Tire Enforcement Agency Toolbox

Waste Tire Enforcement Agencies (TEA) perform initial and follow-up inspections for all waste tire generators, haulers, and end-use facilities in their jurisdictions.
Additionally, TEAs are responsible for conducting surveillance activities and referring noncomplying businesses to CalRecycle. 

Inspections. Inspections are the core component of the tire enforcement grant program. TEAs receiving grant funding are responsible for performing initial inspection and follow-up inspections for all waste tire facilities and sites located in their jurisdictions. This site provides a detailed guide to assist you in preparing for and conducting complete, thorough, and efficient inspections.

Enforcement Tools. TEAs have a variety of resources available to assist with the enforcement aspect of their responsibilities, from a standardized Notice of Violation to surveillance capabilities. In addition, CalRecycle has a contract with the California Highway Patrol to aid in enforcement activities.

Grants. CalRecycle offers Local Government Waste Tire Enforcement (TEA) Grants to cities, counties, and city and county agencies in California.

Complaints. CalRecycle inspectors have the option of referring complaints regarding tire haulers or storage/facilities to the TEAs. The TEAs will investigate and submit information regarding the outcome of the complaint within the specific time frames allowed. If compliance cannot be obtained, the TEAs will refer the complaint case to the CalRecycle inspector in that county for further enforcement.

TEA Resources. This page includes many essential resources for TEAs such as formscontactsdatabasestire program-specific informationfrequently asked questions, roundtable meeting details, and applicable statutes and regulations.

Program News...

Waste Tire Management System. The Waste Tire Management System (WTMS) can be used to search for information regarding generators, end-use facilities, and haulers.

WTMS Hauler Registration Information. This allows you to obtain hauler registration information. You may also obtain information via our toll-free tire hotline at (866) 896-0600.