Frequently Asked Questions: SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program, FY 2022–23

Please see below for Frequently Asked Questions for the SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program This web page may be updated at any time. If you do not find an answer to your question, please feel free to contact Jayme Tesser at or 916-341-6047.

General | Eligibility | Funding | Application


No questions at this time.


  1. What entities are eligible to apply for this program?

Eligible applicants include cities, counties, city and counties, regional or joint power authorities, and special districts that provide solid waste collection services.

  1. Are foodbanks eligible to apply?

No, foodbanks are not an eligible applicant.

  1. Are vehicles for collecting organics and edible food eligible?

Yes, however, the Grantee needs to own and control all items if they do not have a service agreement with a food recovery facility/hub, however the Grantee may allow a food recovery facility/hub to use the vehicle for grant implementation purposes.

  1. Are refrigerators and trucks eligible for Edible Food Recovery Projects?

Yes, however, the Grantee needs to own and control all items if they do not have a service agreement with a food recovery facility/hub, however the Grantee may allow a food recovery facility/hub to use the vehicle for grant implementation purposes.

  1. Is the procurement of recycled organic products an eligible expense?


  1. Are vehicles an eligible expense?

Yes, vehicles are an eligible expense with Grant Manager pre-approval.

  1. Would it be possible for the food recovery organization to take ownership of the vehicle and the liability insurance?

The Grantee needs to own and control all items if they do not have a service agreement with a food recovery facility/hub, however the Grantee may allow a food recovery facility/hub to use the vehicle for grant implementation purposes.

  1. What would constitute a “larger item”? Would this be based on a maximum dollar amount for the equipment purchase?

Items such as refrigerators, vehicles, tractors, trailers, food dehydrators, etc., are considered larger items.  If you have questions about whether an item is considered large, please contact during the application period or your Grant Manager during the grant term.

There is no cap on equipment purchases.

  1. Are food dehydrators an eligible expense?


  1. Would mobile app development, to determine what materials go into which bin, be an eligible cost for this grant program?

Yes, if there is valid justification that an existing app will not meet the program needs.

  1. Would the customization of off-the-shelf app or software be an eligible expense?

Yes, if there is valid justification that an existing software will not meet the program needs.

  1. Are security cameras an eligible expense?

Yes, if they will solely be used for SB 1383 implementation.

  1. Are electric vehicles for site inspection, collection, and enforcement eligible under this grant?


  1. Are underground containment organics collection, smart bins with fill level and contamination sensors eligible?


  1. Are waste characterization studies or waste audits an eligible expense?


  1. Can grant funds be used for interior containers at commercial businesses?

Yes, this is an eligible expense.

  1. Could this grant be used to fund potential pilots to encourage use of reusables at restaurants or City facilities?


  1. Could this grant be used to fund in-mold labels or stickers for garbage containers and/or yard trimming carts?

Yes, if the labels and stickers are related to SB 1383 implementation. Landfill/black bin labels and stickers would not be an eligible cost.

  1. Would materials such as compost socks or reusable compost and/or mulch bags be considered eligible costs under this grant?


  1. Are transportation services reimbursable through this grant program or does the grant solely support the purchase of vehicles?

Transportation services for the procurement of compost/mulch is an eligible expense. Other services may be eligible on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Is short-term out of state travel an eligible expense?

No, out of state travel is not an allowable expense. Yes, if travel meets the state travel guidelines. State travel guidelines are available at

  1. Are disposal costs for organics processing eligible?


  1. Is the production of outreach materials and door-to-door outreach eligible?


  1. Is providing incentives, such as rewards for recycling or having low contamination eligible?

No. Grant funds may not be used for monetary incentives.

  1. What are indirect costs?

Indirect costs are expenditures not capable of being assigned or itemized to a particular project or activity but considered necessary for the operation of the organization and the performance of the program. The costs of operating and maintaining facilities, accounting services, and administrative salaries as well as contractor’s indirect costs in their contracts, are examples of indirect costs. All indirect costs charged to the grant must be associated with grant activities as shown in the approved Budget.

  1. Is there a cap on personnel costs?


  1. Is there a cap on indirect cost?

Yes. Indirect Costs must not exceed 10 percent of the award amount.

  1. Is equipment such as tractors, turf tires, or compost slingers eligible for organics procurement activities?


  1. Are educational programs for local schools on organics recycling an eligible expense? Will this program pay for the recycling education instructor cost?

Education and outreach is an eligible cost and can be used in public schools, however, a recycling education instructor is not an eligible expense.

  1. Can these funds be used to purchase organics and recycling bins for schools? Is print material to promote organics recycling for schools eligible?

Yes, funds can be used to purchase bins and education materials for public schools.

  1. Is billboard signage an eligible expense?


  1. If we do not submit an application, are we still eligible to get the grant per capita calculations?

A complete application must be submitted by an eligible applicant, by the due date, to be considered for grant funding.

  1. Is funding for nonprofit food recovery organizations to conduct food recovery activities an eligible cost?

No. Non-profits are not eligible applicants.

  1. Are cell phones and mobile data plans an allowable expense.


  1. If a jurisdiction would like to enlist the services of a consulting firm to manage, monitor, and/or amend their existing franchise agreement for solid waste and recycling collection and services, would these efforts be covered by the SB 1383 grant?

Consulting services related to SB 1383 activities are an eligible expense. This also includes amending existing franchise agreements.

  1. Does a community grant qualify as a service agreement, or does it have to be a contract? Is there a CalRecycle policy on what a service agreement means exactly that we can read to see what competition requirements may apply?

A community grant program does not count as a service contract. A service contract must be between the jurisdiction and a second party in which the second party is providing a service for the jurisdiction. That service must be one that will aid in the jurisdiction satisfying its requirements under SB 1383. All service contracts must meet the jurisdiction’s contracting requirements.

  1. Is there any funding available for school and school districts?

No. Schools are not eligible applicants.

  1. Can we use grant funds to create a city run grant program?


  1. We would like to use a portion of our grant to pay for a subscription to a compliance/record keeping software. They offer a discounted rate for a three-year subscription as opposed to annual renewal. If the three-year subscription was paid for during the grant period, even though the subscription runs past the end of the grant period, would that whole amount be eligible?

Yes, we will allow a three-year subscription if the expenditure is made during the Grant Term.

  1. Are the following items eligible:
      • Organic Waste Compactors installed in privately owned apartment buildings
      • Custodial staff to collect organics from each floor of privately owned apartment buildings
      • Organic waste containers for each floor of privately owned apartment buildings
      • Organic dumpster movers for privately owned apartment buildings
      • Organic cart collection services for privately owned apartment buildings
      • Organics scout services

This program has three requirements for the use of funds:

  • 1. All expenses must be used to aid in your jurisdiction’s compliance with SB 1383 requirements.
  • 2. If the funds are used to purchase equipment, that equipment must be owned and controlled by the jurisdiction.
  • 3. The jurisdiction may use the funds to contract with an entity to provide services that will aid in the jurisdiction’s compliance with SB 1383.
  1. Are lid flips, route review, and contamination monitoring software eligible expenses?

Contamination monitoring software is eligible.  however, lid flips and route reviews are not.

Lid flips, referring to the practice of inspecting the contents of a waste container by lifting its lid to visually assess its contents, is an eligible expense.

Lid flips or flip lids, referring to lids that feature a hinge or flip-top, are ineligible.

Route reviews, referring to the process of assessing, analyzing, and addressing the contents of waste containers along specific routes, is an eligible expense.

Route reviews for jurisdictions or waste haulers to evaluate their collection routes, are an ineligible expense.

  1. Can a jurisdiction purchase biomass compliance attributes to meet procurement requirements?

Yes, this is an eligible expense.

  1. We operate a private composting operation serving homeowners and landscapers. Are we eligible to apply for CalRecycle’s SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant?

No. Eligible applicants include cities, counties, cities and counties, Regional or Joint Powers Authorities, and special districts directly responsible for solid waste collection services. Private companies are not eligible.

  1. Is the purchase of compost and/or mulch considered an eligible expense under this grant?

Yes, compost procurement is an eligible expense.

  1. We received FY 2021-22 funding. Are we eligible for this grant?

Yes, this is a new allocation and eligible applicants can apply regardless of previous funding.

  1. Would an organic waste compactor be an eligible purchase? We have large amounts of organic waste produced and collected in a city facility.

Yes, as long as the compactor is owned and operated by the grantee.

  1. Is Christmas tree collection an eligible expense?


  1. Are public universities that perform their own waste collection eligible?

No. Eligible applicants include cities, counties, cities and counties, Regional or Joint Powers Authorities, and special districts directly responsible for solid waste collection services.

  1. Are cities required to designate a certain percentage or portion of grant funds toward edible food recovery activities?

There is not a requirement or set percentage, however we encourage grantees to use funds toward edible food activities.

  1. The guidelines state that “procurement of recovered/recycled organic products” is an eligible expense. Does this include mulch?

Yes, the procurement of mulch is an eligible expense.

  1. We have worked with a consultant in the past for school outreach and education services. They incorporate organics messaging in songs to engage their audience. Is this a covered expense and if so, what is the acknowledgement requirement for CalRecycle funding?

Yes, Education and Outreach in schools is an eligible expense if it directly relates to SB 1383. Please refer to the Acknowledgements section of the Procedures and Requirements document for more information regarding acknowledgement requirements.

  1. Are one yard food waste dumpsters that will aid in school/commercial food waste diversion an eligible expense? We would like to be able to reimburse the waste hauler for purchasing additional dumpsters.

Yes, organic/food/green waste dumpsters are an eligible expense, however the Grantee must own and control all items purchased with grant funds. Reimbursing your hauler for these items, or any other items, is not eligible.

  1. Is a mulch blowing trailer an eligible expense


  1. Are the following items eligible:
    1. Solid waste truck/side-loader;
    2. Loader for moving compost/green material; and
    3. Expanding enclosures to accommodate green waste bins


Yes, these are all eligible items.

  1. Can Special Districts or other eligible jurisdictions apply with a JPA if they are not a member of the JPA?


  1. We would like to use funds to cover staff time associated with removing and sorting illegally dumped items from the City’s right of way. While the City does have an agreement with its waste hauler to pick-up bulky items, its staff cannot respond as quickly as City staff can. The City may need to expand a portion of the Public Works yard in order to accommodate room to properly sort materials. Is this an eligible expense?


  1. Would the purchase of a storage container for the purposes of housing various supplies for SB 1383 operations, outreach, and compost giveaway event materials qualify?



  1. How much funding is available?

The Circular Economy Package allocated $90,000,000 for the SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program.

  1. How will funds be distributed?

Base award amounts will be set at $75,000 for eligible entities. The remaining funds will then be distributed to eligible entities based on per capita calculations using the Department of Finance’s January 2023 population statistics. An estimate of each jurisdiction’s eligible grant amount will be provided with the September 2023 projected application release date.

  1. If we submit a regional application with four total participants, what is the base amount that we qualify for?

The base award for each eligible jurisdiction is $75,000. For Regional Applications, each jurisdiction is eligible for the base award amount. In this case, the application will receive a base award amount of $300,000.

  1. Are grant funds released in arrears or upfront?

Funds will be provided upfront/advanced.

  1. If a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) is the Lead Participant, will the funds be distributed to the JPA or to the member agencies?

Funds would be sent to the JPA.

  1. If a member jurisdiction did not apply with their JPA, can that member jurisdiction apply on their own?


  1. Will FY 23-24 funding be higher than the current cycle?

There are currently no plans for a FY 2023-24 allocation.

  1. Are there funding estimates for this new round?

Funding Estimates are available on the Notice of Funds Available webpage and in the Grants Management System (GMS).


  1. Do I need to submit resolutions from each participating entity if we have an existing Joint Powers Authority Agreement (JPA)?

The JPA will need to submit a Resolution and each participating entity will need to provide a Letter of Authorization (LOA). Samples are located on the CalRecycle Resolution and Letter Examples webpage.

  1. Could a JPA apply for funds on behalf of its member agencies and, if so, what is required for this submittal?

Joint Powers Authorities (JPA) may submit a grant application as an individual applicant. The JPA must upload a copy of its JPA Agreement that:

  • Gives authority over solid waste management.
  • Lists all member entities.
  • Contains the signature of all members.
  1. Can a JPA apply without all its members?

Yes. A JPA may apply with all or some of its members. If a JPA is applying without all of its members, a copy of its JPA agreement must be uploaded and Letters of Authorization will be required for all members that are participants.

  1. Can we submit a Regional application if we want to pool our funds together to purchase bins and educational materials, but spend the rest of our grant funds separate from the joint purchases?

No, a Regional Application is needed when authority is given to a Lead Participant to spend and manage the entire grant allocation. Individual grantees may pool funds to do bulk purchases, but each grantee must report their portion of the purchase separately.

  1. Would an existing “catchall” resolution be accepted or do applicants need to have a separate resolution specific to this funding?

No.  A Combined Grant/Payment resolution, a resolution specific to this grant program or all CalRecycle grants will be acceptable. Payment Program only resolutions will not be accepted. Resolution must:

  • Authorize submittal of an application for one or more specifically named CalRecycle grant(s) or for all CalRecycle grants for which the applicant is eligible.
  • Identify the time period, up to five years, during which the authorizations are valid.
    • Five years is encouraged; however, periods of less than five years are acceptable.
    • If a Resolution does not specify a time period, CalRecycle will consider the Resolution valid for one year from the date of adoption.
  • Identify the Signature Authority by listing the job title of the person(s) authorized to sign all grant-related documents necessary to implement and close-out the grant(s).
  • (Optional but encouraged) The Resolution should authorize the Signature Authority to delegate their signature authority to another person identified by job title. Applicants can only submit a Letter of Designation if the corresponding Resolution includes designee language.
  1. Is a city eligible to apply on its own and be a part of a regional grant application?


  1. Is a County eligible to apply as a regional applicant if not every city within its jurisdiction decides to participate?


  1. Can someone review our Resolution for accuracy?

Yes. Please direct all Resolution and Letter questions to Melissa Sanford at You can also review the Resolution and Letter Examples page for templates.

  1. Are we allowed to include multiple projects in the narrative, or is only one eligible project allowed per application? If the latter is the case, would it be acceptable to submit multiple applications as long as each project falls within the approved budget allocation for the city?

Each eligible applicant is allowed one application, however that application can include multiple projects as long as they meet the grant eligibility.

  1. Can a Joint Powers Authority apply for a portion of a member agency’s grant amount, and the agency apply for the remainder?

No. Only one application can be submitted by, or for, each eligible jurisdiction. If a jurisdiction applies as part of a JPA application, they cannot also apply on their own.

  1. Do service agreements need to be in place before we apply, or can we develop them via our contracts process after we are awarded?

No, the service agreement is not required during the application process or immediately after the award. However, it must be in place before any grant funds are expended for the service.


  1. How often are grantees required to submit a report?

The grant requires three Progress Reports and a Final Report; however, the Grant Manager may require additional Progress Reports at any time during the Grant Term. The reporting schedule is available in the Procedures and Requirements.

For more information contact: Short-Lived Climate Pollutants,