Carpet Stewardship Program Goals

CalRecycle is required to review and may adjust the carpet stewardship program recycling rate and program goals every three years.
Refer to PRC section 42972.2(b) for more information.

CARE is required to demonstrate achievement of the goals set by CalRecycle in its annual reports, as well as other goals set in its plan.

The tabs provide a summary of the carpet stewardship program baselines and annual goals for calendar years 2023 to 2027. 


The tabs present the goals currently in effect through 2027.

Baseline: 27.9%

Goal: Meet or exceed the goals included in the table.

2023 Goal2024 Goal2025 Goal2026 Goal2027 Goal


The carpet stewardship program recycling rate calculation is a percentage calculated by dividing the pounds of carpet material reused and recycled by the pounds of carpet discarded and multiplying by one hundred.

Note: More information on the data source and calculation method is included in the May 2022 Request for Approval.

Baseline: 76.4%

Goal: Meet or exceed 75% each year from 2023 to 2027.

Calculation: The carpet stewardship program recycling efficiency rate calculation is a percentage calculated by dividing the pounds of carpet material reused and recycled by the pounds of carpet collected and multiplying by one hundred.

Note: More information on the data source and calculation method is included in the May 2022 Request for Approval.

Baseline: 36.4%

Goal: Meet or exceed the goals included in the table.

2023 Goal2024 Goal2025 Goal2026 Goal2027 Goal

Calculation: The carpet stewardship program collection rate calculation is a percentage calculated by dividing the pounds of carpet collected by the program by the pounds of carpet discarded and multiplying by one hundred.

Note: More information on the data source and calculation method is included in the May 2022 Request for Approval.

Baseline: 51 out of 58 counties had one site per 500,000 residents in each county, with a minimum of one per county.

Goal: Establish at least one public drop-off site per county at the specified population increments.

2023 Goal2024 Goal2025 Goal2026 Goal2027 Goal
One site per 500,000 residents in each county (minimum of one per county)One site per 450,000 residents in each county (minimum of one per county)One site per 425,000 residents in each county (minimum of one per county)One site per 400,000 residents in each county (minimum of one per county)One site per 375,000 residents in each county (minimum of one per county)

Note: The number of public drop-off sites that CARE needs to establish in each county by December 31 of each year from 2023 through 2027 is included in Appendix B of the May 2022 Request for Approval.

Baseline: 72% of residents within 15 miles of a location that accepts carpet from all flooring professionals

Goal: Ensure that the specified percentage of residents are within 15 miles of a location that accepts postconsumer carpet from all flooring professionals.

2023 Goal2024 Goal2025 Goal2026 Goal2027 Goal

Note: Locations that would count toward the goals include, but are not limited to, public drop-off sites, a regional distribution center that accepts carpet from all flooring professionals, not just its customers, or a retailer with a collection container open to all flooring professionals. More information is included in the May 2022 Request for Approval.