Local Government Data Tools
An array of tools and information to assist local government (as well as businesses) to reduce disposal, conserve resources, and help California meet its waste reduction goals.
Visit Local Government Central to find tools under specific topic areas and Local Government Library for more general reference information.
Annual Report Tools
- Annual Report, Electronic (EAR). CalRecycle staff developed this tool with local government users in mind. It enables jurisdictions to fill out and submit their annual reports from the convenience of their Internet-connected personal or workplace computer.
- Countywide, Regionwide, and Statewide Jurisdiction Diversion/Disposal Progress Report (CRS report) provides all jurisdictions with summary and detailed information on jurisdiction review status, diversion rates, and waste diversion program implementation. Users can customize the report by grouping jurisdictions by county, specific geographic regions, or the entire state. Criteria such as report year, diversion rate range, and/or jurisdiction review status are other options for the users to select.
- Disposal Rate Calculator. The online disposal calculator measures goal measurement in terms of per-capita disposal after the year 2007. The measurement is expressed as pounds per person per day. The results for population and industry based annual per capita rates automatically calculate and display in the results section of the calculator. The 50 percent equivalent per capita disposal target for population and industry employment also displays in the same section near the bottom of the page.
- Disposal Reporting System (DRS) Jurisdiction Disposal and Alternative Daily Cover report provides information on the amount of solid waste disposed by each jurisdiction in California.
- Diversion Programs System (DPS). Use this as an informational tool when preparing annual reports. DPS contains several report tools. For example, the Jurisdiction Diversion Program List, provides annual report diversion program Information with a detailed program listing for a jurisdiction. This report also includes program status and implementation dates starting in 1995 and including the most current data available.
- Diversion Rate Calculator. The online diversion rate measurement calculator helps those jurisdictions that need to calculate their estimated diversion rates. By using the CalRecycle adjustment method, jurisdictions can remove the effects of change in population and economic change prior to 2007. The focus after 2007 will be program implementation, actual recycling, and other diversion programs instead of estimated numbers.
- Local Government Forms. CalRecycle’s Local Assistance and Market Development staff developed a series of approved templates to assist jurisdiction claims of changes to CalRecycle-approved base year disposal or diversion amounts. Other templates are for Disposal Tonnage Modification, Certification, and changes to report-year disposal amounts. There are also templates to prepare new Model Source Reduction, and Recycling Element (SRRE), and other reporting guidelines.
- Organics Management Infrastructure Planning Calculator is provided to assist counties and regional agencies with organics recycling infrastructure and capacity planning. AB 876 requires a county or regional agency to provide an estimate of organics disposal and recycling capacity needed over a 15-year period.
General Data Tools
- Additional Local Government Data Reports. CalRecycle provides a number of reports and information to assist local governments and businesses) to reduce disposal, conserve resources, and help California meet its waste reduction goals.
- Data Central (Formerly known as California Waste stream Profiles). Data Central provides quick access to a variety of CalRecycle, other data sources, and tools relating to California’s solid waste stream. The portal gives access to, waste disposal, recycling facility infrastructure, materials flow, recycling, and much more.
- Waste Characterization Database. The database provides 1999 estimates of the types and amounts of materials in the waste streams of individual California jurisdictions. This database provides local governments a tool to look at what’s being disposed in their waste streams to help them plan how to divert materials from disposal and how to conserve resources. It looks at disposed waste only, so this data does not include materials typically recycled.
Key Reference Materials
- CalRecycle Guidance Documents. This section of the library provides information produced by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to provide assistance in meeting provisions the Integrated Waste Management Act.
- Local Government Assistance Library. The library assists California jurisdictions with Integrated Waste Management Act compliance. The local government library includes CalRecycle-developed assistance documents and examples of materials local jurisdictions submit to CalRecycle. The documents and materials are also found throughout Local Government Central. The library is a convenient place to begin your search if you know the specific resource name.
For more information contact: Local Assistance & Market Development, LAMD@calrecycle.ca.gov or (916) 341-6199.