SB 1383 Recordkeeping Requirements

SB 1383 is the largest change to the waste and recycling industries in 30 years. The law establishes new organic waste collection and recycling programs, food recovery programs, and requirements for jurisdictions to procure recycled organic products like compost and renewable gas. All of these activities are a coordinated effort to reduce the amount of organic waste that is sent to landfills by 75 percent by 2025, an action that will greatly reduce the impact of climate change on Californians today and for future generations.

Regulated entities, including local governments and businesses, have unique responsibilities under SB 1383 and are required to maintain records that demonstrate how they are complying with the law. These records will assist regulated entities with submitting reports required by local and state agencies and preparing for compliance inspections required by local and state agencies.

The SB 1383 regulations outline recordkeeping requirements for:

  • Jurisdictions: a city, county, a city and county, or a special district that provides solid waste collection services
  • Self-Haulers of Organic Waste: a person who hauls organic waste from a residence or business to a transfer/processing facility, composter, or other organic waste recovery activity
  • Food Recovery: mandated food donors and food recovery organizations and services
  • Transfer/Processing Facilities: facilities that sort source-separated or mixed-waste organic materials into clean streams of organic materials, recyclables for further processing, and items for disposal at landfills

CalRecycle Recordkeeping Resources

CalRecycle has developed resources to assist in maintaining records. Maintaining records both supports an effective program and provides an evidentiary record for CalRecycle to evaluate compliance with regulatory requirements.

Sacramento court building


Jurisdictions (cities, counties, and special districts) are to maintain all records required by the SB 1383 regulations in an Implementation Record. CalRecycle has developed a Model Implementation Record Tool and a Model Performance-Based Implementation Record Tool that jurisdictions can use to assist in meeting implementation record and recordkeeping requirements.

Learn More

Garbage Truck


Self-haulers that are commercial businesses, including landscapers, are required to maintain certain records if they comply with the organic waste collection service requirement by self-hauling their generated organic waste. CalRecycle developed the Recordkeeping Tool for Self-Haulers to assist self-haulers in meeting the recordkeeping requirements.

People taking notes

Edible Food Recovery

CalRecycle has developed model recordkeeping tools that mandated food donors and food recovery organizations and services participating in SB 1383 may use to ensure compliance with the recordkeeping requirements. The use of these specific tools is optional.

People wearing safety hat in the facilities

Solid Waste Facilities

The passage of SB 1383 resulted in changes to Title 14 and Title 27, California Code of Regulations, including recordkeeping and reporting requirements for transfer/processing facilities and operations, composting material handling facilities and operations, and in-vessel digestion facilities and operations. 

Transfer/Processing Facilities and Operations Overview Page
Compostable Materials Handling Facilities and Operations Overview Page
In-Vessel Digestion Facilities and Operations Overview Page

For more information contact: Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP), Organic Waste Methane Emissions Reductions,