Permitting Landfills and Disposal Sites


This page provides information and resources for permitting a landfill or disposal facility.

Please note that other local, state, or federal agencies may also have regulatory authority over solid waste facilities.

What is a solid waste landfill or disposal facility?

“Solid Waste Landfill” means a disposal facility that accepts solid waste for land disposal…[More]

Which permit is required for a landfill?

All proposed or active solid waste disposal facilities (landfill) including CDI material disposal sites and waste tire monofills, are required to obtain a full solid waste facility permit to operate, unless an exemption is granted by the local enforcement agency (LEA).

Permit requirements unique to landfills:

Please see the Permit Toolbox Full Permit Page for information on processing a landfill permit.


Regulations Summary

CalRecycle Standards Pertaining to Landfills
Solid Waste Facility Permit Process Title 27 CCR, Chapter 4
State Minimum Operating and Design Standards
for Active Landfills
Title 27 CCR, Sections 20510-20705, and Sections
Report of Facility Information (RFI) Requirements Title 27 CCR, Section 21600
Definitions (Regulations) Title 27 CCR, Chapter 2
Definitions (Statute) PRC Sections 40100-40201
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Title 40 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (40 CFR), Part 258 (Subtitle D), Section 258.2 

Other Resources

Statutory Definitions Pertinent to Landfills

New Regulations Effective January 1, 2022:

The passage of SB 1383 resulted in changes to Title 27 CCR, Division 2, Chapter 3. A summary of changes to the landfill requirements include:

  • New or expanding landfills must implement organic waste recovery activities as described in 27 CCR, Section 20750.1.
  • No later than January 1, 2023, the operator must submit to CalRecycle an Organic Disposal Reduction Status Impact Report that analyzes the potential impacts to the landfill’s design and operation that may result from a reduction in the amount of organic waste disposed at the landfill.
New CalRecycle Standards Pertaining to Landfills
Organic Waste Handling Title 27 CCR, Section 20750.1
Organic Disposal Reduction Status Impact Report Title 27 CCR, Section 21695

For more information contact: LEA Support Services,