Notice of Funds Available: Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Grant Program (FY 2020-21)

The application period for fiscal year (FY) 2020-21 is now closed.

Awards | Criteria | Eligibility | Funding | Timeline and Cycle Details | Grant Administration Documents

The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) administers a program to provide opportunities for the cleanup of illegal disposal sites on farm and ranch property. Farm and Ranch property, as defined in California Code of Regulations, section 17991(d), means a piece of property, publicly or privately owned, that is used for rangeland or agricultural activities such as, but not limited to commercial livestock and crop production, horticulture, aquaculture, silviculture, floriculture, vermiculture and viticulture. Farm or ranch property need not have active sales or production, but shall be appropriately zoned, or otherwise authorized for agricultural activities. Farm or ranch property includes appurtenant easements or right-of-ways such as, but not limited to, public roads and utilities.

Pilot Program

Applicants in the third cycle may choose to apply under the pilot project (Pilot) if they need additional time to submit documents identified in the Application Guidelines. The Pilot will allow an applicant to apply for funds for existing illegal disposal sites with only a resolution and an estimate of expenses submitted by the application due date. After grant award, the grantee will then complete and submit the remaining application forms to GMS to make the application complete. Grantees must submit the remaining forms before cleanup costs are incurred.


Note: “FR” followed by a number is the cycle code for the Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Grant Program.


Approval of Criteria, June 27, 2019


Eligible applicants include cities, counties, resource conservation districts and federally recognized Native American tribes. Native American tribes as defined in PRC § 48100(d)(1).

Charter Cities

California Labor Code section 1782 will prohibit charter cities from receiving state funds or financial assistance for construction projects if those cities do not comply with sections 1770-1782 of the Labor Code. If any applicants or participating jurisdictions are charter cities or joint powers authorities that include charter cities, the lead participating jurisdiction must certify that Labor Code section 1782 does not prohibit any included charter city from receiving state funds for the project described in this application, more information can be found on CalRecycle’s California Labor Code section 1782.


A site may be eligible for funding if all of the following criteria are met:

    1. The parcel where the site is located is zoned or authorized for agricultural/rangeland use definition of Farm and Ranch Property as defined in Title 14 CCR§ 17991(d).
    2. The site is used, has been used, or could be used for agricultural/rangeland activities (reference property definition cited above for examples).;
    3. The intended future use of the site is consistent with the Property definition cited above.
    4. Neither the applicant, nor the property owner, nor any resident, invitee, licensee, lessee, or person the current property owner purchased or inherited from, by contract, agreement, or other arrangement, brought any of the subject solid waste onto the property.
    5. The aforementioned parties did not direct, authorize, permit or otherwise provide consent to another to bring the solid waste onto the property. Moreover; ”unauthorized” disposal of solid waste and/or waste tires has occurred.
    6. The responsible party either cannot be identified, located, or pay for timely and proper remediation.
    7. The site is or was (for sites previously remediated), an illegal disposal site (i.e., not permitted and not exempt from obtaining a solid waste facility permit and is not a closed site as defined in Title 27 CCR Section 20164).
    8. The site is in need of cleanup in order to abate a nuisance or public health and safety threat and/or a threat to the environment.


    •  $1,000,000 available for fiscal year (FY) 2020-21
    •  $200,000 per grant award, with a maximum of $50,000 per site or cleanup project.

Please note: Funding is contingent upon and subject to the availability of funds appropriated for this grant.

Timeline and Cycle Details

DateActivity and Details

August 13, 2020
(Cycle 70)

November 5, 2020
(Cycle 71)

February 4, 2021
(Cycle 72)

Application Due Date

If you are unable to access GMS or need assistance, please send an email to
or Maria Elena Kennedy.

September 17, 2020
(Cycle 70)

December 10, 2020
(Cycle 71)

March 11, 2021
(Cycle 72)

Secondary Due Date-Resolution and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing and Practices (EPPP) Policy

  • If the resolution is not submitted with the application: The approved resolution must be uploaded in the
    Grants Management System (GMS) by this date.
  • If the applicant does not have an EPPP Policy at the time of application: An EPPP Policy must be adopted and notification must be uploaded in GMS by this date.

October 2020
(Cycle 70)

January 2021
(Cycle 71)

April 2021
(Cycle 72)

Grants Awarded

CalRecycle considers funding recommendations, and if approved, conditionally awards grants in this month (tentative).

  • Grantee to incur costs after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
  • Pilot Grantees: Cleanup costs may not be incurred until CalRecycle receives and approves all remaining application documents and sites.

CalRecycle considers funding recommendations, and if approved, conditionally awards grants in this month (tentative).

October 6, 2022Pilot Grantees: Deadline to submit site supporting documentation for approval
March 16, 2023Deadline for: Final Report, final Payment Request and Request for 10 Percent Withhold.

Grant Administration Documents

Terms and Conditions

Notice: Submission of an application constitutes an acknowledgment that you have read these Terms and Conditions and understood and agreed that they will be part of the Grant Agreement upon an award of any grant funds.

The text of these Terms and Conditions may not be altered, changed or revised in any way, except in writing by mutual agreement of the parties pursuant to the Amendment provision herein. In the event of any dispute regarding the content of these Terms and Conditions, the original document contained in the grant cycle file located at the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 will control. These Terms and Conditions are applicable only to the specified cycle and/or Fiscal Year of the particular grant program specified.

If you require assistance in obtaining access to this document, please use the contact information at the bottom of this page.

Procedures and Requirements

Notice: These Procedures and Requirements are in draft form. Upon issuance of Grant Agreement, these Procedures and Requirements shall become final.

The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the Procedures and Requirements prior to issuance of the Grant Agreement. Any such changes will be non-negotiable. In the event that any changes are made to the Procedures and Requirements, all Grantees will be notified as to what specific changes have been made.

Once the Grant Agreement has been issued and the Procedures and Requirements have become final, the text of the incorporated Procedures and Requirements may not be altered, changed or revised in any way, except in writing by mutual agreement of the parties pursuant to the Amendment provision contained in the Terms and Conditions. In the event of any dispute regarding the content of the incorporated Procedures and Requirements, the original document contained in the grant cycle file located at the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 will control. These Procedures and Requirements are applicable only to the specific cycle and/or Fiscal Year of the particular grant program specified.

If you require assistance in obtaining access to this document, please use the contact information at the bottom of this page.

Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Homepage

For general information on all the Grant and Loan Programs, contact