Notice of Funds Available: Tire-Derived Aggregate Grant Program (FY 2024-25)

The application period for fiscal year (FY) 2024-25 is now closed.

Criteria | Eligibility | Projects | Funding | Timeline and Cycle Details | Grant Administration Documents

The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) administers a program to provide opportunities to divert waste tires from landfill disposal, prevent illegal tire dumping, and promote markets for recycled-content tire products. The Tire-Derived Aggregate (TDA) Grant Program (Program) provides assistance for solving a variety of engineering challenges. TDA, which is produced from shredded tires, is lightweight, free-draining, and a less expensive alternative to conventional lightweight aggregates.


Approval of Criteria, March 22, 2024



  • All California local government entities (including cities, counties, and cities and counties).
  • Special districts (including transportation districts).
  • Joint Powers Authorities (JPA) (where all JPA members are also otherwise eligible applicants).
  • Public school districts.
  • All California State agencies (including offices, departments, bureaus, and boards).
  • University of California campuses, the California State University campuses, and California Community Colleges.
  • Private, for-profit entities.  For purposes of this Program, a “private, for-profit entity” (PFP) is defined as a business intended to operate at a profit and return a profit to its owner(s).  The business must be California-based or domiciled in another state with an existing operational presence in California (certain limitations apply; please see Application Guidelines and Instructions for complete details).
  • Non-profit organizations (except private elementary or secondary schools) registered with the federal government under section 501(c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(6), or (c)(10) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Qualifying Tribal Entities. A Qualifying Tribal Entity is defined as a tribe, band, nation or other organized group or community, residing within the borders of California, which:
    1. is recognized for special programs and services provided by the United States because of the status of its members as Native Americans; or
    2. can establish that it is a government entity and which meets the criteria of the grant program.


Projects generally fall into one of five categories (see TDA Uses for more complete descriptions):

Category 1: Mechanically Stabilized TDA (retaining walls).

Category 2: Low Impact Development (storm water mitigation including storm water infiltration galleries).

Category 3: Lightweight fill (slope stabilization, embankment fill, landslide repair, and retaining walls).

Category 4: Vibration mitigation (under rail lines).

Category 5: Landfill application (aggregate replacement projects such as leachate and gas collection systems, drainage layers, leachate injection).  Projects that are currently underway or that have been completed at the same location within the same facility within three years of application are not eligible.  Landfill application projects do not include use of shredded waste tires as alternative daily cover or alternative intermediate cover.

All projects are subject to the following requirements:

  • Only California-generated waste tires that are processed in California shall be used in the TDA portion of the project(s).
  • The project(s) must be located in California.
  • A combined minimum of 500 tons of TDA must be used in the project(s), with the exception of Low Impact Development projects, which must use a minimum of 200 tons of TDA in the project(s).
  • Plans and specifications must be reviewed by CalRecycle staff and/or its contractor(s) prior to commencement of work.  The project design plans must be uploaded in GMS at a minimum 50 percent complete at the time of application submittal and 100 percent complete prior to the start of the project.  The design plans must include project costs (preliminary costs must be submitted with the application), the project location (TDA placement), type and quantity of TDA (initial estimate must be submitted with the application), and any analysis necessary to validate the design.
  • Each project must incorporate technical assistance/training that will be provided by CalRecycle contractors and/or staff.  The following must receive CalRecycle sponsored technical training prior to implementation of the project: (1) Owner representative, (2) Construction Management engineer (Quality Assurance / Quality Control) and (3) Construction company project supervisor.
  • The real property on which the project will be located must be owned by the applicant (or by a member of an applicant JPA).
  • If applicant’s ownership of the property on which the project(s) is located does not give it complete and clear access to the project site(s), then prior to incurring any grant-eligible costs, applicant must obtain any and all access rights (e.g., easements) to the project site(s) necessary to complete the project(s) within the grant term and shall ensure that such access extends to CalRecycle staff and/or its designated contractors for the purpose of observing the project, providing technical assistance and/or training during the grant term.  Such access must be in writing from the legal owner or his/her authorized agent. 
  • Reimbursement will not exceed the amount stated on the Grant Agreement Cover Sheet (CalRecycle 110).
  • Construction of the TDA portion of any project must commence on or after the date indicated in CalRecycle’s written Notice to Proceed and be completed by April 1, 2027.

Additionally, each of the following project requirements is specific to the individual type of project as indicated:

  • Landfill projects will not be reimbursed for use of more than 0.75 cubic yards (0.5 tons) of TDA per lineal foot of landfill gas collection or leachate injection line.


  • $750,000 available for fiscal year (FY) 2024–25
  • $375,000 per grant award

Timeline and Cycle Details

DatesActivity and Details
August 15, 2024 (Cycle 23)
December 5, 2024 (Cycle 24)

Application Due Date

September 12, 2024 (Cycle 23)
January 7, 2025 (Cycle 24)

Secondary Due Date - Required Authorization documents and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing and Practices (EPPP) Policy

  • Approved Resolution, Letter of Commitment, or any other Applicant’s Required Authorization Documents must be uploaded in GMS by this date if it was not submitted with the application.
If the applicant does not have an EPPP Policy at the time of application, an EPPP Policy must be adopted by this date.
October 2024
(Cycle 23)

February 2025
(Cycle 24)

Grants Awarded

  • CalRecycle considers funding recommendations, and if approved, conditionally awards grants in this month (tentative).
April 1, 2027
(Cycle 23 and 24)

Grant Performance Period

Grantee may incur costs after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed to this date.

April 1, 2027
(Cycle 23 and 24)

Deadline for Final Report and final Payment Request

Grant Administration Documents

Terms and Conditions

Notice: Submission of an application constitutes an acknowledgment that you have read these Terms and Conditions and understood and agreed that they will be part of the Grant Agreement upon an award of any grant funds.

The text of these Terms and Conditions may not be altered, changed or revised in any way, except in writing by mutual agreement of the parties pursuant to the Amendment provision herein.  In the event of any dispute regarding the content of these Terms and Conditions, the original document contained in the grant cycle file located at the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 will control.  These Terms and Conditions are applicable only to the specified cycle and/or Fiscal Year of the particular grant program specified.

If you require assistance in obtaining access to this document, please use the contact information at the bottom of this page.

Procedures and Requirements 

Notice: These Procedures and Requirements are in draft form.  Upon issuance of Grant Agreement, these Procedures and Requirements shall become final. 

The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the Procedures and Requirements prior to issuance of the Grant Agreement.  Any such changes will be non-negotiable.  In the event that any changes are made to the Procedures and Requirements, all Grantees will be notified as to what specific changes have been made. 

Once the Grant Agreement has been issued and the Procedures and Requirements have become final, the text of the incorporated Procedures and Requirements may not be altered, changed or revised in any way, except in writing by mutual agreement of the parties pursuant to the Amendment provision contained in the Terms and Conditions.  In the event of any dispute regarding the content of the incorporated Procedures and Requirements, the original document contained in the grant cycle file located at the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 will control.  These Procedures and Requirements are applicable only to the specific cycle and/or Fiscal Year of the particular grant program specified.

If you require assistance in obtaining access to this document, please use the contact information at the bottom of this page.

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