As part of the requirements of the Integrated Waste Management Act, each jurisdiction calculates an annual per capita disposal rate that reflects the measurement of the amount of waste disposed in pounds (lbs.) into the landfill by each person per day. Jurisdictions report on various other subjects to CalRecycle on an annual basis about their recycling, reuse, and reduction of waste within their boundaries.
Jurisdiction Reporting
- Annual Reporting. Each city, county, or regional agency submits an annual report produced by performing two basic steps: calculating the annual per capita disposal rate and describing progress implementing the diversion programs selected in the jurisdiction’s planning documents. CalRecycle-developed tools, including the online disposal rate calculator and the electronic annual report, greatly simplify the reporting process by performing the complex calculations and by providing downloadable forms (with instructions) used by jurisdictions to prepare their annual reports.
- CalRecycle Jurisdiction Review. Every two years or four years depending on compliance status, CalRecycle reviews the progress of each jurisdiction toward the goals of the Integrated Waste Management Act and SB 1016, the per Capita Disposal Measurement System. This document outlines the basis for the CalRecycle’s Jurisdiction review and what it looks for during the review process.
- Disposal Reporting. Each county or regional agency submits quarterly disposal reports to CalRecycle. Data from this system is used to calculate disposal rates and can provide important insights into each local waste stream. New web-based tools allow customers to view disposal data by waste origin (where it was produced), or waste destination (where it was disposed). Customers can look at statewide data, or select the city, county, regional agency or disposal facility they wish to see.
- Five-Year CIWMP or RAIWMP Review. The CIWMP or RAIWMP addresses waste management conditions within the respective county or regional agency. It also provides an overview of the actions that will be taken to achieve the diversion requirements of Public Resources Code (PRC), section 41780 and to maintain 15 years disposal capacity. Statute requires that the elements comprising the CIWMP and RAIWMP be reviewed every five years after the original CIWMP or RAIWMP approval date, and revised, if necessary. The Five Year Review information can be found in the Local Government Library.
- Household Hazardous Waste. CalRecycle requires each jurisdiction in California to annually report the amount of household hazardous waste (HHW) collected through locally administered programs. Local jurisdictions must use CalRecycle Form 303 to meet this requirement. The completed report must be received by CalRecycle no later than the first Monday in October.
Reporting Resources
- CalRecycle-Approved Templates and Forms. CalRecycle’s local assistance staff has developed a series of templates to assist jurisdictions when claiming changes to reporting-year disposal amounts, their Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SREE), County Integrated Waste Management Plans (CIWMP) and many more.
- Data Tools. CalRecycle provides a number of tools and information to assist local government (as well as businesses) to reduce disposal, conserve resources, and help California meet its waste reduction goals.
- Disaster Waste Guidelines. These guidelines are used to assist jurisdictions in preparing for and dealing with disaster waste
- Diversion Program System in LoGIC: Use the Diversion Program System (DPS) as an informational tool when preparing annual reports. The DPS jurisdiction diversion program list shows the current waste diversion program data and program status for any jurisdiction.
- Local and Regional Summaries and Statistics Center. Jurisdiction and regional summary information helps decision makers identify trends, solve problems, and compare the performance of cities, counties, and regional agencies in reducing and diverting waste.
- New City Incorporation. When a new city incorporates, CalRecycle staff have to establish the new city’s 50 percent per capita disposal target. Additionally, CalRecycle staff will recalculate the 50 percent per capita disposal target for the unincorporated county to account for this change in future goal measurement.
- Regional Agencies. As explained in Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 40970, cities and counties are authorized to form “regional agencies.” Regional agencies (RA) are allowed to measure diversion jointly, which in essence averages the diversion among the participating jurisdictions. RAs can report diversion and disposal numbers as one entity instead of by jurisdiction. Region Agency List as approved by CalRecycle.
- Rural Jurisdictions and Information. CalRecycle has developed a new home for information and ideas directed toward a rural city, county, or regional agency. These pages provide information about rural assistance, successful diversion programs, and grants and loans available to rural jurisdictions.
Where to Go for Help?
If you have additional questions about these topics, contact local assistance staff.
For more information contact: Local Assistance & Market Development, or (916) 341-6199.