Jurisdiction Diversion/Disposal Rate Summary

Beginning with reporting year 2007 jurisdiction annual reports, diversion rates are no longer determined. With the passage of SB 1016, the Per Capita Disposal Measurement System, only per capita disposal rates are measured. For 2007 and subsequent years, CalRecycle compares reported disposal tons to population to calculate per capita disposal expressed in pounds/person/day. This new goal measurement system is described in CalRecycle’s Goal Measurement: 2007 and Later web page.

Other Diversion/Disposal Rate pages

Note: For the 2004 through 2006 jurisdiction annual reports, CalRecycle allowed the use of the Taxable Sales Deflator Index (TSDI) as an acceptable alternative to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to calculate diversion rates. If you want to find out more about the TSDI and see a comparison of preliminary 2004 diversion rates calculated using CPI and TSDI see our Taxable Sales Deflator Index page.