Local Government Waste Tire Enforcement (TEA) Grants
The Local Government Waste Tire Enforcement Grant Program awards funds to local jurisdictions to support local inspection and enforcement of waste tire generators and haulers.
Eligible entities are cities, counties, or a city and county. Jurisdictions may apply alone or in collaboration with another jurisdiction.
- Counties must have 50 or more active businesses in their jurisdictions with Tire Program Identification (TPID) numbers.
- Cities must have 100 or more active businesses in their jurisdictions with TPID numbers.
Maximum grant awards by population:
- $350,000 for applicants with qualifying populations of 1 to 900,000.
- $500,000 for applicants with qualifying populations of 900,001 to 2,000,000.
- $650,000 for applicants with qualifying populations of 2,000,001 or more.
Eligible Costs
Eligible costs include:
- Personnel time for:
- Inspections
- Enforcement
- Surveillance
- Training
- Providing education to generators and haulers
- Travel
- Equipment
- Administration
Managing Entity
All applicants must designate a managing entity to implement and oversee the Program.
The managing entity must be one of the following:
- A Local Enforcement Agency.
- An Environmental Health Agency, department, office, etc.
- A Code Enforcement Agency, department, office, etc.
- An agency, department, or office, which has inspection and code enforcement authority, experience, and capability.
For more information about the Local Government Waste Tire Enforcement Grant Program, contact grants@calrecycle.ca.gov.
Current Local Government Waste Tire Enforcement Agency program grantees — visit the Waste Tire Enforcement Agency Toolbox for information on your enforcement responsibilities.
Current Grant Cycle
No open applications at this time.
Upcoming Grant Cycles
Application materials for fiscal year (FY) 2025–26 will tentatively be available in Fall 2025.
Awarded Grant Cycles
How to Apply
Watch for the Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) on either of these two web pages:
Online Applications
CalRecycle grant applications are submitted online through the CalRecycle Grants Management System (GMS).
Grant Administration Support
Grant Admin Webinar July 2024 (YouTube, 59:07)
Grant Admin Presentation (PowerPoint)