice of using worms to break down organic material, including food scraps. The resulting material is a mix of worm castings (worm manure) and decomposed food scraps.

Residential Organics Recycling Collection

To reduce methane pollution and other short-lived climate pollutants, California passed SB 1383 (Lara, 2016).
The law set targets for 2025:

  • 75% less organic waste sent to landfills.
  • 20% of unsold, still-edible food sent to food recovery organizations.
Row of several green recycling bins on wheels


Fact sheet on Increasing Soil Carbon for Climate Resiliency

Increasing Soil Carbon for Climate Resiliency

Healthy soils are a critical part of the long-term sustainability of food production and can contribute to reducing greenhouse gases.

Fact sheet cover on the Compost-Carbon-Climate Connection

The Compost-Carbon-Climate Connection

Learn more about the connection between compost, carbon, and climate change.

Fact sheet cover: Putting Cap-and-Trade Dollars to Work for California

Putting Cap-and-Trade Dollars to Work for California

Learn more about CalRecycle’s investments in organics management infrastructure throughout the state.