Jurisdiction Electronic Annual Data Reports

Power Business Intelligence (Power BI) is a business analytics and data visualization tool developed by Microsoft. Power BI offers a user-friendly interface for data modeling. The core strength of Power BI lies in its rich visualization capabilities displayed within its reports. It allows users to:

  • Connect to various data sources such as databases, spreadsheets, and cloud services to transform and manipulate the data, and create interactive reports, dashboards, and visualizations.
  • Select data from multiple sources to create a unique view for analysis.
  • Transform raw data into meaningful insights, enabling data-driven decision-making, and enhanced business intelligence.

Introduction Video

The excel reports below contain exported data from the individual pages of the Power BI reports. They are separated and titled by the corresponding page within the Power BI reports. These excel sheets are customizable after they have been downloaded.

How To Videos have been created to help the user navigate through the report. Each How To Video will be listed under the corresponding report.

Disclaimer: The following information is based on self-reported data provided by jurisdictions from the Electronic Annual Report (EAR) While efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data, it is important to note that self-reported information may be subject to errors. If it appears that there is no data within a jurisdiction’s report, that is most likely because the entity did not report.

Additional EAR data about disposal reporting, annual per capita disposal rates, diversion programs, and other related topics, can be found on Local Government Data Reports



Within this Power BI report, the user can find data about state regulations Mandatory Commercial Recycling (AB 341), Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling (AB 1826), and Short-lived Climate Pollutants (SB 1383). This report provides data on commercial businesses’ compliance with state regulations AB 341, AB 1826, and SB 1383 within each California jurisdiction.

Exported Data from the corresponding Power BI Reports

Note: The Power BI reports refresh daily, but the data does not necessarily get updated daily.

How To Video Regulations

Collection Container Systems

Within this Power BI report, the user can find data about collection systems that satisfy SB 1383 requirements. The user can filter results using a drop-down menu by individual jurisdiction, regional agency, county, and jurisdiction. If not filtered the report will automatically display all results.

Exported Data from the corresponding Power BI Reports

Note: The Power BI reports refresh daily, but the data does not necessarily get updated daily.

How to Video Collection Container Systems

Materials Procured and Diverted, Ordinances and SRRE Programs

Within this Power BI report, the user can find data about types of recycled products being procured and diverted by California jurisdictions as well as different ordinances, and source reduction and recycling element (SRRE) programs being implemented within jurisdictions. The user can search this report by a specific jurisdiction, regional agency, or county. The user can search by a specific procured product, material, ordinance, or SRRE program.

Exported Data from the corresponding Power BI Reports

Note: The Power BI reports refresh daily, but the data does not necessarily get updated daily.

How To Video Materials Procured and Diverted, Ordinances and SRRE Programs

Facility Data, Organic Waste Haulers, Education and Outreach and Contamination Monitoring

Within this Power BI report, the user can find data about facilities, organic waste haulers, education and outreach, and contamination monitoring. The user can search this report by a specific jurisdiction, regional agency, or county.

Exported Data from the corresponding Power BI Reports

Note: The Power BI reports refresh daily, but the data does not necessarily get updated daily.

How To Video Facility Data, Organic Waste Haulers, Education and Outreach and Contamination Monitoring