Full Permit Application and Permit Package

This application/permit submittal checklist (aka “Laundry List”) summarizes the application submittal elements for any facility that is required to obtain a new, modified, or revised full permit. These items may also be required to be submitted with an application for 5-year permit review.


Please review the entire text of Title 27 Section 21570 and Title 27 Section 21650 prior to submittal or approval.

The Permit Tiers/Tasks Chart illustrates which application elements also apply to other permit tiers.

Note: This page was previously updated to reflect the Permit Implementation Regulations effective April 13, 2007. Current updates include new SB 1383 Regulations effective January 1, 2022 for operator and LEA requirements.

Operator Requirements

This section summarizes the application package submittal requirements of the applicant/operator. A complete and correct application package shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following items, per Title 27 Section 21570:

  1. Joint Application Form (CIWMB Form No. E-177)
    The completed application form and package must be submitted in duplicate to the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA). In addition, one copy of the form must be submitted to Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and one copy must be submitted to the local land use planning agency.


    Note: The application form needs to be updated to include “modified permit” as a type of application. Updating the application form, which is located in the Appendices of Title 27, will require the regulations to be amended in a separate new rulemaking that could take some time. In the meantime, to submit an application for a modified permit, applicants may change the CIWMB E-1-77 form before submitting it to the LEA by crossing out “revision” under “Part 1.C.2.” of the form and writing in “Modification.”

  2. Report of Facility Information (RFI)
    In the case of disposal sites, this will be a Report of Disposal Site Information (RDSI) or a RDSI in the format of a Joint Technical Document (JTD) with a copy submitted to the RWQCB. [More…]
  3. CEQA Information
    The application package must include evidence that there has been compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); or information on the status of compliance with CEQA, including the proposed project description; and any CEQA Mitigation Monitoring Implementation Schedule. [More..]
  4. Conformance Finding Information
    Include a statement that the facility is identified in either the countywide siting element (SE), the nondisposal facility element (NDFE), or in the Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE) for the jurisdiction in which it is located; or, that the facility is not required to be identified in the Integrated Waste Management Plan (IWMP) pursuant to Public Resources Code section 50001 [More..]
  5. Complete Closure Plan
    For disposal sites, completeness determination of Preliminary or Final Closure/Postclosure Maintenance Plan as specified in sections 2178021865, and 21890 must be included.
  6. Financial Assurance Information
    For disposal sites, include current documentation of acceptable funding levels for the approved Financial Assurance Mechanism. [More..]
  7. Operating Liability Information
    For disposal sites, include current documentation of compliance with operating liability requirements. [More..]
  8. Owner/Operator Certification
    All information in the application package shall be certified by the applicant and the owner of the site as being true and accurate to the best knowledge and belief of each. The applicant, owner of the facility, or both, shall supply additional information as deemed necessary by the LEA/EA.
  9. List of all public hearings and other meetings open to the public that have been held or copies of notices distributed that are applicable to the proposed solid waste facilities permit action. 

New Regulations Effective January 1, 2022

The passage of SB 1383 resulted in changes to Title 27 CCR, Division 2, Chapter 4. This includes changes to the filing requirements [27 CCR, Section 21570 (g)] and EA processing (27 CCR, Section 21660.2) requirements for solid waste facility permits. Operator Requirements:

  • For new or expanded solid waste facilities, a public meeting with any disadvantaged communities must be held within 180 days of submittal of the permit application package. The operator must:
  1. Provide copies (hard copy or electronic) of notices distributed to the affected disadvantaged communities.
  2. Provide a summary of the comments received at the public meeting, responses to any public comments and any other steps taken by the applicant relative to those comments.

Affected disadvantaged communities means communities identified by the California Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Section 39711 of the Health and Safety Code as disadvantaged that are located within one mile of the facility.

LEA Requirements

This section summarizes the proposed permit package submittal requirements of the LEA/EA. The LEA/EA shall either accept or reject the application package (above) within 30 days of receipt of an application for a new, revised, or modified permits.

Note: Effective April 13, 2007, Title 27 Sections 21660.2 and 21660.3 require enforcement agencies to notice and conduct an informational meeting for all new and revised full solid waste facilities permit applications after accepting the application package as complete and correct and within 60 days of receipt of the application by the EA.  Section 21660.3 also requires enforcement agencies to notice all modified full solid waste facilities permit applications after finding the permit application complete and correct and within 60 days of receipt of the application by the EA.  

No later than 60 days after the application package has been accepted as complete and correct, the LEA/EA shall mail the CIWMB the following per Title 27 Section 21650.

  1. A copy of the proposed permit
    More information on writing the propose permit is available in Writing a Solid Waste Facility Permit.
  2. The accepted permit application package
    Include all applicable information submitted by the operator/applicant.
  3. LEA/EA Certification
    The LEA/EA must provide certification that the permit package is complete and correct, including a statement that the RFI meets the requirements of


  4. Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Information
    Provide documentation, if applicable, of the applicant’s compliance with any RWQCB enforcement order or the status of the applicants WDRs, as described in PRC section 44009.
  5. Public Comments
    Provide any written public comments received on a pending application and a summary of comments received at the informational meeting and, where applicable, any steps taken by the LEA relative to those comments. 
  6. Permit Review Report
    Include a permit review report which has been prepared, pursuant to CCR section 21675, within the last five years. [More..]
  7. LEA/EA CEQA Finding
    Provide a finding that the proposed permit is consistent with and is supported by existing CEQA analysis, or information regarding the progress toward CEQA compliance. [ More..]

Note: “Laundry List ” means: Full permit application package, California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 27, Sections 21570 and 21650.

New Regulations Effective January 1, 2022

The passage of SB 1383 resulted in changes to Title 27 CCR, Division 2, Chapter 4. This includes changes to the filing requirements [27 CCR, Section 21570 (g)] and EA processing (27 CCR, Section 21660.2) requirements for solid waste facility permits.

EA Requirements:

  • EA’s must take affected disadvantaged communities into consideration when determining a suitable location, date and time for public informational meetings.

Other Resources

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For more information contact: LEA Support Services, PermitTrainingAssistance@calrecycle.ca.gov