Questions and Answers: Tire-Derived Product Grant Program (FY 2019-20)

The question and answer period is now closed for this grant cycle. All questions and answers are posted on this site.

Questions about the Tire-Derived Product Grant Program grant application were accepted in writing only through April 15, 2019. Similar or related questions were grouped together or reworded for clarity and responded to as one question.
General | Eligibility | Funding | Application


1. The Tire-Derived Product Grant Program has $1,000,000 available for this grant solicitation. That could amount to only seven grants. Is it still worth the effort to apply for the grant?

In previous cycles, with oversubscription, CalRecycle has often been able to reallocate available monies previously identified for other purposes and programs. CalRecycle will make every effort to fund as many eligible applicants as possible.

2. I have reviewed the application and note that the funding is available for playground safety surfacing and not for a synthetic turf soccer field. Do you have any other programs that offer funding for athletic fields? If so do you have an idea when the next funding cycle may be available?

The TDP Grant Program provides funding for the crumb rubber portion of an artificial/synthetic turf sports field.

3. If I have a school district applying for projects at several school sites, would I need to have a 227 form for each site or just one 227 form for the total project covering all sites?

In order to confirm and verify the amount of California material proposed for installation at the project site, a separate Tire-Derived Product Certification (CalRecycle 227) is required for each project site.

4. Can you tell me if the recycled product comes in any other form besides bark?

Eligible products include but are not limited to mulch, bark, weed abatement coverings, tree care products, horse stall mats, sidewalks/pathways, sport surfacing, guard rails or components, railroad ties, sound barriers, and traffic safety products.


1. Our city is looking to complete a few projects using recycled tires. However, some of the projects may be completed before the grants are awarded. Would our projects still be eligible?

No. As referenced on page 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions, projects using any eligible tire-derived products cannot incur costs until the grant is awarded and the grantee receives a Notice to Proceed (NTP). Costs incurred outside of the grant term are not eligible for reimbursement. Grant awards are tentatively scheduled for August 2019. The execution of a grant agreement and NTP issuance will follow thereafter.

2. Is the TDP grant open to a non-profit elementary schools which are not part of the public school system?

Unfortunately, non-public elementary schools are not eligible. Consistent with the eligible applicants referenced on page 3 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions, only public school districts would be eligible.

3. Can this grant be used to create an all-weather track for a high school? If so, how soon can I apply?

Tracks are allowable projects as referenced in the Eligible Products Section on page 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.

4. My jurisdiction was previously awarded a grant, but we were unable to install the TDP material in the approved project sites due to flooding. Can my jurisdiction reapply for a TDP grant?

Applicants that were awarded a TDP grant but either withdrew their grant award or failed to expend at least 50 percent of the grant award may reapply for a TDP grant. However, the applicant will only be considered for a grant award after all other eligible applicants have been awarded.


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