LEA, TEA and Facility Operator Training


CalRecycle is partnering with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to provide training for Registered Environmental Health Specialists (REHS) that meets the continuing education requirement for certification in California.

CalRecycle is one of many organizations, including local colleges, universities, professional organizations, etc., accredited by CDPH to review courses.

Becoming a Recognized Provider

Any organization or individual that desires to award continuing education credit for the REHS certification must be approved as a Recognized Provider by an accredited organization such as CalRecycle.

If you are interested in certifying your courses to offer REHS continuing education contact hours, CDPH maintains a list of Accreditation Agencies that you can work with..

Continuing Education Requirements for LEAs

Local enforcement agencies (LEA) must meet certain training requirements to maintain their LEA certification per CCR Title 14, Section 18075. Many certified LEAs are also REHS and as such, impacted by the continuing education requirements. For questions regarding REHS continuing education visit CDPH frequently asked questions.

CalRecycle is also a recognized provider and continuing education is available for many CalRecycle trainings. Credits for each class are listed on the LEA Training Schedule.