SABRC Program Requirements
SABRC Compliance Percentages
Product Category | Minimum Postconsumer Content Requirement | Requirement for reportable SABRC purchases |
Antifreeze: | 70% | 50% |
Building finishes: | Middle Range of state contracts | 75% |
Carpet: | Determination by DGS and posted in SCM | 75% |
Erosion Control Products: | 100% | 75% |
Glass Products: | 25% | 75% |
Lubricating Oils: | 70% | 75% |
Metal Products: | 10% | 75% |
Paint: | 50% | 50% |
Paper Products: | 30% | 75% |
Pavement Surfacing: | 15%-25% | 75% |
Plastic Products: | 20% | 75% |
Printing & Writing Paper: | 30% | 75% |
Soil Amendments and Soil Toppings: | 80% | 75% |
Textiles: | 0%-100% | 75% |
Tire-derived Products: | 50% | 75% |
Tires: | Retreaded: Must use an existing casing that has undergone retreading or recapping process in accordance with Public Resource Code (commencing with section 42400) | 50% |
If fitness and quality are equal, state agencies are required to purchase recycled products instead of non-recycled products when recycled products are available with no more than >10% greater cost over non-recycled products.
Required Annual Training
AB 661 (Bennet. Recycling: materials) included mandatory annual training for all state agency procurement and contracting officers or their designees (Section 12217(a) of the PCC). Please view the CalRecycle SABRC Webinar Training and PowerPoint Presentation to meet the requirements.
CalRecycle and DGS are working on a joint training that will be housed in CalPCA. As soon as the training is available, a listserv message will be sent out.

Reporting on Buying Recycled-Content Products
Must-Do List for Agencies
- Procurement and contracting officers or their designees must take annual SABRC training and report that the training has been completed. If staff has not had training for the reporting year, please view the CalRecycle SABRC Webinar Training and PowerPoint Presentation to meet the requirements.
- Report the total dollar amount of all products purchased, regardless of how the products are purchased, e.g., via interagency agreement, statewide contract, contractor’s purchase of products.
- The report is for those purchases within the last fiscal year in each of the reportable categories including composite materials and the total amount spent on recycled-content products (RCP) within each of the reportable categories.
- Require the businesses with whom it contracts to use recycled products, to the maximum extent economically feasible in the performance of the contract work.
- Submit an annual report to include its purchases, as well as those purchases by the businesses with whom it contracts.
Following the steps listed below will assist State agencies to provide an accurate accounting of their SABRC purchases.
Tracking Purchases
- In order to sufficiently report on procurement within the 16 product categories, state agencies must track their purchases for the fiscal year by collecting Postconsumer-Content Certification forms (CalRecycle form 74: Word | Fillable PDF) or other forms of certification documentation from all suppliers. Agencies must keep this documentation on file. Periodically, agencies will be required to submit copies of certification documentation with their procurement reports. Agencies may need to provide the Postconsumer-Content Certification forms to their contractors to ensure that the information is being captured by the contractor for the purchases that the contractor makes. This postconsumer content certification provides the basis for obtaining compliant State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign (SABRC) products.
- Tracking the amount of money spent on purchase of all reportable products-both RCPs and non-RCPs regardless of how they are purchased, e.g., via interagency agreement, statewide contract, contractor’s purchase of products.
- Tracking the amount of money spent on reused or refurbished products in the reportable categories either manually or in a database. Reused or refurbished products should be considered 100 percent recycled and there is no minimum-content required.
- If your agency does not already have a tracking system, CalRecycle has developed a spreadsheet that can be used to track agency purchases.
- FI$CAL Data Export. Informational slides that provide an overview on how to retrieve SABRC data from FI$Cal.
Completing the online SABRC Annual Report for the current fiscal year
- To file the report, access the SABRC system (the system requires a Webpass account).
- The report includes a table for reporting all SABRC reportable and SABRC compliant purchases.
- If any category does not meet the minimum requirement for reportable SABRC purchases (see the table above):
- The SABRC coordinator will need to provide a reasonable explanation of why the target was not met for each non-compliant category.
- Reasonable explanations should include what products were purchased that did not have RCP and why an RCP option was not available.
- Examples
- The agency purchases mostly tempered and safety glass. These items are not currently available with recycled content.
- The agency purchased textbooks and calendars. These items are currently not available with recycled content. Our staff will continue to look for options with recycled content.
- The laboratory requires plastic autoclave bags, beakers, and other plastic products that are currently not available in recycled content. Each contract or solicitation includes language for the suppliers and vendors to include options for recycled content products. The agency will continue to look for options that include recycled content products.
- Examples
- Reasonable explanations should include what products were purchased that did not have RCP and why an RCP option was not available.
- The online FAQs help answer questions pertaining to the report, certifying postconsumer recycled-content and requirements.
- Please see the SABRC tools website for databases, directories, catalogs, tracking tools, and additional resources.
- If you have questions or need a Webpass, contact
- Due date: Fiscal Year SABRC Annual Report is due October 31.
How Are We Doing? Find out how State agencies are doing in meeting their recycled-content purchase requirements.
For more information contact: State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign,