Diversion Programs System Status Codes

Status codes are used to determine the status of a waste diversion program selected by a jurisdiction for an individual year. Status codes also indicate whether a waste diversion program was listed as selected in a jurisdiction’s Source Reduction Recycling Elements (SRRE) planning documents. Use status codes to indicate whether a program was implemented, dropped after being implemented, not implemented, planned for the future or whether an alternative program was implemented. For more information about status codes, call the Annual Report Coordinator at (916) 341-6199 or the local assistance and market development staff contact for your jurisdiction.

SI: Selected and Implemented. The program was selected by a jurisdiction in its planning documents and has been implemented in the reporting year.

SO: Selected and Ongoing. The program was selected by a jurisdiction in its planning documents, was implemented in a prior year and is currently ongoing.

AI: Alternative and Implemented. The program was not selected in the SRRE but has just been implemented during the current reporting year.

AO: Alternative and Ongoing. The program was not selected in the SRRE but was implemented prior to the current reporting year.

PF: Planned in the Future. The program is planned for implementation by a jurisdiction in the future.

D: Dropped after Being implemented. The program was dropped after it had been implemented by a jurisdiction.

DE: Dropped in an Earlier year. The program was dropped in an earlier year.

NI: Selected and Not Implemented. The program was selected in a jurisdiction’s planning document but not implemented.

NA: Not Selected or Planned. Used only when program was implemented in a later year.

For more information contact: Local Assistance & Market Development, LAMD@calrecycle.ca.gov or (916) 341-6199.