Archived Carpet Program Status Updates
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017
2024 Carpet Program Status
- December 23, 2024: CalRecycle’s director approved CARE’s Differential Assessments Plan Amendment.
- November 8, 2024: CARE submitted its Differential Assessments Plan Amendment to CalRecycle.
- October 30, 2024: CalRecycle sent a letter to CARE regarding the results of CalRecycle’s review of the independent financial audit in CARE’s 2023 Annual Report.
- September 1, 2024: CARE submitted its 2023 Annual Report to CalRecycle.
- August 1, 2024: CalRecycle’s director approved CARE’s revised Contingency Plan Amendment.
- June 3, 2024: CARE submitted its revised Contingency Plan Amendment and Training Guide to CalRecycle in response to the Notice of Conditional Approval signed by CalRecycle’s director on April 4, 2024.
- April 4, 2024: CalRecycle’s director conditionally approved CARE’s Revised Contingency Plan Amendment. CARE may revise and resubmit its Contingency Plan Amendment within 60 days.
- February 6, 2024: CalRecycle’s director appointed 12 members to the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee. Visit CalRecycle’s Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee page for more information.
- February 5, 2024: CARE submitted its revised Contingency Plan Amendment and Training Guide to CalRecycle in response to the Notice of Disapproval signed by CalRecycle’s director on December 5, 2023.
- January 29, 2024: CalRecycle’s director determined that CARE’s 2022 Annual Report was noncompliant.
2023 Carpet Program Status
- December 5, 2023: CalRecycle’s director disapproved CARE’s Contingency Plan Amendment. CARE may revise and resubmit its Contingency Plan Amendment within 60 days.
- November 17, 2023: CalRecycle’s director approved CARE’s Differential Assessments Plan Amendment.
- October 31, 2023: CalRecycle sent a letter to CARE on October 31, 2023, regarding the results of CalRecycle’s review of the independent financial audit in CARE’s 2022 Annual Report.
- October 20, 2023: CARE submitted its Contingency Plan Amendment, including a separate Training Guide, to CalRecycle.
- September 20, 2023: CARE submitted its Differential Assessments Plan Amendment to CalRecycle.
- September 1, 2023: CARE submitted its 2022 Annual Report to CalRecycle.
- August 22, 2023: CARE notified carpet recyclers of the following changes to its carpet stewardship program. Effective October 1, 2023, all carpet collected at CARE-supported public drop-off sites will be restricted to California-based processors. Effective April 1, 2024, out-of-state supplemental processing subsidies (for Type 1 recycled output) will be reduced by 50 percent, and all supplemental collection subsidies will be eliminated for any postconsumer carpet shipped out-of-state.
- April 21, 2023: CalRecycle’s director approved CARE’s revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2023 to 2027. CARE’s Contingency Plan that became effective on January 1, 2023, is no longer in effect because an approved stewardship plan is in place.
- March 29, 2023: CARE submitted its revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2023 to 2027 to CalRecycle in response to the Request for Action signed by CalRecycle’s director on March 6, 2023.
- March 6, 2023: CalRecycle’s director conditionally approved CARE’s revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2023 to 2027.
- January 17, 2023: CARE submitted its revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2023 to 2027 to CalRecycle in response to CalRecycle’s director’s disapproval of CARE’s California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2023-2027 (submitted on September 22, 2022).
2022 Carpet Program Status
- November 18, 2022: CalRecycle’s director disapproved CARE’s California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2023 to 2027 (submitted on September 22, 2022). CARE’s Contingency Plan becomes effective January 1, 2023. CARE may revise and resubmit its 2023 to 2027 Plan within 60 days.
- October 18, 2022: CalRecycle’s director determined that CARE’s 2021 Annual Report did not demonstrate it met all the requirements in statute, regulations, and its 2018 to 2022 Plan, and referred CARE to the Waste Permitting, Compliance, and Mitigation Division for potential enforcement.
- October 11, 2022: CalRecycle sent a letter to CARE regarding the results of CalRecycle’s review of the independent financial audit in CARE’s 2021 Annual Report.
- September 22, 2022: CARE submitted its California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2023 to 2027 to CalRecycle.
- September 1, 2022: CARE submitted its 2021 Annual Report to CalRecycle.
- May 11, 2022: CalRecycle’s director approved California carpet stewardship program goals for 2023 to 2027.
- April 22, 2022: CalRecycle’s director approved CARE’s Differential Assessment Approach, Revised February 22, 2022, as an Amendment to CARE’s 2018 to 2022 Plan.
- February 22, 2022: CARE submitted its Plan Amendment regarding its Differential Assessment Approach, Revised February 22, 2022, as required by CalRecycle’s December 22, 2021, Request for Approval.
- January 31, 2022: CalRecycle’s director signed the Request for Approval for Consideration of CARE’s 2020 Annual Report, which found that CARE did not demonstrate it met a 24 percent or greater recycling rate and did not meet requirements in its 2018 to 2022 Plan. CARE was referred to the Waste Permitting, Compliance, and Mitigation Division for potential enforcement.
- January 21, 2022: CARE submitted its 2022 processor capacity goal to CalRecycle, as required by CARE’s 2018 to 2022 Plan.
2021 Carpet Program Status
- December 27, 2021: CalRecycle reviewed CARE’s plan amendment regarding its Differential Assessment Approach, Revised October 26, 2021, and found that CARE did not adequately address CalRecycle’s conditions for approval. CARE is required to resubmit its plan amendment by February 21, 2022, to address the issues specified in CalRecycle’s December 22, 2021, Request for Approval. CARE must still implement its system of differential assessments on or before April 1, 2022.
- December 3, 2021: CARE provided corrections and clarifications regarding data used in its California Carpet Stewardship Program 2020 Annual Report.
- November 18, 2021: CalRecycle sent a letter to CARE requesting clarification regarding data reported inconsistently in CARE’s California Carpet Stewardship Program 2020 Annual Report.
- November 15, 2021: CalRecycle sent a letter to CARE regarding the results of CalRecycle’s review of the independent financial audit in CARE’s 2020 Annual Report.
- October 26, 2021: CARE submitted its Differential Assessment Approach, Revised October 26, 2021, as required by CalRecycle’s August 27, 2021, conditional approval.
- September 1, 2021: CARE submitted its 2020 Annual Report to CalRecycle.
- August 27, 2021: CalRecycle’s director conditionally approved CARE’s proposed system of differential assessments and directed staff to review and adjust the program goals, including convenient collection goals, pursuant to PRC section 42972.2.
- August 17, 2021: CARE responded to the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee’s recommendations regarding CARE’s draft 2020 Annual Report.
- August 2, 2021: the California Carpet Stewardship Advisory Committee submitted its comments and recommendations regarding CARE’s draft 2020 Annual Report
- July 16, 2021: CalRecycle appointed Dr. Suna Bayrakal, Director of Policy and Programs at the Product Stewardship Institute, to serve on the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee.
- June 30, 2021: CARE submitted several documents as required by statute and CalRecycle’s November 19, 2019, Request for Approval, including CARE’s proposed Differential Assessments Approach, Convenient Collection for Flooring Professionals Final Report and Implementation Plan, Analysis of Carpet Discards Formula, Capacity Survey Report, Phase 2 Economic Analysis, Highest Recyclability Update, and Reuse Report.
- June 27, 2021: CARE responded to the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee’s recommendations regarding CARE’s draft June 30, 2021, Deliverables.
- June 14, 2021: CalRecycle solicited applications from members of the environmental community for appointment to the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee through June 25, 2021.
- May 21, 2021: The Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee submitted comments and recommendations regarding CARE’s draft June 30, 2021 Deliverables.
- May 20, 2021: CARE submitted its California Carpet Stewardship Program Model Team Report, which CARE is required to update every six months pursuant to CalRecycle’s October 16, 2018, Request for Approval.
- May 17, 2021: CARE updated its discards calculation parameters effective January 1, 2021, consistent with its 2018-2022 Plan.
- April 29, 2021: CalRecycle’s director signed the RFA for Consideration of CARE’s 2019 Annual Report, referring CARE to the Waste Permitting, Compliance, and Mitigation Division for enforcement for noncompliance in 2019.
- March 30, 2021: CalRecycle’s Office of Public Affairs issued a news release regarding a recent settlement agreement between CalRecycle and CARE for CARE’s noncompliance in 2013 through 2016. As part of the settlement agreement, CARE is required to pay CalRecycle $1,175,000 in administrative penalties by June 15, 2021.
- January 29, 2021: CalRecycle’s director adopted the Office of Administrative Hearing’s February 25, 2019, Proposed Decision regarding CARE’s noncompliance in 2016, requiring CARE to pay CalRecycle $274,500 in civil penalties.
- January 27, 2021: The Third District California Court of Appeal upheld CalRecycle’s decision regarding CARE’s noncompliance in 2013, 2014, and 2015, requiring CARE to pay CalRecycle $821,250 in civil penalties.
2020 Carpet Program Status
- December 15, 2020: CARE submitted a letter describing its ongoing efforts to support carpet recyclers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- December 9, 2020: Circular Polymers submitted a letter expressing appreciation for the financial support CARE provided to carpet recyclers to ensure market stability and mitigate impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic.
- October 20, 2020: CalRecycle reviewed the independent financial audit in CARE’s 2019 Annual Report, and concluded in a letter to CARE that there are no financial statement or compliance findings resulting from the independent audit.
- October 6, 2020: CalRecycle approved CARE’s request to extend deadlines for 10 projects or deliverables due to factors explained in CARE’s request letter, including impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- September 1, 2020: CARE submitted its 2019 Annual Report to CalRecycle.
- September 1, 2020: CARE submitted its California Carpet Stewardship Program Model Team Report, which CARE is required to update every six months pursuant to CalRecycle’s October 16, 2018, Request for Approval.
- August 28, 2020: CalRecycle appointed Jen Jackson, Toxics Reduction and Healthy Ecosystems Program Manager for San Francisco Department of the Environment, to the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee.
- July 31, 2020: The Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee submitted recommendations related to CARE’s Draft 2019 Annual Report.
- June 26, 2020: CalRecycle’s acting director approved CARE’s California Carpet Stewardship Program Contingency Plan following the June 16, 2020, Public Meeting.
- May 14, 2020: CARE submitted a revised version of its California Carpet Stewardship Program Contingency Plan to add item “E” on page 13 under “Actions.” The addition reflects the only change to the CARE Contingency Plan originally submitted to CalRecycle on April 30, 2020, and is consistent with its response to Motion 11 of the Carpet Advisory Committee’s recommendations .
- May 7, 2020: Dr. Joanne Brasch, vice chair of the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee (AC), provided her statement to CalRecycle regarding the technical challenges experienced during the April 7, 2020, AC meeting , to respond to CARE’s response to the AC’s recommendations .
- April 30, 2020: CARE submitted its California Carpet Stewardship Program Contingency Plan and its response to the Carpet Advisory Committee’s recommendations to CalRecycle pursuant to the statutory requirements established by the enactment of Assembly Bill 729 and the timelines agreed upon by CARE and CalRecycle. CARE’s Contingency Plan will be considered at CalRecycle’s June 16, 2020, Public Meeting.
- April 17, 2020: The Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee submitted comments and recommendations related to CARE’s Draft Contingency Plan.
- March 30, 2020: CARE sent a letter to CalRecycle describing the emergency actions it will implement to address the impacts of COVID-19 on the California Carpet Stewardship Program.
- January 30, 2020: Pursuant to CARE’s timelines agreed upon by CalRecycle staff, CARE submitted a letter of confirmation that collector/sorter entrepreneur Agreed Upon Procedures were completed.
- January 30, 2020: CARE submitted to CalRecycle a Cost Analysis and Model Evaluation Clarification Letter
- January 13, 2020: Pursuant to CalRecycle’s November 19, 2019, Request for Approval, CARE submitted timelines agreed upon by CalRecycle staff, that it shall meet to fulfill the remaining requirements of Chapter 0 and new statutory requirements established by the enactment of Assembly Bill 729.
* If you require assistance in obtaining access to these documents, please use the contact information at the bottom of this page. Below is a list of archived updates and documents related to the carpet stewardship program from prior years: 2016-2019.
2019 Carpet Program Status
- November 20, 2019: Following CalRecycle’s November 19, 2019, Public Meeting, CalRecycle’s director deferred a compliance determination of CARE’s implementation of Chapter 0 of its 2018-2022 Plan and directed staff to work with CARE to establish timelines that CARE must meet to fulfill all the remaining requirements of CalRecycle’s October 16, 2018, Request for Approval and the requirements of AB 729. All timelines shall be agreed upon by January 13, 2020, and CARE must fulfill the requirements within the agreed upon timelines.
- November 19, 2019: CalRecycle presented an Informational Item for CARE’s 2018 Annual Report at CalRecycle’s November Public Meeting.
- September 3, 2019: CARE submitted its Chapter 0 Report to address CalRecycle’s conditions for approval of its California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2018-2022.
- September 1, 2019: CARE submitted its 2018 Annual Report.
- August 2, 2019: The Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee submitted comments and recommendations related to CARE’s draft 2018 Annual Report.
- July 24, 2019: CalRecycle’s Director issued a Decision and Order requiring CARE to pay $1,830,000 in penalties for non-compliance in 2016.
- March 14, 2019: CalRecycle’s Director rejected the Office of Administrative Hearing’s Proposed Decision regarding CalRecycle’s Accusation against CARE for non-compliance in 2016, and held a hearing on May 8, 2019.
- February 25, 2019: The Office of Administrative Hearings issued a Proposed Decision regarding CalRecycle’s Accusation against CARE for non-compliance in 2016, following a hearing held on January 28, 2019.
- February 20, 2019: CalRecycle’s Director approved CARE’s Revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2018-2022 containing Chapter 0 following CalRecycle’s February 19, 2019 Public Meeting.
2018 Carpet Program Status
- December 15, 2018: CARE submitted Chapter 0 of its Revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2018-2022 to address the conditions in the RFA to be met within 60 days of October 15, 2018 for approval of its Plan and a cover letter.*
- November 20, 2018: CalRecycle presented an Informational Item for CARE’s 2017 Annual Report at CalRecycle’s November Public Meeting.
- October 16, 2018: CalRecycle’s Director conditionally approved CARE’s Revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2018-2022 following CalRecycle’s October 16, 2018 Public Meeting. CARE must submit another revised Plan within 60 days of signature of the Request for Approval (RFA) that adequately addresses all of the items in the RFA.
- September 24, 2018: CARE submitted an updated Attachment 9 to its Revised Carpet Stewardship Plan and a cover letter explaining the updates on September 24, 2018.
- September 4, 2018: CARE submitted its 2017 Annual Report
- August 17, 2018: CARE submitted its Revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2018-2022, and its response to CalRecycle’s Findings of May 15, 2018.
- August 15, 2018: The Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee submitted comments and recommendations related to CARE’s draft 2017 Annual Report.
- August 13, 2018: CalRecycle issued an Accusation seeking penalties against CARE for failure to achieve continuous meaningful improvement in the recycling of carpet for 2016.
- July 19, 2018: The Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee submitted comments and recommendations related to CARE’s draft Revised Carpet Stewardship Plan.
- June 19, 2018: CalRecycle presented its Updated June 2018 Carpet Stewardship Program Enforcement Plan at CalRecycle’s June 19, 2018 Public Meeting, which extends the timeframe manufacturers may continue to avoid penalties until after August 17, 2018 when a revised Carpet Stewardship Plan is due to CalRecycle.
- June 12, 2018: CalRecycle responded to CARE’s June 8, 2018 letter by agreeing to delay further implementation of the Enforcement Plan for an additional 33 days, in order to allow public consideration of the revised Plan at CalRecycle’s October 16, 2018 Monthly Public Meeting.
- June 8, 2018: CARE submitted its letter of request to CalRecycle for an extension to submit its revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2018-2022.
- May 31, 2018: CalRecycle responded to CARE’s request for an extension to submit its revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2018-2022.
- May 25, 2018: CARE requested an extension to submit its revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2018-2022.
- May 15, 2018: CalRecycle’s Director disapproved CARE’s California Carpet Stewardship Plan (2018-2022). If CARE chooses to submit a revised Plan, it is due within 60 days, by July 14, 2018.
- April 25, 2018: Regarding CalRecycle’s Accusation against CARE for non-compliance in 2013, 2014, and 2015, CalRecycle’s Director accepted the Office of Administrative Hearings’ Proposed Decision with modifications . The Director’s modifications reduced the penalty amount to be consistent with the penalties specified in the statute, and made corrections to CalRecycle legal counsel contact information.
- April 18, 2018: CalRecycle’s Director appointed Rachel Ross and Nat Isaac to the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee.
- March 16, 2018: CARE submitted its California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2018-2022.
- March 14, 2018: CalRecycle announced that it is soliciting applications for a local government representative for the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee until March 28, 2018.
- March 2, 2018: CARE requested a 2-month extension for CARE’s California Carpet Stewardship Program 2017 Annual Report. CalRecycle approved the request on March 2, 2018. CARE’s 2017 Annual Report is due no later than September 1, 2018.
- February 13, 2018: On March 10, 2017, CalRecycle issued an Accusation seeking penalties against CARE for failure to achieve meaningful continuous improvement in the recycling of carpet for 2013, 2014, and 2015. After a hearing held on September 26, 2017, the Office of Administrative Hearings issued a Proposed Decision. CalRecycle has until May 23, 2018 to accept, reject, or modify the Decision.
- February 12, 2018: The Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee submitted comments and recommendations related to CARE’s draft Carpet Stewardship Plan.
2017 Carpet Program Status
- December 22, 2017: Director Smithline appointed members to the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee.
- December 19, 2017: CalRecycle received a joint letter from 10 organizations regarding the findings of a Healthy Building Network report titled “Eliminating Toxics in Carpet: Lessons for the Future of Recycling.”
- November 29, 2017: CalRecycle submitted a request to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) to approve amendments to the current regulation, pursuant to Title 1 California Code of Regulations (CCR) section 100. The requested changes qualify as “Changes Without Regulatory Effect” as they are necessary to make these regulatory provisions consistent with changes to statute contained in Assembly Bill 1158, effective January 1, 2018. The amendments were approved by OAL on January 3, 2018 and took effect immediately.
- October 17, 2017: CalRecycle announced that it is soliciting applications for the Carpet Stewardship Program Advisory Committee until November 10, 2017.
- October 17, 2017: CalRecycle presented its Update to June 2017 Carpet Stewardship Program Enforcement Plan at CalRecycle’s October 17, 2017 Public Meeting that outlines the steps carpet manufacturers must take to avoid penalties for selling carpet not covered under a CalRecycle-approved carpet stewardship plan and associated timelines.
- October 14, 2017: Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 1158, which makes changes to the carpet stewardship law, effective January 1, 2018.
- September 26, 2017: The Office of Administrative Hearings held a hearing and issued a Proposed Decision regarding CalRecycle’s Accusation against CARE seeking penalties for non-compliance in 2013, 2014, and 2015.
- September 21, 2017: CalRecycle found CARE’s 2016 Annual Report non-compliant and directed the Waste Evaluation and Enforcement Branch (WEEB) to verify findings and other potential violations of the statute and regulations.
- August 3, 2017: CalRecycle’s response to CARE’s request for approval of Grant Cycle 2.
- July 19, 2017: The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) presented a report to CalRecycle prepared by Bates White entitled “Impact of CCSP Assessment Fees on California Carpet Shipments.” Posting of this report on CalRecycle’s website does not imply endorsement by or collaboration with CalRecycle. This is an independent report provided by CRI and CalRecycle’s primary purpose in posting it is to provide stakeholders with access to it. Public Comments
- Bates White response to “California Carpet Stewardship Programme: Review of Analysis by Bates White. Report to Changing Markets”.
- Bates White response to CalRecycle staff comments
- California Carpet Stewardship Program: Review of Analysis by Bates White. Report to Changing Markets.
- CalRecycle staff comments to CRI on Bates White report
- July 11, 2017: CARE submitted a letter requesting approval to launch a second cycle of its Grant Program by August 15, 2017. CalRecycle received public comments regarding CARE’s request through July 28, 2017.
- June 30, 2017: CARE submitted the California Carpet Stewardship Program Annual Report January 2016–December 2016. CalRecycle received public comments regarding CARE’s 2016 Annual Report.
- June 20, 2017: CalRecycle presented a Final Carpet Stewardship Program Enforcement Plan at the June 2017 Public Meeting.
- May 16, 2017: CalRecycle held a Carpet Stewardship Plan Workshop to share information with manufacturers and stakeholders regarding how to submit stewardship plans that comply with state law.
- April 18, 2017: CalRecycle disapproved CARE’s Revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2017 -2021.
- March 10, 2017: CalRecycle issued an Accusation seeking penalties against CARE for failure to achieve meaningful continuous improvement in the recycling of carpet for 2013, 2014, and 2015.
- February 20, 2017: CARE submitted its Revised California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2017–2021. CalRecycle received public comments regarding CARE’s Revised Plan.
- December 20, 2016: CalRecycle disapproved Carpet America Recovery Effort’s (CARE) California Carpet Stewardship Plan 2017 -2021.
* If you require assistance in obtaining access to these documents, please use the contact information at the bottom of this page.