Registration Permit Tier

This page provides information and resources to assist you in obtaining or processing a registration permit.

Please note that other local, State, or federal agencies may also have regulatory authority over solid waste facilities. Also, all statutory citations refer to the California Code of Regulations (CCR) unless otherwise indicated.

What is a registration permit?

Until CalRecycle’s tiered regulatory structure became effective in 1994, there was a “one-size-fits-all” permit process that applied to all facilities. There are now five tiers, including the registration tier which provides a higher level of review and oversight than a “notification,” but can be processed in less time than the full or standardized permits. The current permit tiers now include:

Also see the fact sheet, Who Needs a Permit.

Types of facilities required to obtain a registration permit:

There are 10 types of facilities which may qualify for the registration tier. Scroll down the third column of the Permit Tier Placement Chart for a full list of facilities that qualify for the registration tier. 

Registration permit application processing requirements

The registration permit requirements are described in Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Section 18104-18104.9.

The completed and accepted registration permit application form is required to be attached to the issued registration permit when a copy is forwarded to either the operator, or CalRecycle. The registrations permit contains the following specification at the bottom of the form:

“The facility for which this permit has been issued may only be operated in accordance with the description provided in the attached application, which is hereby incorporated by reference.”

Permit requirements unique to the registration permit tier:

  • Unlike full permits, the registration permit application process is described in Title 14, rather than Title 27.
  • Unlike full permits, registration (and standardized) permits do not contain LEA terms and conditions.
  • Unlike full and standardized permits, registration permits are not submitted to, or concurred by, CalRecycle prior to LEA issuance.
  • The processing time lines are shorter than a full or standardized permit.
  • Less information is required with the application.
  • new permit is issued if any changes are proposed. Registration permits can not be “revised” like a full permit.  Also, the RFI amendment process does not apply to the registration tier.

The Permit Tier/Task Chart illustrates other major differences between the full, standardized, registration, and notification tiers.


For more information contact: LEA Support Services,