Newsprint Consumers
California newsprint Consumers (commercial printers and publishers) must comply with the Recycled Content Newsprint (RCN) Law. This includes ensuring that at least 50 percent of the newsprint used for printing and publishing is RCN.
An annual compliance certification must be submitted to CalRecycle, indicating they have met the requirements of the law. Exemptions allow Consumers to notify CalRecycle if they are unable to meet requirements.
For additional information regarding the requirements of the law, refer to the Newsprint program’s regulations which provide definitions of terms, including “Consumer” and the program requirements.
Suppliers and Manufacturers of Newsprint
To assist Consumers, CalRecycle publishes a list of identified newsprint Suppliers and Manufacturers PDF download. This list is not comprehensive.
Annual Certification Requirements
Newsprint Consumers are required to submit the Newsprint Consumer Certification (Form 430) by March 1 of each year. The certification form is also published under 14 CCR Division 7, Chapter 9, Appendix A Forms.
The certification requires data from January 1 to December 31 of the previous calendar year, including, but not limited to:
- Company name, mailing address, physical address, telephone number, and contact person.
- Total metric tons of all newsprint, RCN, and non-RCN used during the reporting period.
- Certification of any exemption(s), including specific reasoning.
- If claiming an exemption, listing of newsprint Manufacturers and Suppliers with which the Consumer had purchase discussions during the reporting period.
Mail: CalRecycle, Attn: Recycled Content Newsprint Program, P.O. Box 4025, MS 10A-17, Sacramento, CA 95812-4025
Phone: (916) 341-6200 | Email: Newsprint@calrecycle.ca.gov | Fax: (916) 319-7777