Used Oil Payment Program (OPP)

CalRecycle Used Oil Program helps fund used oil and used oil filter collection and recycling programs for local jurisdictions.


Eligible applicants include California cities, counties, or cities and counties combined.

  • CalRecycle may make a payment to another entity that implements a program on behalf of a local government, instead of making a payment to that local government, if the local government agrees.
  • Applicants that comply with the requirements are eligible to apply for and, if approved, receive payment through the OPP.
  • Applicants must have a used oil collection program with one or both of:
    • At least one certified used oil collection center for every 100,000 residents not served by curbside collection.
    • Used oil curbside collection at least once a month.
  • Applicants must have a public education component informing the public of local used oil recycling opportunities.

Eligible Costs

All expenditures must be used to create and maintain a used oil program.

Eligible costs must be incurred and accrued during the cycle.


  • Up to $11 million may be allocated annually for local governments’ used oil and filter collection programs.
  • Cities can receive a minimum of $5,000 per award.
  • Counties can receive a minimum of $10,000 per award.
  • Payments are calculated per capita using the Department of Finance’s population statistics.

Current Grant Cycle

No open applications at this time.

Upcoming Grant Cycles

Application materials for fiscal year (FY) 2025-26 will tentatively be available in spring 2025.

How to Apply

Watch for the Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) on either of these two web pages:

Online Applications

CalRecycle Used Oil Payment Program applications are submitted online through the Local Government Oil Payment Program LoGOPP Database.

Related Links

For general information about the Used Oil Payment Program, send an email to

Current OPP recipients should reach out to their specific Program Advisor.