Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following frequently asked questions (FAQ) for the waste tire manifest system can be found in the Comprehensive Trip Log (CTL) Guidance Manual and are organized as follows:

Part 1—General

How will CalRecycle notify us about changes to the waste tire manifest system regulations and requirements?

CalRecycle will keep all program participants informed on law, regulation, and requirement changes, or new procedures through one of the following methods:

  • Announcements on the CalRecycle waste tire manifest program website. The site is frequently updated with program updates and news.
  • Mailings and emails to individual businesses and government agencies.

What if I forget my Tire Program Identification (TPID) number or I am unsure whether one has been issued to my company or for my customers?

Call the CalRecycle Waste Tire Hotline at (866) 896-0600 (toll free). CalRecycle staff will provide you with information on the TPID issued. TPID numbers with business name can also be accessed online. A TPID number search may be done by name, street number, or street address on the website. If a business does not have a TPID number, CalRecycle staff can create one for your company or your customer by calling our Hotline number.

Is the information on the CTL form confidential? Who can access this information?

For the purposes of waste tire manifest system, some information on the CTL is confidential. This information could include “load type” and “load amount” and the specific transaction between the generator and the hauler or the hauler and end use facility operator for that load. All other information is considered public information, unless program participants demonstrate otherwise to CalRecycle. Confidentiality is determined at CalRecycle’s discretion.

For more detailed information or a copy of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish), contact the hotline or email CalRecycle at Section 6 of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish) contains more information on confidentiality of business information submitted under the WTMS. Section 6 covers the situations under which CTL information can be accessed, by whom, and CalRecycle’s role in determining confidentiality.

How does CalRecycle use the CTL information? What happens to the forms?

The waste tire manifest system was created to track the generation, movement, and disposal of waste tires throughout California. The information listed on the CTL form(s) is entered into the waste tire manifest system tracking database, and the load data is cross-referenced to the hard copies observed and inspected in the field. Electronic images of all CTL forms are created and are available as scanned images under the business TPID. These CTL images are considered confidential.

Program participants–generators, haulers, and end use facility operators–can view scanned images of forms they submitted, as well as status of loads, by accessing their online business portal (see below).

Can I view the CTL forms submitted by my business or agency?

Yes, you can. All CTL forms submitted to CalRecycle are scanned as images and can be accessed through your online business portal.

What is the online business portal? Who can access it and what does it contain?

Each business or government agency in the waste tire tracking database has a business portal on the CalRecycle web site. The purpose of this online portal is to enable each business or government agency to view the information they have submitted under the Waste Tire Management System. Through the online business portal, each participant can view their tire transactions. The business must contact CalRecycle before they can access their business portal. The business must provide CalRecycle with an email address in order to be setup with a user ID and password for access to the web portal.

The online business portal will only show data for a specific business or government agency and is password-protected. For generators, there will be general information indicating whether the tires were picked up at your site or delivered to your site by a registered waste tire hauler.

Access to the online business portal will require you to enter your email address and a password that you select. Only those individuals with whom you share your email address and password will have access to your online business portal. See Section 3 of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish) for more information on the TPID number.

Can a tire business be considered a generator, hauler, and end use facility in a single waste tire trip? If so, how is this possible?

Yes, it can and frequently does occur. See Section 2 of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (“Know Your Role”) (English | Spanish) for more information about how you may need to fulfill more than one role with respect to generating, hauling, and disposing of waste tires or see the TPID webpage.

The waste tire manifest system tracks tires from the point of pickup, through the haul, to the final delivery and disposal at a permitted end use facility. At each point in the sequence, specific steps must be taken and forms must be filled out to document each transfer of waste tires. While in most cases your role may seem obvious, in some situations you may need to fulfill more than one role.

Under the waste tire manifest system, your primary business activity (for example, a waste tire generator or hauler) is not as important as the role(s) you play with respect to each specific movement of waste tires. This determines your responsibilities under the waste tire manifest system and the forms you are required to complete.

Here is an example which illustrates the three roles in one business:

    • Bob owns a Tire Shop where customers leave their waste tires. Therefore, the tire shop is an end use facility.
    • Bob is also a registered waste tire hauler. He uses his truck to pick up waste tires from his shop, which now acts as a generator, to take them to a local landfill.
    • Therefore, Bob’s business is all three: an end use facility, hauler, and generator.

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Part 2—Generators and End Use Facilities

How do I find a registered waste tire hauler?

Contact CalRecycle at the website or phone number shown below. CalRecycle maintains a list of all CalRecycle registered waste tire haulers.

How do I obtain information on becoming a registered waste tire hauler?

Below are four ways to obtain the information:

How do I know if the waste tire hauler I am using is registered with CalRecycle?

CalRecycle requires registered waste tire haulers to provide the following as proof of their current registration status:

    • Decal. There should be a current year waste tire hauler decal affixed on the lower right corner (passenger side) of the vehicle windshield.
    • Certificate. Haulers are required to have a current-year waste tire hauler registration certificate in their vehicle at all times.
    • Forms. Registered haulers must use the CTL form or be an approved participant in electronic data transfer (EDT). If the hauler is an approved participant in EDT program, they may use their own business receipt with an EDT emblem at the bottom left corner of the form and a statement indicating that they are filing manifest information electronically on your behalf. The customer will get a copy of the receipt from the hauler. See Section 7 of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish) or the EDT web page for more information.

For generators–if the hauler you are using does not have a current waste tire hauler decal or registration certificate or is not using the required form (or is not an authorized EDT participant), do not release your waste tires to the hauler. Contact CalRecycle through the Waste Tire Hotline at (866) 896-0600 (toll free) to report the incident and get further information. Penalties can be assessed for contracting with an unregistered hauler, which is a violation of Public Resources Code PRC section 42953. See Appendix B of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish) or the manifest webpage for more information on CalRecycle requirements for registered waste tire haulers. If you are a generator having nine (9) or fewer tires picked up by a hauler in a single load, that hauler need not be a registered waste tire hauler. If ten (10) or more tires are to be picked up in a single load, then a registered waste tire hauler must do the hauling; however, if you arrange with a registered waste tire hauler to pick up nine or fewer tires from your business, the hauler is required to manifest the load.

My hauler says that he is part of the electronic data transfer (EDT) program. What does this mean?

Section 7 of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish) and the EDT webpage provide more information regarding the electronic data transfer (EDT) program.

For more detailed information or a copy of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish), contact the hotline or email CalRecycle at

If approved as a participant in EDT, the waste tire hauler must complete the following:

    1. Present an authorization letter issued by CalRecycle attesting to their participation in EDT.
    2. This authorization letter will be on CalRecycle letterhead and permits the hauler to use their business receipt forms to collect and transmit waste tire manifest system information to CalRecycle.
    3. The hauler’s business receipt or invoice must have a CalRecycle EDT approved logo, as shown, located on the bottom left corner of the form.

My hauler is not completing (or completing incorrectly) the CTL form. What should I do?

As a generator or end use facility, you are ultimately responsible for ensuring that information you provide to the hauler is complete and accurate. In addition, as a generator or end use facility, you are required by law to verify that the CTL receipt is completely filled out and accurate. By initialing the receipt, you certify that under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of California that the information provided on the CTL receipt is true and correct.

    • Be sure the receipt portion of the CTL form is completed by the hauler before the hauler leaves your facility. You are required to retain this receipt for a period of three years at your place of business.
    • If a receipt is not left by the hauler, you must contact CalRecycle and obtain, complete, and submit back to CalRecycle, an Unregistered Hauler & Comprehensive Trip Log Substitution Form, CalRecycle 204. Your business must submit the form to CalRecycle within 30 days.

If the hauler is still having difficulty in accurately completing the CTL form, you may do the following:

    • Contact the hauler’s company representative, advise them of the situation, and seek a solution.
    • Call CalRecycle’s Waste Tire Hotline at (866) 896-0600 (toll-free) to discuss the situation.

What if the hauler fills out the CTL receipt on my behalf as the generator or end use facility? Is this OK?

Yes, the hauler is required to complete the entire CTL form and provide a receipt of the tire transaction to the generator or end use facility, however you are required to initial the form to confirm accuracy of the information.

Can a hauler pick up my waste tires if no one is available to initial the generator’s receipt on the CTL form?

If you are unable to be there when the hauler picks up your waste tires, you will need to complete and sign a statement authorizing the hauler to initial for you. This statement should be provided to the hauler before the pick up or delivery occurs. This statement needs to be attached to the hauler copy of the CTL form showing that you gave permission for their initials.

The waste tire hauler picked up my tires when I was not here. He filled out the CTL receipt for me, but I did not sign it and he did not leave the completed receipt. What should I do?

Ultimately, it is the generator’s responsibility to ensure that all waste tires leaving their facility are properly documented on a CTL receipt. If the hauler fails to leave you a receipt showing the tire transaction, you should:

    • Call the hauler and ask them to return the completed receipt for this transaction. Upon receiving the form, make sure that all the information is correct. If a receipt is not left by the hauler, you must contact CalRecycle and obtain, complete, and submit back to CalRecycle, an Unregistered Hauler & Comprehensive Trip Log Substitution Form, CalRecycle 204.

How quickly must the CTL form be submitted to CalRecycle by the hauler after a load of waste tires has been picked up or delivered?

The hauler should submit the CTL form within 14 calendar days as good business practice, and no later than 90 days per regulation, of the initial tire transaction documented on the form.

Do out of state and out of country trucking firms that haul, pick up, or deliver waste tires in California have to be registered with CalRecycle? Do these firms have to participate in the waste tire manifest system?

Yes to both questions. Except as described below, all haulers that transport 10 or more waste tires in a given load on a public road must be registered with CalRecycle. Foreign haulers are no longer exempt and must comply with the waste tire hauler registration requirements. Common carriers, agricultural haulers, and all government agencies (and other entities listed in PRC section 42954) are exempt from waste tire hauler registration requirements (see Appendix B for the list of exemptions). Remember that common carriers and agricultural haulers need to have a “Letter of Exemption” issued by CalRecycle before they are considered exempt.

All registered waste tire haulers transporting any number of waste tires, and exempt haulers transporting 10 or more waste tires on a public road must comply with the waste tire manifesting requirements described in the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish).

My company is primarily a waste tire generator but sometimes we move tires between stores. Does this mean I am a hauler and have to be registered?

You are considered a waste tire hauler anytime you transport 10 or more waste tires on a public road and therefore need to be registered with CalRecycle. See Appendix B in the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual  (English | Spanish) or the hauler web page for waste tire hauler registration requirements.

In such instances where your business generates, transports, and delivers or disposes of 10 or more waste tires on a single trip, you are considered a generator, hauler, and end use facility under the waste tire manifest system. As such, you must complete the CTL form and receipt for each pick up and delivery of waste tires. See Section 2 of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual  ( English | Spanish) or the TPID web page for more information on generator, hauler, and end use facility requirements. As such, you must complete the CTL form/receipt for each pick-up and delivery of waste tires. See Section 2 for more information on generator, hauler, and end use facility requirements.

How do I know if the hauler picking up my tires disposes of them at a permitted or authorized end use facility?

You can check online to determine if the tire transaction was reported by the hauler to CalRecycle. If your transaction was not reported, please contact CalRecycle at (866) 896-0600. See Part 1-General of these FAQs for more information about the online business portals, Section 3 of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual  (English | Spanish) or the TPID web page.

As an end-use facility, what should I do if unregistered haulers want to deliver and dispose of tires at my facility? How do I report unregistered haulers?

In all instances please accept the tires. If tires are accepted from an unregistered waste tire hauler or a registered waste tire hauler that does not have the appropriate CTL form, you will need to complete and submit to CalRecycle an Unregistered Hauler & Comprehensive Trip Log Substitution Form, CalRecycle 204. You can obtain this form by contacting CalRecycle by any of the means provided below:

Website (online form):
Fax: (916) 319-7605
Hotline (toll free): (866) 896-0600
Mailing address: California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
Waste Tire Hauler Program (MS-22)
P.O. Box 4025
Sacramento, CA 95812-4025

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Part 3—Waste Tire Hauler

How do I obtain blank CTL forms?

Blank CTL forms can be obtained (free of charge) from CalRecycle using any of the means below and generally should arrive within 5–7 business days of ordering.

Web site (online form):
Fax: (916) 319-7605
Hotline (toll free): 1-866-896-0600
Mailing address: California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
Waste Tire Hauler Program (MS-22)
P.O. Box 4025
Sacramento, CA 95812-4025

I have questions on how to fill out the CTL forms. What should I do?

First, review Section 4 of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish) or view quick video tutorial guide on CTL Form completion. For more detailed information or a copy of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual Appendix D, contact the hotline or email CalRecycle at

You will probably find that most of your questions will be answered there. If you still have questions, you may want to review the training video provided by CalRecycle. See the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual Appendix D (English | Spanish) for information on available training materials and how to obtain them. You can also contact CalRecycle using any of the means described above.

Are the waste tire manifest system materials and information available in Spanish?

The Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish), field reference guide, bookmarks, and portions of the CalRecycle Waste Tire web site are available in Spanish. Contact CalRecycle for more information at (866) 896-0600 (toll free) on Spanish-language resources, see Appendix D of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish) on how to obtain training materials in Spanish or view a quick video tutorial guide on CTL Form completion in Spanish.

Can I use a business stamp or preprinted labels for the business name and address information on the CTL form?

Yes, you can use a business stamp or labels in lieu of entering the information manually but in all cases, the business stamp or labels must be:

  • Applied to all copies of the CTL form.
  • Clear and legible.
  • Located within the designated area on the form.

How long do I need to retain copies of the CTL form?

Copies of CTL forms and receipts must be retained for three years at your place of business.

Can different measurements for load type and amount be used?

Yes. Using differing load type measurements is acceptable. The waste tire manifest system is designed to convert tire types and quantities through passenger tire equivalents (PTE) at a standard of 20 lbs/tire. The PTE will be the common measurement used by CalRecycle.

In hauling waste tires, at what point am I required to become a CalRecycle registered waste tire hauler?

A hauler transporting 10 or more tires at a given time on a public road must be registered with CalRecycle as a registered waste tire hauler. See Appendix B or the hauler web page for more information.

As a CalRecycle registered waste tire hauler, how many tires can I carry before I need to manifest my load?

As registered waste tire hauler, you are required to manifest every tire that goes on or comes off your vehicle without regard to number. There is no minimum number of tires.

As a registered CalRecycle waste tire hauler, am I responsible for completing the CTL form?

Yes. The hauler is now required to complete all portions of the CTL form and provide a receipt to each generator or end use facility where a tire transaction has occurred. See Section 2 of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish) for more information or view a quick video tutorial guide on CTL Form completion.

When I pick up or deliver waste tires and no one is available to initial the CTL form, what should I do?

For Pickups. If no one is available at the generator’s business to initial the CTL form, do not take or load the waste tires unless a statement is written and signed by the generator authorizing you, as the hauler, to initial for the generator. This statement will need to be attached to the hauler’s copy of the CTL form showing that permission was given.

For Delivery or Disposal. The same rule applies as in pickups. If no one is available at the end use facility business to initial the CTL form, do not leave the waste tires unless a statement is written and signed by the end-use facility operator authorizing you, as the hauler, to initial for the end use facility operator. This statement will need to be attached to the hauler’s copy of the CTL form showing that permission was given.

What should I do if a generator does not know about the CTL form or a Tire Program Identification (TPID) number?

As a hauler, it is your responsibility to help educate the generator or end use facility operator on the current CTL requirements. Bookmarks and informational sources are available for distribution to your customers. Please contact the CalRecycle Waste Tire Hotline at (866) 896-0600 for this information or to have a TPID number issued immediately. A TPID number can also be requested by calling (866) 896-0600 or on the TPID web page. Also see Section 3 of the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish) for more information on TPID numbers.

Can I just enter my decal number in lieu of writing the hauler name and address information on all the forms?

No. The hauler business name and address information must be entered on each CTL form that is completed. This information may be entered using a business stamp or label; however, the stamp or label must be applied to all copies of the form and must be within the designated location.

What happens if I am picking up or dropping off tires out of the state or country?

For waste tire trips coming or going out of the state or country, haulers are required to complete the CTL form as they would for pickups or deliveries within California, otherwise this will flag the hauler and require further investigation by CalRecycle staff.

As a hauler, if I unload waste tires at my yard for sorting, am I considered an end use facility?

Yes. Because the waste tires were off loaded at your facility, under the waste tire manifest system you are now considered an end use facility and must complete a “delivery” receipt as the end-use facility.

Is there such a thing as a temporary tire site that is not permitted?

As a hauler using this type of storage method, you must first contact CalRecycle to get approval before storing any tires in this manner. Tires may only be placed on sites or in licensed trailers that meet the requirements of a “collection location,” as defined in Title 14, California Code of Regulations, section 18420.1. If the tires are stored on the ground, no more than 499 tires are allowed without the required waste tire facility permit. Please call the CalRecycle Waste Tire Hotline at (866) 896-0600 for more information.

If the California Highway Patrol pulls me over, what information will they want to see?

As a waste tire hauler, you should be prepared to show the officer the following documents:

  • Valid CalRecycle waste tire hauler registration certificate (must be in the vehicle).
  • Current CalRecycle waste tire hauler decal affixed to the lower right corner (passenger side) of your vehicle’s windshield.
  • Up to date and completed CTL form(s) showing the numbers of tires being transported. The hauler portion of the CTL should be complete and signed by the driver and the receipts should be completed and initialed by the respective party.

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Part 4—Government Agencies

Our county is cleaning up a tire site. What paperwork is needed?

As described earlier, federal, state, and local government vehicles are only exempt from the waste tire hauler registration requirements described in the Comprehensive Trip Log Guidance Manual (English | Spanish) or Public Resources Code section 42954. These governmental entities must manifest their waste tire hauls and must use the CTL form when generating, transporting, or accepting waste tires. Government entities should enter the government vehicle license plate number on the hauler portion of the CTL form and leave the decal number blank or write exempt across the decal field.

Our city or county is doing a tire cleanup day. What paperwork is needed?

The local enforcement agency (LEA) or county can issue vouchers or letters to private individuals if they will be hauling 10 or more tires at any given time. LEAs may also issue vouchers for amnesty day events. In these instances, the collection site (city or county) is considered the “generator” of the waste tires and a registered waste tire hauler or exempt government vehicle is required to haul the waste tires away from the collection site. The waste tires hauled from the designated site must be manifested using a CTL form. Tires dropped off by individuals do not need to be manifested.

For further information regarding specific requirements and responsibilities on holding tire amnesty day events, please contact CalRecycle’s Waste Tire Hotline at (866) 896-0600.

What if tires are picked up and mixed with garbage on a neighborhood cleanup day?

If the tires are mixed with solid or green waste, it is considered a hazard to remove and sort the tires and no CTL form is required. The vehicle picking up the garbage is exempt from the waste tire hauler registration requirements since the waste tires are incidental and not the main purpose of the cleanup day.

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Part 5—Additional Questions

How long do haulers have to edit their EDT entries and CTL entries?

Haulers can edit their EDT entries 30 days from the entry date in the Waste Tire Management System. CTL paper form submittals to CalRecycle have a feature that enables the hauler to correct or edit serious errors up to 180 days from the load date.

What is the date the electronic renewal opens?

October 1 of each year.

What is the time frame to process an electronic renewal?

The time frame to process electronic renewal is the same as the paper application renewal: 30 days. However, higher precedence is given to electronic renewal and the process for electronic renewal is less cumbersome; therefore, processing usually takes approximately two weeks.

How do you complete a CTL manifest form for roadside service?

If less than 10 waste or used tires are being serviced on the road and the generator does not have a TPID, no TPID is necessary. The facility phone number and address needs to be completed by the hauler and initialed by the generator. If there is no exact address, the nearest cross street can be entered as the address. However, if the roadside service is for a business that already has a TPID, use that TPID number in the “Facility TPID” box. Enter the nearest cross street where the tire(s) is serviced and “roadside service” should be written in by the facility address.

If tires are off loaded to another truck on the road, how is this manifested?

If tires are off loaded to another truck on the road and the load is 9 or less tires, each transaction can be treated like the roadside service manifests. If there are more than 9 tires off loaded at one time, such as a trailer transfer, then a TPID needs to be issued to the generator business for a one time pick up or delivery and the nearest cross street must be entered as the address. If the generator business already has a TPID, use that TPID number in the “Facility TPID” box. Enter the nearest cross street as the address where the tires are picked up or delivered and “one time pick-up or delivery” should be written near the facility address.

For locations that do not have an actual address, such as construction sites, but are managed by a corporate office that has a TPID, do we need to create separate TPID’s for the individual sites?
No, TPIDs for the corporate office is sufficient. Individual sites can use the corporate TPID as their facility TPID and enter the nearest cross street as their address.

How do you manifest for mobile homes?

Manifesting for mobile homes is similar to roadside service if less than 10 waste or used tires are being hauled. However, if there are more than 10 waste or used tires being transported, check to see if the mobile home company has a corporate TPID. If the company already has a corporate TPID, use that TPID number in the “Facility TPID” box. The telephone can also be the corporate number, but the address information must be for the site location, so make sure to use the nearest cross street or address where the mobile home tires are being picked up. If the company doesn’t have a corporate TPID, one should be created by contacting (866) 896-0600.

What is the new record keeping process?

The new record keeping process is for tires that are not accounted for in the manifest system, such as less than 10 tires picked up or delivered. A quarterly log needs to be kept and made available for inspectors to review. It needs to be maintained for 3 years.

Is there a website that directly links to major permitted facilities who accept waste tires?


Is there a link to troubleshoot EDT FAQs?

Please contact CalRecycle through the Waste Tire Hotline toll free at (866) 896-0600 for EDT troubleshooting.

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Additional Resources

For more information contact: Tire Enforcement,