Pharmaceutical and Sharps Waste Stewardship

California’s Pharmaceutical and Sharps Waste Stewardship Programs provide safe and convenient disposal options for pharmaceutical and home-generated sharps waste at no cost to the consumer. CalRecycle oversees the programs, which are run by MED-Project and The Drug Takeback Solutions Foundation, the nonprofit stewardship organizations created by pharmaceutical and sharps manufacturers and other entities within the distribution chain.

Program News

  • On February 18, 2025, CalRecycle disapproved proposed significant changes to MED-Project’s stewardship plan for covered drugs.
  • On February 18, 2025, CalRecycle issued compliance determinations for The Drug Takeback Solutions Foundation’s revised 2025 annual program budgets (covered drugs / sharps).
  • On February 13, 2025, The Drug Takeback Solutions Foundation notified CalRecycle of proposed changes to its stewardship plan for covered drugs. CalRecycle is reviewing the proposal as a significant change.
  • On January 29, 2025, The Drug Takeback Solutions Foundation notified CalRecycle of proposed changes to its stewardship plan for home-generated sharps waste. CalRecycle is reviewing the proposal as a significant change.

Read the law and regulations for details.

Where and How Do I Dispose of Pharmaceuticals?

To find disposal drop-off locations or obtain mail-back supplies, visit or call (844) 4-TAKE-BACK or (844) 482-5322.

How Do I Dispose of Home-Generated Sharps Waste?

To order a free sharps waste container with mail-back materials, visit or call (844) 4-TAKE-BACK or (844) 482-5322.

This page is not intended to provide legal determinations or contain a comprehensive list of legal requirements.