Training Materials
CalRecycle, in an effort to assist you in complying with the Comprehensive Trip Log (CTL) form and regulations, has developed several items to assist you in understanding, including a guidance manual, workshops, and online help.
- Frequently Asked Questions: Online list of questions and answers categorized by role (these are also part of the Guidance Manual).
- Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish): This manual provides specific direction to the roles and responsibilities of the regulated community in complying with the requirements of the waste tire manifest system. A printed copy may be requested by email at
- Field Reference Guide: This one-page (double-sided) laminated guide summarizes information from the Guidance Manual–providing instruction for waste tire haulers on completing CalRecycle’s CTL form.
You may obtain training materials (guidance manuals, field reference guides, bookmarks) in English and Spanish by calling the toll-free waste tire hotline at (866) 896-0600, or by submitting a written request by mail. When ordering, please specify the quantity and whether the English or Spanish version is desired.
Waste Tire Hauler Registration Process
This video is a quick tutorial guide (English: YouTube (00:07:46) (Spanish: YouTube (00:10:51) on how to become a registered waste tire hauler in the state of California. It gives you step-by-step instructions to get through the registration process and resources to contact for more help and information. English Transcript | Spanish Transcript (2015) (PDF)
Comprehensive Trip Log (CTL) Form Tutorial
This video is a quick tutorial guide (English: YouTube (00:12:38) | (Spanish: YouTube (00:21:41) that will show you how to properly complete the CTL form as a registered waste tire hauler. Use the information in this video as your guide; it will help you stay in compliance and avoid costly fines for violating the law. English Transcript | Spanish Transcript (2015) (PDF)
Waste Tire Hauler Renewal Process
This video is a quick tutorial guide (English: YouTube (00:04:15) | (Spanish: YouTube (00:04:19) on how to complete the renewal of a waste tire hauler registration in the state of California. It gives you step-by-step instructions to get through the registration. English Transcript | Spanish Transcript (2020) (PDF)
Additional Resources
- Contact CalRecycle
- CTL Form Overview and Ordering
- Search for a business TPID
- How to request a Tire Program ID
- Hauler Registration
- LEA, TEA and Facility Operator Training: Information includes upcoming and previous trainings; training resources; online training; new staff orientation; and the LEA/TEA/CalRecycle Conference.
Free Tire Hauler Training Workshop
CalRecycle is offering a monthly training event in Español and English. Come and learn how to use CalRecycle’s online Waste Tire Management System!
- Renew your annual waste tire hauler registration, and
- Submit required waste tire manifest data Online
Training Sign-Up Process
1. To RSVP and Sign-Up:
- Call us at 1 (866) 896-0600,
- Or Fax us at (916) 319-7605; or
- Or Email us at
2. Provide us with:
- Your name,
- Business name & address, and
- Telephone number, and
- Your Tire Program ID Number (or TPID#) if you are a registered hauler.
Upcoming Training Venues and Dates
Due to current emergency conditions, the training dates and venues programmed from March through June, 2020, have been postponed until further notice. CalRecycle Live Web Trainings are being developed, please stay tuned.
For more information contact: Tire Enforcement,