The following CalRecycle rulemakings were approved by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) or suspended/terminated/discontinued before completion of the rulemaking process. These archives contain the more important rulemaking documents, such as the Text of Proposed Regulations, Notice of Rulemaking, Initial and Final Statements of Reasons (ISOR/FSOR), Plain English Summary, Responses to Comments, and Final Text of Approved Regulations. They also include information about stakeholder input (workshops, comment periods, etc.). Note that not all of the documents for older rulemakings are available in electronic media.
These rulemaking files are listed by the year of their approval by OAL (or suspension/termination/discontinuation of rulemaking). Select a year below to view the list of rulemaking files approved that year.
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 |1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995
These are unofficial rulemaking files. There may be slight differences from the final text of the regulations approved by OAL. You can review all current CalRecycle regulations at its regulations website, or on the OAL website.
Rulemaking approved in 2025
Rulemaking approved in 2024
- Battery-Embedded Products Emergency Regulations
- Processing Payment Emergency Regulations
- Covered Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Payment Rates File and Print Regulations (May)
- AB 962 Bottle Washer Processor Emergency Regulations
- SB 343 & AB 881 Recycling and Disposal Reporting System (RDRS) Permanent Regulations
Rulemaking approved in 2023
- Processing Payment Emergency Regulations (November)
- AB 793 Plastic Content Reporting and Compliance Permanent Regulations (November)
- Conflict of Interest Code Amendments (November)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recycling Fee Emergency Regulations (September)
- Section 100: Use of Correct Department Name (August)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Payment Rates File and Print Regulations (June)
- Section 100: Single-Use Carryout Bags (January)
- Section 100: SB 1215 Covered Electronic Waste (April)
Rulemaking approved in 2022
- Processing Payment Emergency Regulations (October)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Payment Rates Emergency Regulations (June)
- Structure for Pursuing Multiple Covered Electronic Waste Recycling Payment Rates (April)
- Pilot Project Program Emergency Rulemaking (February)
- Section 100: Recycled-Content Plastic Trash Bag Program (September)
Rulemaking approved in 2021
- Sustainable Packaging for the State of California Act of 2018 (December)
- Processing Payment Emergency Regulations (December)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recycling Fee Emergency Regulations (October)
- SB 212 Pharmaceutical and Sharps Waste Stewardship (January)
Rulemaking approved in 2020
- Processing Payment Emergency Regulations (December)
- SB 1383 Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP) Regulations (November)
- Designated Approved Collectors Regulations (July)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Payment Rates Emergency Regulations (June)
- Structure for Pursuing Multiple Covered Electronic Waste Recycling Payment Rates Emergency Regulations (March)
Rulemaking approved in 2019
- SB 270 Reusable Grocery Bag Certification Fee (July 2019)
- Processing Payment Emergency Regulations (December)
- 2019 Conflict of Interest Code Amendments (November)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recycling Fee Emergency Regulations (October)
- Recycling and Disposal Facility Reporting (AB 901) (March)
- Covered Electronic Waste: Designated Approval Collectors Emergency Regulations (March)
Rulemaking approved in 2018
- Processing Payment Emergency Regulations (December)
- Amending the Electronic Waste Recycling Program (September)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Payment Rates Emergency Regulations (July)
- Covered Electronic Waste: Providing a Structure for Pursuing Multiple Covered Electronic Waste Recycling Payments Emergency Regulations (May)
Rulemaking approved in 2017
- 2017 Conflict of Interest Code Amendments (November)
- Processing Payment Emergency Regulations (November)
- Transfer/Processing: Secondary Material Processing Facilities and Operations (November)
- Covered Electronic Waste: Emergency Regulatory Language to Maintain the Electronic Waste Recycling Fee Emergency Regulations (September)
- Covered Electronic Waste: Assessing Civil Liabilities Emergency Regulations (August)
- Covered Electronic Waste: Managing Residual Cathode Ray Tubes Emergency Regulations (August)
- Used Oil Program (May)
- Covered Electronic Waste: Designated Approved Collectors Emergency Regulations (March)
Rulemaking approved in 2016
- Glass Container Processing Operations Emergency Regulations (October)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recycling Fee Emergency Regulations (September)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Payment Rates Emergency Regulations (June)
Rulemaking discontinued in 2016
- Tire Brokers (March)
Rulemaking approved in 2015
- Compostable Materials, Transfer Processing (November)
- Conflict of Interest Code (September)
- Covered Electronic Waste: Civil Liabilities Emergency Regulations (October)
- Covered Electronic Waste: Managing Residual Cathode Ray Tubes Emergency Regulations (August)
- Mattress Stewardship and Recycling (July)
Rulemaking approved in 2014
- Waste Tire, Storage, Permit, and Penalty Criteria (September)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recycling Fee Emergency Regulations (September)
- Covered Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Payment Rates Emergency Regulations (June)
- Imported Empty Beverage Container Material Emergency Regulations (January)
Rulemaking approved in 2013
- Certification Requirements for Recyclers and Processors Emergency Regulations (December)
- Recycling Center Daily Load Limits (December)
- 2013 Conflict of Interest Code Amendments (October)
- Annual Reporting: Form 303 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Report (July)
Rulemaking approved in 2012
- Revised Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Regulations (October)
- Beverage Manufacturer and Distributor Forms and Registration (August)
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Container Program (June)
- Architectural Paint Recovery Program (June)
- Mandatory Commercial Recycling (May)
- Product Stewardship for Carpet (January)
Rulemaking approved in 2011
- Conflict of Interest Code (December)
Rulemakings combined in 2011
- Waste Tire Facility Enforcement and Waste Tire Storage, Disposal, and Permitting. See Waste Tire Storage, Permit, and Penalty Criteria.
Rulemaking approved in 2010
- Tire Hauler and Manifest (March)
- Long-Term Postclosure Maintenance and Corrective Action Cost Estimates and Financial Assurance Demonstrations for Landfills (Phase 2) and General information on Phases 1 and 2 (April).
- DORIIS, Processor and Recycler Reporting (February)
Rulemaking discontinued in 2010
Rulemaking approved in 2009
- Distributor Administrative Fee Emergency Regulations (December)
- Beverage Manufacturer and Distributor (May)
- Signature and Electronic Reporting (April)
- Disposal Site Gas Monitoring and Control Compliance Deadlines (February)
Rulemaking discontinued in 2009
Rulemaking approved in 2008
- At-Store Recycling Program: Plastic Carryout Bags (September)
- Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling (June)
- Mammalian Tissue Composting (April)
- Temporary Solid Waste Facilities Permits Emergency Regulations (March)
- Closure and Postclosure Maintenance Costs Estimates (February)
- Temporary Waiver of Terms (February)
Rulemaking approved in 2007
- Handling Fee (December)
- Active Disposal Site Gas Monitoring and Control (August)
- Distributor Administrative Fee (July)
- Plastic Market Development Payments Emergency Regulations (June)
- Proposed Quality Incentive Payment Emergency Regulations (June)
- Permit Implementation (April)
- Revision To Household Hazardous Waste Form CIWMB 303 (April)
- Handling Fee Emergency Regulations (February)
Rulemaking approved in 2006
- Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling (November)
- Tire Hauler Registration and Manifesting Requirements for the Comprehensive Trip Log (July)
- AB 1763 Distributor Reporting Deadline (March)
- Processor and Recycling Center Requirements Emergency Regulations (February)
Rulemaking approved in 2005
- Electronic Waste Recycling Emergency Regulations (December)
- Long-Term Landfill Gas Violations (November)
- Recycling Market Development Zone Loan Program (October)
- Convenience Zone Exemptions and Handling Fees (November)
- Waste Tire Hauler Registration and Manifesting Requirements for Retreaders (September)
- Research, Development, and Demonstration (Landfill) (September)
- Disposal Reporting System and Adjustment Method (September)
Rulemaking terminated in 2005
- Training Certification for Landfill Managers and Inspectors (At its December 13, 2005 meeting, the Board directed staff to discontinue this rulemaking.)
- Application Review, Processor Costs, and Other Changes Without Regulatory Effect (May)
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Container Law (This effort was suspended before it entered the formal rulemaking stage.)
Rulemaking approved in 2004
- Application for Solid Waste Facility Permit/Waste Discharge Requirements (CIWMB E-1-77) (December)
- Recycling Market Development Zone Designation (September)
- Waste Tire Hauler Registration and Manifesting Requirements for Retreaders Emergency Regulations (August)
- Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Staffing Adequacy (August)
- Waste and Used Tire Hauler Administrative Civil Penalties (July)
- Alternative Daily Cover (May)
- Landfill Closure Loan Program (May)
- Electronic Waste Recycling Emergency Regulations (May)
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Container Law, Administrative Civil Penalties (January)
Rulemaking terminated in 2004
- Conversion Technology (terminated after consideration of comments received during 45-day comment period)
- Solid Waste Facility Permit Regulation Development Plan (On November 3, 2004, the Board’s Permitting and Enforcement Committee directed staff to initiate three separate and staggered rulemakings.)
Rulemaking approved in 2003
- Construction/Demolition Inert Debris (Phase I–August, Phase II–December)
- Tire Monofills (October)
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Container Law, Administrative Civil Penalties Emergency Regulations (June)
- Waste Tire Registration and Manifest (May)
- Waste Tire Storage and Permitting (April)
- Compostable Materials (April)
- Waiver of Permit Terms and Conditions During Temporary Emergencies (April)
- Inventory of Solid Waste Facilities That Violate State Minimum Standards (March)
- Closure and Postclosure Maintenance (February)
Rulemaking approved in 2002
- Conflict of Interest (December)
- Putrescible Wastes Transfer/Processing (September)
- Local Enforcement Agency Grants (August)
- Process for Local Enforcement Agency Designation Withdrawal, and Board Designation Approval Withdrawal and Decertification (July)
- Standard for Insurance as a Financial Assurance Demonstration (May)
- Nonhazardous, Nonputrescible, Industrial Waste (May)
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Container Recycling Rates (April)
Rulemaking terminated in 2002
- Playground Safety and Recycling Act Grants (withdrawn as program is no longer funded)
Rulemaking approved in 2001
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Container Recycling Rates Emergency Regulations (September)
- Enforcement and Compliance Procedures (April)
Rulemaking approved in 2000
- Solid Waste (Orphan Site) Cleanup Program (September)
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Containers (July)
- Disposal of Certain Nonhazardous Wastes at Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities Emergency Regulations (July)
- Farm and Ranch Cleanup (June)
- Waste Tire Storage Facility Permit Exclusions (March)
- Unreliable Contractors (January)
Rulemaking terminated in 2000
- Rural Definitions (definitions incorporated into statute)
Rulemaking approved in 1999
- Recycled-Content Newsprint Certification Penalty (December)
- Small Volume Landfill Flexibility (July)
- Plastic Trash Bags (March)
- Transfer/Processing Stations (March)
Rulemaking terminated in 1999
- Used Oil Recycling (December)
Rulemaking approved in 1998
- Financial Assurances Mechanisms (December)
- Flexibility for Small Volume Landfills Emergency Regulations (October)
- Waste Tire Storage Emergency Regulations (June)
- Alternative Daily Cover (February)
- Chipping, Grinding, and Vermicomposting (January)
Rulemaking approved in 1997
- Ash Handling (September)
- Recycling Market Development Loans (September)
- Landfill Regulatory Reform (AB 1220) (June)
- Financial Assurances Enforcement (June)
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Containers: Floral Industry (May)
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Containers: Food and Cosmetics (May)
- Trash Bags (May)
- Permits: “Prevent or Impair” (February)
- Planning: Local Jurisdiction Plans (February)
- Planning: Nondisposal Facility Elements (February)
- Planning: Source Reduction and Recycling Elements (February)
- Compost: Chippers & Grinders Emergency Regulations (April)
- Annual Reports (January)
- Asbestos-Containing Waste (January)
Rulemaking approved in 1996
- Contaminated Soils: Form 90 (November)
- Agricultural Solid Waste Standards (November)
- Litter Receptacle Standards (September)
- Asbestos-Containing Waste Emergency Regulations (August)
- Emergency Waiver of Standards (August)
- Newsprint: Form 430 (June)
- Trash Bags (May)
- Waste Tires: Haulers and Facility Permits (May)
- Household Hazardous Waste Grants (March)
- Contaminated Soils (March)
- RPPC (March)
- Uniform Adjustment Methodology (January)
- Newsprint: Supplier-Specific Reporting (January)
- Transfer Stations: Tiers
- Forms Relocation to Appendix A
Rulemaking approved in 1995
- Annual Report Reviews Emergency Regulations (November)
- Household Hazardous Waste: Form 303 (September)
- Used Oil Recycling (June)
- Composting Operations (June)
- Disposal Reporting System (June)
- Plastic Trash Bags (March)
- Regulatory Tiers (March)
- Waste Tire Haulers Emergency Regulations (January)
- Emergency Waiver: Northridge Earthquake Emergency Regulations
- Recycling Market Development Zones
- Newsprint
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