Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Central
CalRecycle is responsible for ensuring that state waste management programs are primarily carried out through LEAs.
LEAs have the primary responsibility for ensuring the correct operation and closure of solid waste facilities in the state. They also have responsibilities for guaranteeing the proper storage and transportation of solid wastes.
News & Activities
- Emergency Guidance Regarding Poultry Carcasses Affected by H5N1 provides information on landfill disposal of poultry carcasses impacted by H5N1 and the exclusion of these carcasses from composting regulations and the emergency waiver process.
- Guidance for Carcass Composting During a Declared Emergency Regulatory pathways to facilitate on-farm composting of carcasses during a state or local emergency. For any questions related to disposal or composting of animal carcasses during a declared emergency, please send an email to Permittrainingassistance@calrecycle.ca.gov.
- Guidance for LEAs on Illegal Dumping and Illegal Disposal Sites details the differences between illegal dumping and illegal disposal sites and provides suggested actions and resources for LEAs.
- Solid Waste Information System Portal Training
- Supplemental Environmental Project Guidance for Local Enforcement Agency
- SB 1383 Resources Available at the Regulations/Implementation Webpage
- Alternative Measurement Protocol Webpage details how to submit an AMP and lists AMPs that have been approved by EAs and CalRecycle
For more information contact: LEA Support Services, PermitTrainingAssistance@calrecycle.ca.gov