This page describes the process for conducting the five-year permit review for a solid waste facility permit and provides resources for completing the review process. The process for reviewing full permits is different and separate from the process for reviewing standardized and registration permits.
- Full Permit Review Process
- Standardized Permit Review Process
- Registration Permit Review Process
- Resources
All issued solid waste facility permits, including full, standardized, and registration tiers, are required to be reviewed and, if necessary, revised at least once every five years [Section 44015 of the Public Resources Code (PRC)]. The Notification Tier is not a permit and, therefore is not required to meet this standard.
The purpose of the permit review is to document any changes in design and operation since the permit was issued, or since the permit was last revised, modified, or reviewed. The permit review should especially note any significant or unauthorized changes that are planned or have occurred at the facility.
Full Permit Review Process
- Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) notifies the operator of pending permit review.
- Operator submits application for permit review and other required documents.
- LEA reviews permit and relevant documentation.
- LEA submits permit review report and directives to operator and copies CalRecycle.
Regulatory Requirements
- The operator requirements are described in Title 27, Section 21640.
- The LEA requirements are described in Title 27, Section 21675.
- The statutory requirement are described in Section 44015 of the Public Resources Code (PRC).
LEA Notification
The LEA is required to notify the operator at least 180 days prior to the full permit review due date (about 6 months before the five-year anniversary of the permit issue date).
- See LEA Advisory No. 24 for more information on when a Permit Review Report is due.
- The LEA can download a sample notification letter for use when notifying the operator.
- A copy of the Solid Waste Facility Permit Application should be included with the notification letter.
- The notification letter should be copied to CalRecycle.
Operator Application
The operator is required to submit a Solid Waste Facility Permit Application (CIWMB Form E-1-77) (Excel | PDF) at least 150 days before the permit is due for review.
- See LEA Advisory No. 24 for more information on when a Permit Review Report is due.
- The application for permit review shall be made in the manner specified in Title 27, Section 21570 (operator filing requirements) and Title 27, Section 21590 (RFI Requirements).
- Also see the “Laundry List” for a list of documents that may required to be included with the full permit application form.
Finally, the application for permit review should:
- Identify the proposed changes in design and operation; and
- Include updated amendments to the Report of Facility Information (RFI); and
- For disposal sites only, include an estimate of the remaining site life and capacity.
- For disposal sites only, Title 27, Section 21865 requires any amendments to the closure and postclosure maintenance plans to be submitted with the permit review.
LEA Review
The purpose of the permit review is to document any changes in design and operation since the permit was issued, or since the permit was last revised or reviewed. The permit review should especially note any significant or unauthorized changes that are planned or have occurred at the facility.
- LEA Advisory No.21 contains guidance for documenting the LEA findings and conclusions in a Permit Review Report.
- A Full Permit Review Report Form (CIWMB Form 678) (Fillable PDF | Word) is available for use by the LEA.
- In addition to the permit, the LEA should review those items on the full permit “Laundry List”, any other documents referenced by the permit, inspection reports, and other documents the LEA deems appropriate.
- Examples of completed Permit Review Reports are available for reference.
- When completed, the Permit Review Report should be submitted to the operator.
- A copy of the permit review report shall be submitted to CalRecycle within 150 days of receipt of the application for permit review.
- Please take time to look at the list of review questions to help with consideration of all potential changes in design and operation.
- During the regular permit review, the EA shall review the minor change notices and determine which should be incorporated into the RFI. [Title 27 Section 21620(a)(1)]
LEA Conclusions and Directives to Operator
Depending on the LEA’s findings and conclusions, there are four possible directives that can be given to the operator/applicant:
LEA Conclusion(s) | Directives to Operator |
No changes in design or operation; changes in the terms and conditions are not necessary. | LEA can reissue permit with a new cover page as described in this guidance document. (February 4, 2014) |
Change in operator or land owner. | Submit owner/operator change notification as specified by Title 27 Section 21630 and LEA Guidance: Owner/Operator Change Processing Procedures |
Past minor change notices should be incorporated into the RFI [Title 27 Section 21620(a)(1)] | Submit an application for an RFI Amendment |
Changes in design and operation meet the criteria of Title 27 Section 21665(c) | Submit an application for an RFI Amendment |
Changes are "nonmaterial" as specified in Title 27, Section 21563(d)(5) or the SWFP does not need to include further restrictions, prohibitions, mitigations, terms, conditions, or other measures to adequately protect public health, public safety, ensure compliance with State Minimum Standards or the protect the environment [Title 27 Section 21665(d)]. | Submit an application for a modified permit. |
Operator has implemented or is proposing significant changes in design or operation as defined inTitle 27 Section 21563(d)(6), or other changes that do not meet the criteria for an RFI Amendment or a modified permit [Title 27 Section 21665(e)] | Submit an application for a revised permit. |
Examples of completed Permit Review Reports are available for reference. |
CalRecycle Tracking
CalRecycle maintains permit review information in its facility files and Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database, including: notification date, application date, LEA receipt date, LEA determination, and CalRecycle receipt date.
CalRecycle will send the LEA a verification of receipt letter when these documents are received.
Standardized and Registration Permit Review Process
- The LEA notifies the operator of pending permit review.
- Operator submits “certification of no change” or application for new permit.
- LEA reviews documentation and processes new permit.
Regulatory Requirement
- For standardized permits, the requirements are described in Title 14, Section 18105.9.
- For registration permits, the requirements are described in Title 14, Section 18104.7.
- The attached permit review chart also documents the process for standardized permits. The process for registration permits is very similar.
LEA Notification
The LEA is required to notify the operator at least 60 days before the registration or standardized permit is due for review (about 2 month before the 5 year anniversary of the permit issue date).
- A copy of the standardized permit application (CIWMB Form 92, PDF) or the registration permit (CIWMB Form 81, Word | PDF).
The notification letter should be copied to CalRecycle.
Operator Application
Depending on the status of the site, the operator shall submit one of the following documents 35 days prior to the permit review due date:
- If there are no changes in design or operation the operator submits a certification of no change to the LEA.
- If there are any changes in design or operation the operator submits a new application to the LEA and sends a copy of the application to the local land use planning agency.
Either submittal will result in the LEA processing and issuing a new standardized permit or a new registration permit. The standardized permit will need to be submitted to CalRecycle for review and concurrence.
LEA Review
The LEA will use the new application, or the certification that the facility information has not changed, to process and issue a new standardized permit or a new registration permit. The standardized permit will need to be submitted to CalRecycle for review and concurrence.
CalRecycle Tracking
CalRecycle maintains permit review information in the Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database, including: notification date, application date, LEA receipt date, LEA determination, and CalRecycle receipt date.
- Statute requiring permits to be reviewed: Section 44015 of the Public Resources Code (PRC)
- Title 27, Section 21640. Review of Permits
- Full Permit Sample Notification Letter
- Registration Permit Sample Notification Letter
- Full Permit Review Report Form (CIWMB Form 678) (Fillable PDF | Word)
- Application for Permit Review, RFI Amendment, and New or Revised Full Permit (Form E-1-77)
- Standardized permit application
- Registration permit application
- Standardized Permit Review Chart
- Examples of completed Permit Review Reports
- Processing a Full Permit
- Processing a Standardized Permit
- Processing a Registration Permit
- LEA Guidance: Owner/Operator Change Processing Procedures
- Procedures for Processing Solid Waste Facility Permit Upon Determination of No Change During Permit Review
- Review questions for completing a permit review report.