Questions and Answers: Legacy Disposal Site Abatement Partial Grant Program (FY 2024-25)

Questions about the Legacy Disposal Site Abatement Partial Grant Program grant application are accepted in writing only, no later than September 18, 2024, and January 15, 2025 (Revised). Similar or related questions may be grouped together or reworded for clarity and responded to as one question.

All questions and answers will be posted during the application period and are subject to updates. It is the applicant’s responsibility to check this website for the latest information regarding this grant cycle.

General | Eligibility | Funding | Application


No questions at this time.


  1. To ensure we meet all necessary criteria, could you please provide information on any additional requirements or documentation needed to qualify for this grant as a legacy landfill site?

All information can be found in the Legacy Disposal Site Abatement Partial Grant Program websites: Legacy Disposal Site Abatement Partial Grant Program – CalRecycle Home Page and FY 2024-25 Legacy Disposal Site Abatement Partial Grant Program – CalRecycle Notice of Funds Available Page. CalRecycle recommends reading the Application Guidelines and Instructions document and Procedures and Requirements document to determine your eligibility and for more information about eligible expenses for this grant. Please make note of the deadlines listed on the website.


No questions at this time.


  1. For mailed scoring documents, is there a specific mailing address that the documents should be mailed to?

Please mail any documents to the following address:

Steve Santa Croce
CalRecycle, Engineering Support Branch
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

  1. May the required Authorization Documents, including the Resolution, be submitted by either the application due dates or the secondary due dates? 

The required Authorization Documents can be submitted by the application due date (October 16, 2024) but must be submitted by the secondary due date (November 13, 2024). If the required Authorization Documents are not received by the secondary due date, then the application will be deemed incomplete and CalRecycle will disqualify the applicant. Please ignore the typo on page 18 of the Application Guidelines that states “the applicant must submit a Resolution no later than the application due date” as that is not correct.