There are three primary circumstances which warrant entry of a new SWIS number. They are:
- California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)–Identification of a proposed/planned facility, site, or operation via receipt of CEQA document(s).
- Discovered Active Facility/Site/Operation–Newly discovered operational/active facilities, sites or operations that are required to be regulated by the LEA/CalRecycle.
- Discovered Disposal Site (Closed, Illegal or Abandoned Disposal Site)-–including old burn dumps, closed sites, etc.
How to Get A Number
Requests for new SWIS numbers originate with the LEA (EA) or CalRecycle.
SWIS numbers are assigned by CalRecycle after receipt of a completed and signed SWIS data entry form (Fillable PDF) and attached supporting documentation. Operators and LEAs are not authorized to assign SWIS numbers (14 CCR 18020(b)). Information used to complete the form can come from one or more of the following sources:
- CEQA documents
- Permit application or EA notification document/application
- Site investigation process (SIP) identification form or site assessment form
- Other supporting documents such as closure plans, waste discharge requirements (WDRs), etc.
Supporting document(s) must be attached to the SWIS data entry form when submitting a request for a new SWIS number.
LEAs should send the completed signed and dated SWIS data entry form with any attached supporting document(s) to their CalRecycle Waste Compliance and Mitigation Program (WCMP) staff contact by referring to the CalRecycle Staff Assignments by Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Jurisdiction.
The WCMP staff person will review the data entry form for completeness, sign and date it and then forward it along with any attachments to SWIS liaison staff.
Currently, only SWIS liaisons have authorization to assign new SWIS numbers. These staff are trained to properly search the SWIS database to verify that the site has not already been issued a number.
Minimum Data Required on SWIS Data Entry Form
Identification of a proposed/planned facility, site, or operation via receipt of CEQA document(s). At a minimum, the following information must be submitted on the SWIS data entry form (Fillable PDF) before a new number can be assigned:
- Local Enforcement Agency information: county number and jurisdiction identification.
- Facility/site/operation name as proposed in the CEQA document(s) and any “also-known-as” names that may apply (assessor’s parcel number information is optional).
- Facility/site/operation address: street address or location description information, city or town, zip code, and latitude/longitude.
- General description information (to be placed in the Comment Box as text).
- Unit(s): activity type, regulatory status, operational status, and inspection frequency. Usually this would be the activity type name(s), a regulatory status of proposed, an operational status of planned and an inspection frequency of none.
- Signature and date of both LEA and CalRecycle staff reviewer.
- Map showing specific location of facility, site or operation.
Discovered Active Facility/Site/Operation:
Newly discovered operational/active facilities, sites or operations that are subject to regulation by the LEA/CalRecyle. At a minimum, the following information must be submitted on the SWIS data entry form (Fillable PDF) before a new number can be assigned:
- Local Enforcement Agency information: county number and jurisdiction identification.
- Facility/site/operation name and any “also-known-as” names that may apply.
- Facility/site/operation address: street address or location description information, city or town, zip code, and latitude/longitude.
- Unit(s): activity type, regulatory status, operational status, and inspection frequency.
- Operator/business owner information, including telephone number.
- Land owner(s) information is required (assessor’s parcel number information is optional). Must include telephone number.
- Attach supporting signed, dated and issued permit or EA notification (or other signed and dated supporting documentation).
- Signature and date of both LEA and CalRecycle staff reviewer.
- Map showing specific location of facility, site or operation.
Discovered Disposal Site (CIA Sites):
These would be discovered closed sites (CIA Sites, 2136 Sites, old burn dumps, etc). At a minimum, the following information must be submitted on the SWIS data entry form ( Fillable PDF) before a new number can be assigned:
- Local Enforcement Agency information: county number and jurisdiction identification.
- Facility/site/operation name and any “also-known-as” names that may apply.
- Facility/site/operation address: street address or location description information, city or town, zip code, and latitude/longitude.
- Unit(s): activity type, regulatory status, operational status, and inspection frequency.
- Operator/business owner information (optional)
- Land owner(s) information is required (assessor’s parcel number information is optional).
- Signature and date of LEA and CalRecycle staff reviewer.
- Map showing specific location of facility, site or operation.