Go to the Programs Code Glossary section for a description of all the typical diversion programs. You may see programs that you should be reporting. To make sure all are reported, please include all the programs and facilities used by the residents and businesses within your jurisdiction, not just those that are funded by or located within your jurisdiction. If the program code is not currently on your Diversion Programs System list, add the code and list it as alternative program.
The program codes glossary is intended for jurisdictions to use as a reference tool for preparing annual reports. It was created by the CalRecycle local assistance staff to give a general description of the types of diversion programs included in each Diversion Programs System program code.
For more information about program types and which programs should be included, contact the local assistance staff representative for your jurisdiction.
To view a specific component of the program codes glossary, select the component heading listed below:
Source Reduction
Program Code | Program Type | Component | EAR Section | Description | Keywords | Example |
1000-SR-XGC | Xeriscaping, Grasscycling | Source Reduction | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | How and where is grasscycling and/or environmentally beneficial design (xeriscaping) implemented? Include mowable acreage grasscycled parenthetically, if available and time permitting. | city/county-maintained properties, schools, cemeteries, golf courses, sports fields, parks, greenbelts, state agencies, residences, businesses, large venues, multifamily, commercial, and industrial development use mulching mowers, master gardener program, demonstration site, workshops, water policy standards, yard waste program exemption, ordinance, mandatory, voluntary | Grasscycling: workshops, demonstration site, implemented at local schools, golf courses (400 acres), residences, city parks (65 acres) and other greenbelts (20 acres) Xeriscaping: demonstration site - xeriscape landscaping ordinance since 1974 (mandatory for city, multifamily, commercial and industrial developments and voluntary for single-family residences) |
1010-SR-BCM | Backyard & On-Site Composting/Mulching | Source Reduction | Residential Programs | How and where is backyard/on-site composting and/or mulching implemented? | chipper, grinder and/or shredder, workshop, master gardener, demonstration site, free/discounted compost bins, participation survey, yard waste program exemption, mulching city/county-maintained properties, schools, cemeteries, golf courses, sports fields, parks, greenbelts, state agencies, residences, businesses, large venues | Free residential compost bin distribution, workshops (4), master gardener program, demonstration site (ABC Park) - implemented at state agency (prison), schools and city-maintained properties |
1020-SR-BWR | Business Source Reduction | Source Reduction | Commercial Programs | What business source reduction programs are implemented? (Include unique or key business activities.) | switch from disposable to reusable containers, bulk purchases, donate usable items, duplex copying, food redistribution (e.g., donation, animal feed), material reuse (purchase used), refillable, rechargeable, surplus property, USEPA Food Recovery Challenge (FRC), WRAP | Three local markets donate unsellable food to local charities for reuse, unusable produce from a food packing shed sent for animal feed, many local businesses make duplex copies, a local fast food restaurant switched from cardboard serving trays to reusable plastic trays, one business reuses packing material (foam, bubble wrap, etc,), a brewery uses refillable bottles |
1030-SR-PMT | Procurement | Source Reduction | Procurement | Describe jurisdiction’s buy-recycled procurement efforts. | joint purchase pool, price preference (%), policy, ordinance, campaign, printed materials, demonstration location, web-page, recycled-content products (RCP) purchases (include types, e.g., paper, paper products, compost/mulch, plastic, glass, recycled aggregate, sustainable construction, office supplies, toner cartridges, retread tires for commercial vehicles, re-refined motor oil, rubberized asphalt, latex paint, steel), RFP or job specifications designating specific recycled content, recycled products, etc. | Policy adopted in 1995 with 15% price preference - The City purchases SABRC compliant products, such as paper, office supplies, sustainable construction (rubberized asphalt) and compost |
1040-SR-SCH | School Source Reduction | Source Reduction | Commercial Programs | What source reduction activities are being practiced? Are these activities practiced at the school or district level? | school district integrated/solid waste management policy, grasscycling, duplex copying, offer vs. serve lunches, reuse areas/program, surplus sales, purchasing durable goods, air hand dryers, paper reuse, material exchange (CalMAX); refillable; rechargeable, laboratory pollution prevention | grasscycling, offer vs. serve lunches, surplus sales and paper reuse implemented districtwide, school board integrated waste management policy adopted in 2001-- City staff meet with district twice a year to provide assistance with waste reduction |
1050-SR-GOV | Government Source Reduction | Source Reduction | Commercial Programs | What government source reduction activities are being practiced (Federal, State, County, City)? | grasscycling, xeriscaping, on-site mulching, duplex copying, service ware reuse, reuse area, paperless activities (e.g., electronic agendas, purchasing orders, applications), electronic mail, paper reuse (e.g., other side or scratch pads), packaging reuse, junk mail reduction, asphalt and/or concrete reuse | grasscycling, xeriscaping, duplex copying, paperless activities, asphalt and concrete reuse, and junk mail reduction |
1060-SR-MTE | Material Exchange, Thrift Shops | Source Reduction | Residential Programs | Please list the jurisdiction’s material exchange or other reuse programs within the jurisdiction (individually or with quantity parenthetically). | local reuse facilities (e.g., at landfill, transfer station, MRF), CalMAX, local/mini MAX, food banks, food rescue, thrift store, garage sales, flea market, inert/construction or demolition (C&D) reuse, charitable organization reuse collections, repair shops, cell phone reuse program, athletic shoe reuse program, book reuse program | reuse facility at landfill, CityABC Max, food banks(2), garage sales (400 per local paper), repair shops, cell phone reuse program and thrift stores (2) |
1070-SR-OTH | Other Source Reduction | Source Reduction | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Has the jurisdiction implemented a source reduction program that does not fit into one of the above listed program codes? If so, please provide a brief description of the program. |
Program Code | Program Type | Component | EAR Section | Description | Keywords | Example |
2000-RC-CRB | Residential Curbside | Recycling | Residential Programs | What is the collection frequency, container types/sizes, participation and/or material recovery facility (MRF) recovery rate? | mandatory, subscription, dual-stream, variable can rate/quantity based user fee, manual or automated collection | Mandatory (100% participation), weekly collection, 96-gallon toter, automated |
2010-RC-DRP | Residential Drop-Off | Recycling | Residential Programs | Where is residential drop-off recycling provided? What material types are collected? Is it staffed? | park, tourist area, events, mall, educational facility (school, college, university), rest stop, library, beach, corporation yard, community/convention/civic center, municipal offices, downtown area, church, club (e.g., Boy Scout, Kiwanis club, Lions club), landfill, transfer station, MRF, buyback center, multifamily complex | park (beverage containers & paper), downtown area (beverage containers, paper and cardboard), landfill (beverage containers, paper, cardboard, metal, glass, plastic, green waste, C&D, see link at….), transfer station and MRF (multiple, more info at www…) |
2020-RC-BYB | Residential Buy-Back | Recycling | Residential Programs | How many buy-back centers serve the jurisdiction? Where are they located? If they take materials in addition to beverage containers, please list. | shopping center, school, landfill, transfer station, MRF | 4 buybacks (one in the city (at XYZ market, also accepts blue jeans) and 3 in neighboring jurisdictions, one accepts newspaper) |
2030-RC-OSP | Commercial On-Site Pickup | Recycling | Commercial Programs | What are the key components to this program (e.g., what is the collection frequency, participation rate, type of collection)? | collection frequency, participation rate, container type/size, exclusive/open franchise agreement, back-haul recycling program, triple-rinsed plastic pesticide containers, document destruction (shredded paper) recycling, multi-family, variable can rate/quantity based user fee, commercial recycling. | Mandatory (100% participation), weekly collection, 96-gallon toter, automated |
2040-RC-SFH | Commercial Self-Haul | Recycling | Commercial Programs | Where is commercial self-haul recycling provided? What materials are collected? Is it staffed. | mall, educational facility (school, college, university), corporation yard, municipal offices, church, non-profit organization (e.g., church groups, Boy Scout, Kiwanis club, Lions club), landfill, transfer station, MRF, back-haul (centralized recycling), buyback center | corporation yard (C&D, wood, e-waste, cardboard, paper, beverage containers, carpet, mattresses), landfill, transfer station and MRF (each accept multiple materials, details at www…), back-haul (Safeway, Costco, Walmart – cardboard, organics and plastic bags), all staffed |
2050-RC-SCH | School Recycling | Recycling | Commercial Programs | Is recycling implemented districtwide or does it vary by school? Does the district(s) have solid waste contracts? If so, does it include recycling services? Does the jurisdiction provide recycling assistance (waste assistance, grants, awards, diversion monitoring)? | districtwide, solid waste and recycling contract, source separated/single stream (commingled), PTA, environmental club | districtwide school recycling at ABC district and recycling at some schools (4) within DEF district, City conducted waste assessment at district ABC and is monitoring progress, countywide school recycling awards (more info at…) |
2060-RC-GOV | Government Recycling | Recycling | Commercial Programs | How and where is government (Federal, State, County, City) recycling being implemented? | city/county departments and/or offices (materials such as paper recycling, C&D recycling, metals), fairgrounds (e.g., beverage containers, cardboard), parks (beverage containers), community events (fairs, festivals, etc.), franchised hauler (e.g., commingled recycling), independent recycler (confidential document destruction), self-haul, source separated/single stream (commingled) | City government recycling provided by local franchised hauler (commingled), state agencies report via SOARD and City monitors, extensive recycling at ABC base (C&D, residential recycling, source separated) |
2070-RC-SNL | Special Collection Seasonal (regular - not special waste collection) | Recycling | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | What special/seasonal collection programs are being implemented? Please include material type(s). Note: please only list programs for which items are recycled. | phone books, Christmas trees, "Bulky" item collection days, mattresses, carpet, seasonal leaf collection program, clean-up events | seasonal phone books, Christmas tress and leaf collection programs – scrap metal, wood, white goods and mattresses recycled from “Bulky” item collection days, carpet and mattress collection through EPR Programs |
2080-RC-SPE | Special Collection Events | Recycling | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | What recycling programs have been implemented at local venues/events? Does the venue/event have a written waste diversion/recycling plan? What material types are collected? Does the jurisdiction offer specific assistance to venues/events? | Airport, Amusement Park, Arena/Stadium, Conference/Convention Center, Cultural/Food Festival, Fair, Fairground, Museum, Music Festival/Concert, Participatory Sports Venue, Permanent Race Track, Sporting Event, Theater/Amphitheatre/Auditorium, Zoo/Aquarium/Wild Animal Park, waste diversion/recycling plan | Paper and beverage container recycling at community-sponsored events, such as 4th of July festival, Spring Picnic & Movie in the Park, and at the fairgrounds and rodeo (see details in Large Venues/Events Section of EAR) |
2090-RC-OTH | Other Recycling | Recycling | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Has the jurisdiction implemented a recycling program that does not fit into one of the above listed program codes? If so, please provide a brief description of the program. |
Program Code | Program Type | Component | EAR Section | Description | Keywords | Example |
3000-CM-RCG | Residential Curbside Greenwaste Collection | Composting | Residential Programs | What type of collection is provided (e.g., in cart/container, loose on the street)? Where is the material taken for processing/use (include name or location of facility)? | mandatory, voluntary, subscription, composting facility, biomass facility, landfill, transfer station, MRF & waste water treatment facility, foodwaste (preconsumer/postconsumer) | 64 gallon container collection, end use varies, but includes processing at ABC composting facility, ADC at GHI Landfill, and XYZ biomass facility |
3010-CM-RSG | Residential Self-Haul Greenwaste | Composting | Residential Programs | Where is residential greenwaste drop-off provided (include name or location of facility)? Is it staffed? | composting facility, landfill, transfer station, MRF, biomass facility, corporation yard, local business (e.g., nursery, excavating companies), educational facility (school, college, university), food waste (preconsumer/postconsumer) | 4 drop-off locations: ABC school (unstaffed), ACE excavating (staffed), 123 Landfill and (staffed) the City corporation yard (staffed) |
3020-CM-COG | Commercial On-Site Greenwaste Pick-Up | Composting | Commercial Programs | Briefly describe this program. Does it include all businesses? If not, what types of businesses are included? Where is the material taken for processing/use (include name or location of facility)? | mandatory, voluntary, subscription, composting facility, biomass facility, landfill, transfer station, MRF, waste water treatment facility, street-sweeping debris, foodwaste (preconsumer/postconsumer) | 64 gallon container collection, end use varies, but includes processing at ABC composting facility, ADC at GHI Landfill, and some sent to XYZ biomass facility, also includes street-sweeping debris |
3030-CM-CSG | Commercial Self-Haul Greenwaste | Composting | Commercial Programs | Where is commercial greenwaste drop-off provided (include name or location of facility)? Is it staffed? | composting facility, landfill, transfer station, MRF, biomass facility, corporation yard, local business (e.g., nursery, excavating companies), educational facility (school, college, university), food waste (preconsumer/postconsumer) | 4 drop-off locations: ABC school (unstaffed), ACE excavating (staffed), 123 Landfill (staffed) and the City corporation yard (staffed) |
3035-CM-COM | Commercial Organics Recycling | Composting | Commercial Programs | What are the key components to this program (e.g., what is the collection frequency, participation rate, type of collection)? | Mandatory, commercial organics recycling, collection frequency, participation rate, container type/size, exclusive/open franchise agreement, back-haul recycling program, compost, food waste, green waste, yard waste, landscape, non-hazardous woodwaste. | Mandatory (100% participation), weekly collection, 96-gallon toter, automated |
3040-CM-FWC | Food Waste Composting (pick-up/self-haul) | Composting | Commercial Programs | Where is food waste composting/vermicomposting implemented? Is it a jurisdiction-wide program, implemented within a certain business sector, chain, individual business practice? Where are the materials taken for processing? | residences (e.g., compost/vermicompost bins), residential/commercial greenwaste collection (includes food waste), local business (identify types of businesses, such as grocery store, restaurants, food processor, nursery) educational facility (school, college, university) and state agency, and the type of program (on-site/off-site), compost/vermicompost bins, preconsumer/postconsumer | Food waste included in residential organics collection, businesses (grocers, hospital, restaurants, etc.), and educational facilities (k-12 schools) |
3050-CM-SCH | School Composting | Composting | Commercial Programs | Please describe the school composting program. Does the jurisdiction provide composting assistance to schools and/or districts? | districtwide or implemented by individual schools, food waste (preconsumer/postconsumer), green waste (lawn clippings, leaves, etc.), manure, on-site or hauled off-site | individual school implementation (6 of 20), includes food waste, green waste and manure from on-site farms, all composting on-site in school gardens |
3060-CM-GOV | Government Composting | Composting | Commercial Programs | Please describe the government composting program. | Fire prevention clearings, tree trimmings, food waste, street sweepings, on-site or hauled off-site | on-site composting of fire prevention clearings, tree trimmings hauled to composting facility at MRF, food waste composted on-site at prison |
3070-CM-OTH | Other Composting | Composting | Commercial Programs | Has the jurisdiction implemented a composting program that does not fit into one of the above listed program codes? If so, please provide a brief description of the program. | manure composting at private and municipal stables |
Special Waste Materials
Program Code | Program Type | Component | EAR Section | Description | Keywords | Example |
4000-SP-ASH | Ash | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Where is the ash generated and how is it diverted? | soil amendment, road base, soil/compost amendment, land application, ash treatment/processing facility | Ash from ABC cogeneration plant used as soil amendment and road base at XYZ landfill |
4010-SP-SLG | Sludge (sewage/industrial) | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Where is the sludge generated and how is it diverted? | waste water treatment facility, composting, soil amendment, land application, alternative daily cover (ADC) | Biosolids from XWZ are land applied on crop fields in XYZ jurisdiction. Landfill is also researching use of this material as ADC. |
4020-SP-TRS | Tires | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | How are the tires diverted from the residential and commercial sectors and what is the end use? | bulky item pickup, tire amnesty event, retread tires for commercial vehicles, local recycler/processor (include name of company’s if known), tire derived fuel (e.g., cement kilns, paper mills, power plants), civil engineering applications (fill for embankments/retaining walls, leachate drainage material at landfills, insulating layer beneath roads and behind retaining walls), ADC (include name of landfill) | City collected tires are hauled by ABC hauling and take to DEF tire processing, where they are processed into crumb. Tire Amnesty Event on xx/xx/xx. |
4030-SP-WHG | White Goods | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | How and where are white goods diverted in the residential and commercial sectors? Are there associated fees? | bulky item pickup, collection, drop-off, landfills, transfer stations, special collection event, repair reuse company, scrap metal recycler | Monthly bulky item pick-up for residents at no additional charge, retailers delivering new product collect old appliance for recycling, third party recycler (XYZ company), bulky item collection (6), and drop-off at the landfill and transfer station serve businesses |
4040-SP-SCM | Scrap Metal | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | How and where is scrap metal diverted in the residential and commercial sectors? | landfill, transfer station, MRF, scrap metal recyclers, special collection events, vehicle recycling businesses, abandoned vehicles program, DMV Funded Vehicle Abatement Program (only if material goes to metal recycling), buy-back recycling center | Monthly bulky item pick-up for residents at no additional charge, third party recyclers (2), bulky item collections (6), and drop-off at the landfill and transfer station serve businesses; buyback center also serves the residential and commercial sectors. |
4050-SP-WDW | Wood Waste | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Briefly describe the wood waste diversion programs serving the commercial and residential sectors. | drop-off, landfill, transfer station, MRF, compost facility, chip, mulch, biomass, firewood, pallet recyclers, pallet repair | City M&O chip wood waste and use mulch in parks, the school districts (3), golf courses (2), state agencies (1 of 3) also chip and use on-site, landfill and ABC composting facility accept wood waste at reduced tip fee |
4060-SP-CAR | Concrete/Asphalt/Rubble | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | How concrete, asphalt and rubble diverted? What are the local recycling options for the residential and commercial sectors? | ordinance, drop-off, landfill, transfer station, MRF, recycling facility, beneficial reuse, ADC, fill for land reclamation, recycler, road base, mixed C&D recycling, | The county and all its cities developed a model C&D ordinance to provide consistency in recycling opportunities. Waste management plans for 10 projects completed or and 20 in progress during 2008. Self-haul recycling opportunities are available at XYZ company and the ABC landfill. |
4070-SP-DSD | Disaster Debris | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Does the jurisdiction have a disaster plan? | disaster plan | The jurisdiction does not have a disaster plan, but is working on developing one during the next reporting year with LAMD staff assistance. |
4080-SP-SGL | Shingles | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Please provide a brief description of the shingle recycling in the jurisdiction. | drop-off, landfill, transfer station, MRF, Asphalt pavement, use as aggregate base and subbase, Cold patch for potholes, sidewalks, utility cuts, driveways, ramps, bridges, and parking lots, pothole patch, road and ground cover, new roofing | Commercial and residential drop-off at landfill, material sent to XYZ for processing |
4090-SP-RND | Rendering | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Please provide a brief description of the rendering services in the jurisdiction | grease hauling, rendering company, dead animal program | Local restaurants are served by ABC grease hauler, materials are take to XYZ renderer, a number of grocers backhaul material for rendering, one food manufacturer is permitted as a renderer for on-site materials |
4100-SP-OTH | Other Special Waste | Special Waste Materials | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Has the jurisdiction implemented a special waste program that does not fit into one of the above listed program codes? If so, please provide a brief description of the program. |
Public Education
Program Code | Program Type | Component | EAR Section | Description | Keywords | Example |
5000-ED-ELC | Electronic (radio, TV, Web, Hotlines) | Public Education | Education and Outreach | Please summarize the jurisdiction’s electronic education program relative to solid waste management, recycling, sustainability, etc. | public service announcements, media campaign, radio/TV, hotline, webpage (hauler, city, county), video, include related frequency for each type (daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, every 6 months, yearly), regional, blog, webinar, broadcast, bilingual, Chamber of Commerce | City public works links to CIWMB site for many reference, on-line recycling guide, hotline, weekly newspaper ads, TV commercial (2), radio ads (daily) |
5010-ED-PRN | Print (brochures, flyers, guides, news articles) | Public Education | Education and Outreach | Please summarize the jurisdiction’s printed education program relative to solid waste management, recycling, and other sustainability programs. | newspaper articles, newspaper ads. brochures, newsletters, publications, fliers, recycling guide, fact sheets, billing inserts, new resident package, bilingual materials, Chamber of Commerce | news articles quarterly, bill inserts, brochures by program (commercial/residential), countywide recycling guide, fact sheets |
5020-ED-OUT | Outreach (technical assistance, presentations, awards, fairs, field trips) | Public Education | Education and Outreach | Please summarize the jurisdiction’s outreach education program relative to solid waste management, recycling, and other sustainability programs. | seminars, workshops, exhibits, mascot, training, campaign, speakers bureau, awards, WRAP, field trips, technical assistance, waste audits, presentations, fairs, grants, Chamber of Commerce | partnerships agencies and organizations (chamber of commerce, colleges and universities, recycling service providers, landfills) to outreach on multiple programs (residential/commercial) |
5030-ED-SCH | Schools (education & curriculum) | Public Education | Education and Outreach | Please summarize the jurisdiction’s school education and curriculum program relative to solid waste management, recycling, and other sustainability programs. | technical assistance, awards, contests, classroom presentations, specific curriculum, field trips, grants | School waste reduction program with waste assessment, bins, monitoring, field testing EEI curriculum, tire-derived product grant, field trips to MRF (12), Go Green Initiative partnership |
5040-ED-OTH | Other Public Education | Public Education | Education and Outreach | Has the jurisdiction implemented a public education program that does not fit into one of the above listed program codes? If so, please provide a brief description of the program. |
Policy Incentives
Program Code | Program Type | Component | EAR Section | Description | Keywords | Example |
6000-PI-PLB | Product and Landfill Bans | Policy Incentives | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Please summarize the jurisdiction’s product or landfill bans (include year implemented, if known). | Landfill Bans: green waste, paper, cardboard, beverage containers, metals, white goods, glass, plastics, tires, manure, ash, C&D, white goods, scrap metal, vehicles, mattresses, sludge Product Bans: Polystyrene, plastic bags | landfill ban on green waste (2000) and plastics (2006); product ban on plastic bags (2003) |
6010-PI-EIN | Economic Incentives | Policy Incentives | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Please describe the jurisdiction’s economic incentives for waste reduction by sector. | Advanced recycling fees, Special business license category for landscapers, loan guarantees, Surcharge at disposal facilities, residential, commercial, schools, state agency, manufacturers, businesses, business awards, RMDZ | Variable can rates for residential and commercial refuse, RMDZ (2 loans in 2008), mini-grants to schools, deposits (C&D recycling ordinance), reduced tip fees at recycling/composting centers |
6020-PI-ORD | Ordinances | Policy Incentives | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Please summarize the jurisdiction’s ordinance supporting source reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, and litter reduction. | executive order, packaging reduction, recycling space allocation, ordinance requiring source separation, anti-scavenging ordinance, procurement ordinance, Multi-family and commercial developments, building code changes, | Recycling space allocation, recycled content (SABRC compliant), Food Service Waste Reduction Ordinance adopted in 2008 |
6030-PI-OTH | Other Policy Incentives | Policy Incentives | C&D, MWELO, Ordinances, and Other Programs | Has the jurisdiction implemented another policy incentive that does not fit into one of the above listed program codes? If so, please provide a brief description of the program. |
Facility Recovery
Program Code | Program Type | Component | EAR Section | Description | Keywords | Example |
7000-FR-MRF | MRF | Facility Recovery | Facilities | Where are the residential and commercial recycables taken for processing? Is the MRF in your jurisdiction? Who owns and operates the MRF? Are there specific programs at the MRF (e.g., source separated recycling drop-off, salvaging)? | manual, mechanized, dirty MRF, recovery rate | Recycables processed at ABC MRF in DEF jurisdiction - owned and operated by MRFs R US, Inc. Recovery rate is approximately 75% (source separated) |
7010-FR-LAN | Landfill | Facility Recovery | Facilities | What landfill(s) serve the area? Is the landfill in your jurisdiction? Who owns and operates the landfill? Are there specific programs at the landfill (e.g., load checking, source separated recycling drop-off, salvaging)? Does the landfill participate in EPR programs? | salvage, recycling drop-off, recycling center, carpet and mattress through EPR Programs | ABC and XYZ landfills in the City of LMN serve the area, each have source separated recycling drop-off, load checking and salvaging programs. The Landfills(s) have EPR programs for ABC materials. |
7020-FR-TST | Transfer Station | Facility Recovery | Facilities | Does a transfer station serve the jurisdiction? If so, is the transfer station in your jurisdiction? Who owns and operates the transfer station? Are there specific programs at the transfer station (e.g., source separated recycling drop-off, salvaging)? | load checking, source separated recycling drop-off, salvaging, recycling center | ABC Transfer Station in N. County, owned by County operated by ABC, inc. Programs include load checking, source separated drop-off, salvaging. |
7030-FR-CMF | Composting Facility | Facility Recovery | Facilities | What composting facility(s) serve the jurisdiction? Is the facility located in the jurisdiction? | regional, food waste, anaerobic, windrow, in vessel, chipping, mulching, vermicomposting | residential and commercial organics, including foodwaste, are composted at ABC Composting facility in XYZ jurisdiction. |
7040-FR-ADC | Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) | Facility Recovery | Facilities | What if any materials are divered as Alternative Daily Cover (ADC), and at which facility(s). | ash and cement kiln dust, treated auto shredder waste, Construction and demolition waste, Compost, Green material, Contaminated sediment, Sludge/Biosolids, Shredded tires | Tires and C&D are used as ADC at the ABC landfill per DRS. |
7050-FR-OTH | Other Facility Recovery | Facility Recovery | Facilities | Has the jurisdiction implemented a facility recovery program that does not fit into one of the above listed program codes? If so, please provide a brief description of the program. |
Program Code | Program Type | Component | EAR Section | Description | Keywords | Example |
8000-TR-WTE | Waste-to-Energy | Transformation | Facilities | Does a waste to energy facility(s) serve the jurisdiction? Is the facility located in the jurisdiction? | ||
8010-TR-BIO | Biomass | Transformation | Facilities | Is organic material sent to a biomass facility? If so, which one(s)? | wood waste, green waste, rice hulls, agricultural waste, palm fronds | Approx. 20% of collected organic material is sent to ABC biomass facility in XYZ jurisdiction. |
8020-TR-TRS | Tires | Transformation | Facilities | If tires are incinerated, where are they sent? | cement kiln | Approx. 15% of collected tires are burned (per Lakin Tires) for energy. The remainder are sent to crumb rubber processor or used as ADC. |
8030-TR-OTH | Other Transformation | Transformation | Facilities | Has the jurisdiction implemented a transformation program that does not fit into one of the above listed program codes? If so, please provide a brief description of the program. |
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
Program Code | Program Type | Component | EAR Section | Description | Keywords | Example |
9000-HH-PMF | Permanent Facility | Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) | Hazardous Waste Programs | Is there a permanent HHW facility serving the jurisdiction? If so, where is it? What materials are accepted? Who owns and operates the facility? | antifreeze, batteries, oil, paint, needles, light bulbs, electronic waste, certified used oil collection at local business, school, city yard | Permanent HHW facility at landfill (owned and operated by the County) accepting oil, paint, batteries, electronic waste, light bulbs, needles, pesticides, cleaners, etc. |
Latex Paint Recycling | ||||||
9010-HH-MPC | Mobile or Periodic Collection | Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) | Hazardous Waste Programs | What type of collection is provided? What is the frequency of collection? What materials are collected? | vehicle, trailer, montlhy, quarterly, antifreeze, batteries, oil, paint, light bulbs, electronic waste, needles, certified used oil collection at local business, school | Monthly collection is offered at various locations (corp yard, schools) quarterly. Materials collected include oil, antifreeze, batteries and paint. |
9020-HH-CSC | Curbside Collection | Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) | Hazardous Waste Programs | If curbside HHW collection is provided, are all residents/businesses served? What is the frequency? What materials are collected? | on-call basis, door to door, used oil, oil filters, batteries | used oil is collected weekly for residents, door to door collection is provided by reservation only |
9030-HH-WSE | Waste Exchange | Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) | Hazardous Waste Programs | Is the jurisdiction served by a HHW waste exchange program? If so, where is it and what materials are collected? | permanent HHW, corporation yard | HHW waste exchange is provided at the permanent HHW facility. |
9040-HH-EDP | Education Programs | Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) | Education and Outreach | What type of HHW education programs does the jurisdiction offer? | brochures, informational wheels, fact sheets, PSAs, point of purchase, website, hotline, field trips, events, video, newsletter, press releases, posters, yellow pages | Brochures are available at City offices, HHW wheels, frisbee, etc. provided at events, school presentations and field trips, newspaper ad |
9045-HH-EWA | Electronic Waste | Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) | Hazardous Waste Programs | Are there public and/or private electronic waste collection programs serving the jurisdiction? If so, what and where are they? What materials are collected? | cell phones, computers, TVs, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines | Electronic waste collection events are offered monthly at various locations (city yard, school, businesses. They City contracts with ABC, inc. These materials are also collected at the permanent HHW facility. |
9050-HH-OTH | Other HHW | Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) | Hazardous Waste Programs | Has the jurisdiction implemented a HHW program that does not fit into one of the above listed program codes? If so, please provide a brief description of the program. |
Where to Go for Help
If you have additional questions, contact local assistance staff.
For more information contact: Local Assistance & Market Development, LAMD@calrecycle.ca.gov or (916) 341-6199.