Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP)


AB 1071 (Atkins, Chapter 585, Statutes of 2015), signed into law by Governor Edmund G. Brown, helps send resources to address environmental health impacts in disadvantaged communities with Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP).

Entities who have violated environmental laws may voluntarily undertake environmental projects as part of an enforcement action settlement. AB 1071 intends SEPs to benefit disadvantaged communities overburdened by pollution and engage community-based organizations.

CalRecycle conducted community outreach workshops in three California cities in July and August 2016 to discuss SEPs with the public and community-based organizations that informed CalRecycle’s SEP Policy.

To submit an idea for a supplemental environmental project, please fill out the proposal form. Projects may be submitted all year round. For additional information on submitting a SEP proposal, please read CalRecycle’s SEP Criteria and Categories document or e-mail

For more information about Supplemental Environmental Projects, including a list of SEPs, please view CalEPA’s SEP page.

For guidance on SEP implementation specific for local enforcement agencies, view the document titled Supplemental Environmental Project Guidance for Local Enforcement Agency.

You may also subscribe to CalRecycle’s environmental justice listserv for updates on SEPs and other environmental justice program updates.

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