Complete and Correct

Local Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) are required to make a finding that an application is complete and correct and acceptable for filing.

All information in the application package shall be certified by the applicant and the owner of the site as being true and accurate to the best knowledge and belief of each. The applicant, owner of the facility, or both, shall supply additional information as deemed necessary by the LEA.

This page contains the definitions of “complete and correct” for purposes of reviewing permit applications and proposed permit packages, in addition to other criteria for accepting, rejecting, or filing an application.

Also available is the Permit Application Review Chart to compare facility parameters when reviewing a permit or permit application for consistency with other documents.

Full Permit"Complete"
means all requirements placed upon the operation of the solid waste
facility by statute, regulations, and other agencies with jurisdiction
have been addressed in the application package. Title
27, Section 21563(d)(1)
means all information provided by the applicant regarding the solid waste
facility must be accurate, exact, and must fully describe the parameters
of the solid waste facility.
27, Section 21563(d)(2)
"The application
package shall require that information be supplied in adequate detail to
permit thorough evaluation of the environmental effects of the facility,
and to permit estimation of the likelihood that the facility will be able
to conform to the standards over the useful economic life of the
facility."  Title
27, Section 21570(d)
Standardized and Registration Permits"Complete" means all
information required as part of a solid waste facilities permit
application submitted pursuant to this Article has been provided. Title
14, Section 18101(d)
"Correct" means all information provided by
the applicant, as part of a solid waste facilities permit application
submitted pursuant to this Article, is accurate, exact, and fully provides
the applicable filing requirement information for the solid waste facility
for which a permit is being sought. Title
14, Section 18101(e)

Application Filing

Full Permit

“Application Filing” means the enforcement agency has determined the application package is complete and correct and the statutory time limit contained in PRC Section 44008 commences.  Title 27, Section 21563(d)(3)

Standardized and Registration Permits

“Acceptance for filing” means the enforcement agency has determined that the application is complete and correct and the specified permit action time frames contained in this Article commence. Title 14, Section 18101(a)

Statutory Requirements for Permit Writing and Issuance 

Other criteria for accepting a permit application as complete and correct include:

  • PRC Section 44014(b): “The permit shall contain all terms and conditions which the enforcement agency determines to be appropriate for the operation of the solid waste facility. The operator shall comply with all terms and conditions of the permit.”
  • …consistent with state minimum standards…Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 44009
  • …consistent with the standards adopted by the Board… PRC Section 44010
  • …consistent with PRC Sections 43040 and PRC Section 43600 (financial ability/responsibility) 
  • …consistent with PRC Section 44007 (permit submittal and terms and conditions)
  • …consistent with PRC Sections 4401744150 and 44152 (waste to energy, transformation) 
  • …consistent with PRC Sections 50000 or 50001 (waste management planning)
  •  “…the enforcement agency shall ensure that primary consideration is given to protecting public health and safety and preventing environmental damage, and that the long-term protection of the environment is the guiding criterion…” PRC Section 44012

Also available is the Permit Application Review Chart to compare facility parameters when reviewing a permit or permit application for consistency with other documents.

For more information on writing a full permit, see Writing a Solid Waste Facility Permit.

Full Permit Laundry List

For more information contact: LEA Support Services,