Legacy Disposal Site Abatement Partial Grant Program

The Legacy Disposal Site Abatement Partial Grant Program provides financial assistance to assist public entities accelerate the pace of cleanup and restore sites and protecting public health and safety and the environment by maintaining public landfill sites in compliance with state regulations and standards.


Eligible applicants include:

  • Public entities, including:
    • Counties
    • Cities
    • Districts
    • State agencies, and
    • Joint Powers Authorities.

Eligible projects include the remediation of disposal sites closed in accordance with the local laws at the time of the closure and prior to implementation of the State’s current permitting and/or closure requirements for landfills and disposal sites.


  • $1,500,000 available for each fiscal year.
  • Up to $750,000 is the maximum available per applicant per fiscal year (FY).

Eligible Costs

  • Waste removal and disposal.
  • Security measures such as fences, barriers, warning signs, and other measures to prevent recurring illegal dumping at the remediated sites.
    • These prevention measures and staff time are limited to no more than 25 percent of the overall grant amount. These measures can include public information materials.
  • Site grading and drainage controls to minimize erosion.
  • Slope and foundation stabilization.
  • Excavation, consolidation, and capping of waste areas.
  • Installation of landfill gas and leachate control systems.
  • Field and laboratory testing
  • Health and safety measures required for eligible project work.

These costs may include but are not limited to:

  • Expenditures for contractors
  • Public agency labor
  • Rental equipment
  • Preparation of designs or
  • Consultant services directly associated with an eligible cost item.

Contact Information

For more information, contact julian.lopez@calrecycle.ca.gov.


Join the Solid Waste Disposal and Codisposal Site Cleanup Grant Listserv to receive program updates via email.

Current Grant Cycle

Application materials for Cycle 101, Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 were due October 16, 2024. 

Upcoming Grant Cycle

If funds are still available and not exhausted for FY 2024-25, application materials for Cycle 103 will tentatively be available in January 2025.

How to Apply

Watch for the Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) on either of these two web pages:

Online Applications

CalRecycle grant applications are submitted online through the CalRecycle Grants Management System (GMS).