State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign
Program News...
- NEW SABRC and AB 661 Updates Webinar. The Annual Report will be updated to reflect these changes in the coming months.
- March 30, 2023, State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign (SABRC) and AB 661 Webinar YouTube (1:34:22) | PowerPoint Presentation
- Web pages are being updated to reflect SABRC updates from AB 661 (Bennett. Recycling: materials) that became effective January 1, 2023. Check back regularly for the most up-to-date content.
- The detailed Buy Recycled Annual Report is due each year on October 31.
The State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign (SABRC) is a joint effort between CalRecycle and the Department of General Services (DGS) to implement laws requiring state agencies to purchase recycled-content products (RCP) and track and report those purchases.
This program:
- promotes businesses,
- sustains our environment by creating jobs,
- improves markets for recycled products,
- reduces manufacturing waste and pollution,
- reduces energy consumption,
- diverts waste from landfills
- and supporting the goal of a circular economy.
State agencies are leaders in the state and are important purchasers with significant buying power to drive markets for recycled content products.

For questions and to update SABRC coordinators, please reach out to the SABRC team at
Total Product Purchases
SABRC Product Category Purchases Compared to All Statewide Product Purchases for FY 2020-21
Total SABRC Compliant Purchases
SABRC Product Category Purchases Compared to All Statewide Product Purchases for FY 2020-21
Statewide SABRC Compliant vs. Non-Compliant Purchases for FY 2020-21
SABRC Compliance Spending from 2015-2022
- 2020-21 SABRC Compliance Spending 88%
- 2019-20 SABRC Compliance Spending 79%
- 2018-19 SABRC Compliance Spending 80%
- 2017-18 SABRC Compliance Spending 67%
- 2016-17 SABRC Compliance Spending 65%
- 2015-16 SABRC Compliance Spending 69%
For more information contact: State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign,