Dealer Registration and Management System
The Dealer Registration and Management System (DReaMS) is an online platform to assist retailers (dealers) in:
- Registering their stores
- Updating information and
- Submitting an annual self-certification.
Registration through DReaMS provides up-to-date information to identify if a dealer is in a specific area near a large supermarket (a convenience zone). If the area does not have a beverage container recycling center, the dealer may have beverage container redemption requirements.
Every dealer in a convenience zone must register each retail site with CalRecycle’s DReaMs WebPass system either:
- Within 30 days of commencing operations or
- As soon as CalRecycle notifies them they are now located in a convenience zone.
Steps to Register
Your authorized representative will need to:
- Create a WebPass account using an individual email address.
- If your email changes, a new WebPass account will be required.
- Activate your WebPass by following the instructions in the confirmation email.
- Log in to DReaMS with your WebPass credentials.
- Complete your Registration, Store Updates, and/or Annual Certification in DReaMS.
- Confirmation Email: You will receive an acknowledgment from CalRecycle for any submissions.
A WebPass ID is needed to confirm the identity of your signing authority representative responsible for submitting a registration form. You will need it to submit the registration form for your store(s)/location(s).
A WebPass holder may register multiple store locations under their single WebPass account.
If your WebPass ID holder has left the business or changed, create a new WebPass account for your new authorized signor and notify the Dealer Management Section.

A dealer is defined as a retail establishment selling California Refund Value (CRV) beverages to consumers for off-site consumption (PRC section 14510). This includes:
- Supermarkets
- Community Markets
- Gas Marts
- Convenience Stores
- Liquor Stores
- Membership Bulk Stores and
- Health Food Stores
September 18, 2024
CalRecycle held a webinar to discuss SB 1013 and Dealer Requirements.
Registration Requirements
All dealers in convenience zones must register with CalRecycle through DReaMS to comply with state regulations. There are no fees to register.
The information you will need to complete your registration includes:
- The legal name of the dealer and the Doing Business As (DBA) name.
- If applicable, the gas station name if different from the DBA name.
- Dealer’s federal tax identification number (EIN).
- Contact details of the store manager and other store representatives.
- Physical and mailing addresses of the dealer.
- Store phone number, email, and website address (if available).
- Declaration that the combined sales and storage area is less than 5,000 sq. ft.
- Declaration on gross annual sales under $1.5 million, excluding fuel sales, in the latest IRS tax return.
- The date the dealer started business at that location.
- Types of beverages sold.
- Name, title, email, and e-signature of the person registering the dealer.
Dealers must submit any additional documentation CalRecycle requests by the specified deadlines to complete registration.
Note: Your signing authority representative must submit a separate registration form with site-specific information for each store you own or operate.
Dealer Management Updates
Dealer Update Functionality may not be immediately available in DReaMS.
To make updates, contact the Dealer Management Section.
Updating Dealer Information in DReaMS
Dealers are required to keep their information current in the system.
Dealers must update information within 30 days of any change, such as:
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address or
- Website Address.
Registering New Locations or Changes in Ownership
Dealers must register a new account within 30 days of major changes such as:
- New Ownership or federal tax identification number (EIN) with the end date of the current dealer registration account, to ensure all dealer obligations and records reflect current operational status.
- Change in Physical Location if the new location is within a convenience zone. Contact CalRecycle for specific guidance.
Dealers are required to inform CalRecycle of store closures.
Currently, that can be done by contacting the Dealer Management Section at
In the future, dealers will be able to update their status themselves in DReaMS.
Annual Certification
Registered dealers are required to verify annually that their operational and financial declarations remain accurate and current.
Annual submissions must be completed each year on July 1st.
- Confirmation of Declarations
- During the annual declaration, dealers must confirm the following:
- Store size and sales figures previously provided are current.
- The dealer’s contact information and operational status have not changed.
- All other operational details provided at the time of the last declaration or registration remain accurate.
- During the annual declaration, dealers must confirm the following:
- Updated Documentation May be Requested by CalRecycle
- If there have been changes that affect any declarations, such as:
- A significant increase or decrease in sales or
- Changes in size.
- These documents may include recent tax returns, lease agreements, or floor plans.
- If there have been changes that affect any declarations, such as:
Starting January 1, 2025, dealers not exempt in these unserved convenience zones need to either:
- Redeem all beverage container types in-store or
- Join a dealer cooperative to provide beverage container redemption opportunities.
Visit the Dealer Cooperatives page for more information.
Contact Information
For additional information or technical assistance on the Dealer Registration and Management System (DReaMS), contact the Dealer Management Section:
(916) 322-0195
Additional Contact Information
Dealer Cooperatives Program
Convenience Zone Unit
Phone: (916) 341-6201
For more information, visit Beverage Container Recycling Home