
To make sure that all Californians have easy access to redeem their CRV beverage containers,
beverage container retailers/dealers must redeem CRV containers if:

  • They are located in a 1-mile area around a large supermarket
  • The 1-mile area does not have a CRV recycling center 


Previous Events

November 20, 2024 – CalRecycle held a webinar to discuss SB 1013 and Dealer Requirements.

December 14, 2023 – CalRecycle held a webinar to discuss legislative changes made by SB 1013 and SB 353.

Video of the presentation (English | Español).

February 8, 2023 – CRV Beverage Dealer Informational Webinar: Recent SB 1013 changes.

Legislative Changes Affecting Dealers

  • SB 1013 (Atkins, Chapter 610, Statutes of 2022) adds $0.05 and $0.10 CRV wine and distilled spirits to California’s Beverage Container Recycling Program (Program) on January 1, 2024.
  • SB 1013 also adds $0.25 CRV containers only for wine and distilled spirits (including alcoholic coolers) in bag-in-a-box, multilayer pouch, paperboard carton, and plastic pouch containers.
  • SB 353 (Dodd, Chapter 868, Statutes of 2023) removed the size limitations on fruit and vegetable juice containers, adding vegetable juice in containers larger than 16 ounces and fruit juice in containers larger than 46 ounces to the Program.
  • Both SB 1013 and SB 353 exempt wine and distilled spirits and large fruit and vegetable juice containers from having to be labeled with the CRV message until July 1, 2025. These new products, whether labeled or not, will be subject to CRV beginning January 1, 2024. Beverage Distributors will be required to pay CRV to CalRecycle and will likely pass this cost on to dealers. 

Dealer Registration and Management System

  • The Dealer Registration and Management System (DReaMS) is an online platform in which all retailers (dealers) will need to register.
  • DReaMS will assist retailers in:
    • Registering their stores
    • Updating information and
    • Submitting an annual self-certification.
  • Registration through DReaMS will help CalRecycle:
    • Identify if a dealer is in a specific area near a large supermarket (convenience zone). 
    • Determine whether your store will indeed be exempt from redeeming in-store.
  • If you’re considering joining a dealer cooperative, you must first be registered in DReaMS.
Visit the DReaMS page

What Is a Beverage Dealer?

The term “beverage dealer” in the Beverage Container Recycling Program refers to a retail business that sells beverages to customers.

The program’s definition of dealer does not include vending machines or specific businesses included in the law, like restaurants and bars.

Examples of beverage dealers in the program include:

  • Supermarkets
  • Community markets
  • Gas marts
  • Convenience stores
  • Liquor stores
  • Variety/Drug Stores
  • Bulk stores
  • Health food stores that sell program beverages

Dealer Requirements

The law contains requirements for dealers about:

  • Posting signs to alert customers to the nearest redemption opportunity
  • When CRV must be identified on shelf labels
  • How dealers may show CRV on receipts

Dealer Signs

ALL Dealers, including dealers in a served zone, must post a clear and easy-to-see sign at least 10″x15″ at ALL public entrances to the dealer’s place of business. If there are two entrances, two signs are required.

  • Nearest RC Sign (print either on 11”x17” ledger-size paper or on two 8.5”x11” pieces of paper by selecting landscape in the paper orientation setup in your printer)

This sign must give the name and address of the nearest state-certified recycling center that redeems all empty beverage containers. Recycling Centers search page.

Option 1 Dealer

If you are an Option 1 A dealer, you are required to post a clear and easy-to-see sign at least 10″x15″ at ALL public entrances to the dealer’s place of business stating that beverage containers may be redeemed at all open cash registers within the store or a specific location within the store, such as Customer Service Desk.

If you are required to redeem containers, create your own sign following the guidelines or download the following sign:

  • 11” x 17” (ledger-size paper)
  • 8.5” x 11” (to meet the minimum size requirement, select landscape paper orientation in the printer, and the sign will be printed in 2 8.5” 11” pieces of paper)

Option 2 Dealer

If you are an Option 2 Dealer and have joined a Dealer Cooperative, you are required to post a clear and easy-to-see sign at least 10″x15″ at ALL public entrances to the dealer’s place of business. You can create your own sign following the guidelines or download the following sign:

  • Dealer Cooperative Nearest RC Sign (print either on 11”x17” ledger-size paper or on two 8.5”x11” pieces of paper by selecting landscape in the paper orientation setup in your printer)

You must include the name and address of your Dealer Cooperative’s nearest certified recycling center in the blank box on the sign.

Shelf Labeling and Advertising

All dealers with a location size greater than 4,000 square feet of sales and storage area are required to display California Redemption Value (CRV) as a separate component of the beverage container price on all advertising and shelf labels. For example, a six-pack of 12-ounce soda costing $1.99 may be displayed as:

  • $1.99 + CRV
  • $1.99 + 30¢ CRV
  • $1.99 + 30¢ CRV = $2.29

Important: A dealer should not combine the sales price of the product and CRV as one single price on their shelf labels or advertising.
Showing separate prices helps customers to identify how much CRV they are charged.
An unacceptable example would be: $2.29 including CRV.

CRV Rates/Cash Register Receipts

All beverages in the program that are sold in California have a CRV label on the container placed by the beverage manufacturer. The label indicates which containers are eligible for redemption. Dealers may not sell unlabeled CRV beverages (note: wine and distilled spirits, and large fruit and vegetable juices are exempt from labeling until July 1, 2025).

  • Dealers who charge CRV to customers on eligible beverages are encouraged to show the CRV payment as a separate item on their cash register receipts.
  • The CRV portion is subject to sales tax if the sale of the beverage is subject to the sales tax.
  • CRV charged for beverages sold in aluminum, glass, plastic containers, and bimetal containers is:
    • 5¢ for each beverage container less than 24 ounces
    • 10¢ for each container 24 ounces or more
    • 25¢ regardless of size for Wine or Distilled Spirits sold in bag-in-box, multilayer pouch, paperboard carton, or plastic pouch containers (Effective January 1, 2024)

California Redemption Value (CRV) Computations (Updated April 8, 2016)

Dealers and Convenience Zones

To make sure that Californians have convenient access to redeem their CRV beverage containers, the law has additional requirements for dealers located within a 1-mile radius of a supermarket (a full-line store that has $2M in annual sales).

  • The radius around a supermarket is called a convenience zone (“zone” or “CZ”). Visit the Convenience Zones page to learn more.
  • If a convenience zone does not have a certified recycling center operating within its boundary, it is considered “unserved”.

Upcoming Changes

Check back regularly for updates and sign up for our General Information listserv to be informed of workshops and other activities.

Dealers in an unserved zone:

As of January 1, 2025, unserved dealers will be required to either redeem in-store or join a Dealer Cooperative. The Program will notify dealers in newly unserved zones that they have a 60-day grace period from redeeming beverage containers. At the end of the grace period, dealers must choose one of the options below:

  • Option 1: Redeem containers in their store or
  • Option 2: Join a Dealer Cooperative

CalRecycle will notify dealers in the unserved zone that in-store redemption is no longer required when one of the following happens:

(1) a zone has one or more operational recycling centers (name/address will be provided),
(2) has been granted an exemption, or
(3) the zone has been deactivated due to the supermarket closing business.

Frequently Asked Questions About a 60-Day Notice

Do All Beverage Dealers Need to Have a Recycling Center?

No, CRV dealers are not required to have a certified recycling center.

Supermarkets that create convenience zones often host recycling centers, but they are not required to by law.

Any dealer with enough space may choose to host a recycling center if they get approval from their commercial landlord and local government.

However, dealers must redeem CRV in their store or join a Dealer Cooperative if they are in a convenience Zone 1 mile around a large supermarket without a CRV recycling center in that zone.

How Are Beverage Dealers Notified Their Zone Has No Recycling Center?

Notices sent to dealers to advise of status changes affecting a convenience zone:

  • 60-day Grace Period Notice Series (see the following question)
  • Notice of Recycler in Zone advises dealers that:
    • There is now a recycling center operating in the zone and
    • They and other dealers in the zone are no longer required to redeem CRV containers in their store
  • Notice of Exempted Zone advises dealers that:
    • The zone has been granted an exemption, and
    • They and dealers within the zone are not required to redeem CRV containers in their store
  • Notice of Deactive Zone advises dealers that the supermarket has closed for business, and they and dealers within the zone are not required to redeem CRV containers in their store.

What is the 60-day Grace Period Notice Series?

Dealers in an unserved zone will receive the 60-day Grace Period Notice series of letters informing them they are obligated to either redeem CRV containers or join a Dealer Cooperative after CalRecycle makes a decision that the zone is unserved.

The first, second, and final notice of the grace period are sent with these messages:

  • First Notice tells dealers that:
    • A recycler must be established in their zone by the end of 60 days from the date of the notice OR
    • The dealer will be required to either:
      • Redeem CRV containers in-store or
      • Join a Dealer Cooperative
    • Second Notice sent 30 days later tells the dealers that:
      • A recycler must be established in their zone by the end of 30 days from the date of notice OR
      • The dealer will be required to either:
        • Redeem CRV containers in-store or
        • Join a Dealer Cooperative
      • Final Notice advises the grace period ended, and the dealer must now either:
        • Redeem CRV containers in-store or
        • Join a Dealer Cooperative

        The Final Notice includes both the Options 1 and Option 2 affidavits, redemption instructions, and CRV information.

        For additional information on the administration of beverage dealers, please contact the Dealer Management Unit at (916) 322-0195.