Beverage Container Recycling Program
California’s Beverage Container Recycling Program has recycled 482 billion bottles and cans since the Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act passed in 1986.
It sets a goal to reach an 80% recycling rate for all aluminum, glass, plastic, and bimetal beverage containers sold in California.
The program covers containers with these beverages:
- Carbonated mineral and soda water and other similar carbonated soft drinks
- Noncarbonated soft drinks
- Wine coolers and distilled spirit coolers
- Wine and distilled spirits (starting January 2024)
- Beer and malt beverages
- Noncarbonated water including noncarbonated mineral water
- Sport drinks
- Coffee and tea drinks
- Vegetable juice in beverage containers (updated 2024)
- Carbonated and noncarbonated fruit drinks with any percentage of fruit juice
- 100% fruit juices in containers (updated 2024)
The program does not regulate any beverage container type not specified in the law.
Flow of Consumer Funds through CRV Program

- The program is funded by redemption fees paid to CalRecycle by beverage distributors for each beverage container sold in the state.
- California Refund Value (CRV) fees get deposited in the California Beverage Container Recycling Fund.
- This fund refunds recycling centers the CRV fee they pay to Californians who redeem their beverage containers.
CRV paid to consumers, effective January 1, 2007
- $.05 per container less than 24 ounces
(aluminum, glass, plastic #1-7, or bimetal) - $.10 per container 24 ounces or larger
(aluminum, glass, plastic #1-7, or bimetal)
Redemption payments paid by distributors, effective July 1, 2007
- $.05 per container less than 24 ounces
(aluminum, glass, plastic #1-7, or bimetal) - $.10 per container 24 ounces or larger
(aluminum, glass, plastic #1-7, or bimetal)
CRV paid to consumers and Redemption payment paid by distributors, effective January 1, 2024:
- $0.25 per container for Wine and Distilled Spirits Sold in Boxes, Bladders, and Pouches
- $0.25 per container for Wine and Distilled Spirit Coolers Sold in Boxes, Bladders, and Pouches
Program Participants
More information can be found in the 2022 Fact Sheet.
CRV Recycling Collection Distribution
- 1,247 Buy Back Centers 85%
- 635 Curbside Programs 12%
- 173 Drop-Off Programs and 131 Community Service Programs 3%
Other Program Participants
Beverage Manufacturers

Beverage Container Recycling Facts
Download the Beverage Container Recycling Fact Sheet for facts related to the calendar year 2022.
The fact sheet includes details on:
- Beverage Container Recycling Rate
- Recycling Rates by Container Material Type
- Program Participants
- Rates Paid for Container Per Pound at Recycling Centers
- Flow of Funds to Support Program Operations
- Processing Payments and Fees
- Handling Fees
- Enforcement Actions and Inspections
Find A Nearby Recycling Center
Just enter your ZIP code to find a bottle & can redemption center near you.
For more information, visit Beverage Container Recycling Home