Tire-Derived Aggregate Grant Program

CalRecycle oversees  tire grant programs to:

  • Divert waste tires from landfill disposal.
  • Prevent illegal tire dumping that harms the environment.
  • Promote markets for recycled-content tire products.

The Tire Derived Aggregate Civil Engineering Solution

TDA is made from shredded tires as an alternative to conventional lightweight aggregates that is:

  • Lightweight
  • Free-draining
  • Less expensive


Eligibile Applicants Include

  • All California local government entities, including cities, counties, and cities and counties.
  • Special districts, including transportation districts.
  • Joint Powers Authorities in which all JPA members are also eligible applicants.
  • Public school districts.
  • All California state agencies, including offices, departments, bureaus, and boards.
  • University of California, California State University, and California Community Colleges.
  • Private, for-profit entities.
    • Defined as a business intended to operate at a profit and return a profit to its owner(s).
    • The business must be California-based, or if in another state, must have an operational presence in California — see Application Guidelines and Instructions for complete details and restrictions.
  • Non-profit organizations, except private elementary or secondary schools, registered with the federal government under section 501(c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(6), or (c)(10) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Qualifying Tribal Entities.
    • A Qualifying Tribal Entity is defined as a tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, residing within the borders of California, which:
      • Is recognized for special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of the status of its members as Indians or
      • Can prove that it is a government entity and meets the criteria of the grant program.

Eligible projects include:

  • Category 1: Mechanically Stabilized TDA for retaining walls.
  • Category 2: Low Impact Development, stormwater mitigation including stormwater infiltration galleries.
  • Category 3: Lightweight film, slope stabilization, embankment fill, landslide repair, and retaining walls.
  • Category 4: Vibration mitigation under rail lines.
  • Category 5: Landfill application, aggregate replacement projects such as leachate and gas collection systems, drainage layers, and leachate injection.


  • Projects currently underway completed at the same location in the same facility within three years of application are not eligible.
  • Landfill application projects do not include use of shredded waste tires as alternative daily cover or alternative intermediate cover.


$375,000 maximum per grant award.

Eligible Costs

Eligible costs are direct costs for the TDA portion of the project only, limited to:

  • TDA material used – cost and tax
  • Transportation to an initial location, either a stockpile or project site — not including any contractor markup. Additional transportation cost from a stockpile to a project site is not eligible for reimbursement.
  • Installation of TDA.
  • Engineering/design work.
  • Geosynthetic material, fabric or geogrids, specifically needed for a TDA project.

For more information about the Tire Derived Aggregate Grant Program, contact tiregrants@calrecycle.ca.gov, 916-341-6180.

Current Grant Cycle

No open applications at this time.

Upcoming Grant Cycles


How to Apply

Watch for the Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) on either of these two web pages:

Online Applications

CalRecycle grant applications are submitted online through the CalRecycle Grants Management System (GMS).