Questions about the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program grant application were accepted in writing only, no later than July 3, 2013. Similar or related questions were grouped together or reworded for clarity and responded to as one question.
The question and answer period is now closed for this grant cycle. All questions and answers are posted on this site.
Duplicate questions will not be posted.
Eligibility | Funding | Other
We were wondering if we would still be eligible for the grant if a department at our University had already received funding for the grant in an earlier cycle. In that earlier cycle, our housing was awarded the grant, and for this cycle we will be applying through the Office of Sustainability.
Yes, previous grantees are eligible to apply. The Application Guidelines on Page 2 identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects for the BCRG Program. In addition, the Scoring Narrative Criteria on Page 8 is available and will be utilized by the evaluation team reviewing the applications.
If expanding a current recycling program to further capture CRV materials, can recycling bins for food waste also be purchased with grant funds?
Yes, if the food bin was part of a whole unit (not detachable) which also includes a beverage container recycling bin. However, please refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 2. The focus of this grant is beverage container recycling. In addition, the Scoring Narrative Criteria on Page 8 is available and will be utilized by the evaluation team reviewing the applications.
Is the recyclable content strictly limited to beverage containers?
Refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 2. The focus of this grant is beverage container recycling. In addition, the Scoring Narrative Criteria on Page 8 is available and will be utilized by the evaluation team reviewing the applications.
I looked over the link that you sent on the beverage container grant criteria and am still uncertain if our project would be within the scope of available funding. Our aim is to reduce the amount of waste by implementing water fountains and an educational program which will help our community do its part to meet the 2020 guidelines for landfill diversion.
The focus of this grant is beverage container recycling. While we do not discourage anyone from applying, the Application Guidelines on Page 2 identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects for the BCRG Program. In addition, the Scoring Narrative Criteria on Page 8 is available and will be utilized by the evaluation team reviewing the applications.
We submitted one or two years ago and were not considered for the second round. I’m wondering if these types of grants are more geared toward other entities since we have our existing Local Community Conservation Corps Program funding. Please let me know what you know about this soon as we are aiming to either move forward with constructing a proposal or decide not to pursue it by next week.
Refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 2. The focus of this grant is to provide convenient beverage container recycling opportunities in various locations statewide. In addition, the Scoring Narrative Criteria on Page 8 is available and will be utilized by the evaluation team reviewing the applications.
My father is the owner of XYZ Recycling. We recycle cans, bottles, glass, televisions, etc. We pick up from schools and occasionally from businesses. Is this grant applicable to us?
While we do not discourage anyone from applying, the Application Guidelines on Page 2 identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects for the BCRG Program. In addition, the Scoring Narrative Criteria on Page 8 is available and will be utilized by the evaluation team reviewing the applications.
Under “Eligible Applicants,” it states: “Private business generating four or more cubic yards of solid waste per week” qualifies as an eligible applicant. Is a Materials Recovery Facility that is losing CRV beverage containers during processing qualify as an applicant for funding to purchase equipment for upgrades? Concerning the requirement of generating 4 cubic yards of solid waste per week, we generate more than that after processing.
A business generating waste at their own business location would be eligible to apply for this grant. MRF’s do not generate their own waste and, instead, collects waste from other entities. The Application Guidelines on Page 2 identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects for the BCRG Program.
The cost of a Big Belly double unit was $6,420 and a single unit for recycling only was $4,080. Would it be safe to say we could have the grant pay for $4,080 of the double unit cost? There is also a software license involved. The price includes the license for the first five years, but it gets a bit expensive after that. You can purchase the license at the time you purchase the units for a cost of $1,500/unit. Would that be an eligible cost? You need the software portion to make this an effective collection system.
The Big Belly double unit is an eligible expense as long as it includes a beverage container recycling unit and it is not detachable. The Application Guidelines on Page 3 identifies eligible costs and provides examples. The purchase of equipment or materials or other operating costs including licenses, installation, software etc. are all considered eligible expenses necessary to start-up a beverage recycling program. You would have to be able to fund any on-going costs after the life of the grant, if awarded.
If the City of XXX were to coordinate a contest between schools within our City to compete and to see which school recycles the most, would we be able to utilize grant funds to either provide the schools with a cash prize, purchase supplies/equipment for the school, or make any other purchase we can that will be utilized specifically for the school as a prize?
The Application Guidelines on Page 3 identifies eligible costs and provides examples. Cash items are considered “awards” and not eligible and would not be funded. You can utilize the money received from recycling your beverage containers to fund supplies/equipment for your school.
If awarded the funds, are we able to administer sub-grants to schools and non-profit organizations to perform beverage container recycling projects throughout the City? The City, Public Works Department, would serve as the agency to review applications for recycling projects ($500-$1,500) projects and distribute the funds to the various applicants. The City would require that the applicants provide project descriptions, tonnage of beverage containers collected and any other necessary information.
The word “sub-grant” can be misleading and it’s necessary to clarify several points. Subcontractors are allowed; please refer to the Terms and Conditions, Page 3, Provision #5 A, B, C. If the primary grant holder wanted to purchase bins for several sub-entities e.g. a City purchasing bins/collecting volume data for several schools, then this is acceptable. It is not acceptable to have each individual “sub-grant” or school directly contract with CalRecycle. The City would be responsible for the administration and/or implementation of the actual project to include the purchase and distribution of all bins, written status/final reports, etc. “Sub-grants” are not allowed.
Does the grant only pertain to existing businesses or can you be a new and upcoming recycling company.
New or existing Private Businesses generating four or more cubic yards of solid waste per week are eligible to apply for the BCRG Program. The focus of this grant is beverage container recycling. Please refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 2 which identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects.
Program XYZ, a program that encourages individuals to recycle through the use of education, outreach and incentives, is interested in applying for this year’s Beverage Container Grant to promote recycling of beverage containers in Long Beach, CA. This community is currently a Program XYZ client and through our relationship we have access to 130K+ homes in the community with which we interact to promote all things sustainable. We see this grant as an excellent opportunity to focus an entire education and outreach campaign on beverage container recycling. Having said that, we have two questions: Does Program XYZ, a for profit corporation, qualify to apply for the grant?
Please refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 2 which identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects.
We have an old glass cleaner on our MRF that is no longer working efficiently. We lose a lot of beverage containers to trash with this current system. The company that manufactures our cleaner now has a better sorting disc screen that would prevent beverage containers from going into the trash side of the cleaning system. Would this be an eligible grant expense? Would any or all of the cost of a new glass cleaner also be eligible?
A business generating waste at their own business location would be eligible to apply for this grant. MRF’s do not generate their own waste and, instead, collects waste from other entities. The Application Guidelines on Page 2 identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects for the BCRG Program.
I would like to apply for grant funds to create small beverage recycling centers in a variety of elementary locations throughout our city…so students could learn how to and actually collect, sort and then redeem beverage containers at their schools.
Redemption of beverage containers on a school campus requires you to be a certified recycler. Learn more about becoming a certified recycler.
I am interested in the California grant for increasing the recycling statewide for our new 100% recyclable draft beer and wine keg that are now at retail only a few months. I would like to submit for a retail educational program built around the education of our 1,000’s of retail customers in California who now can buy our beers via ABC Corporation. Can you take a monument and tell me what you think and what needs to be changed?
The purpose of this grant is to seek projects that implement new or enhance existing programs to provide convenient beverage container recycling opportunities in various locations statewide. The Application Guidelines on Page 2 identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects for the BCRG Program. In addition, the Scoring Narrative Criteria on Page 8 is available and will be utilized by the evaluation team reviewing the applications.
I’ve read through the materials and am not sure if we would be eligible? We purchase CRV material from the likes of Allan Co., sort it, wash it and put it through a vacuum process that removes all impurities with our end product being recycled PET which we in turn sell. My question is, are these funds available to us for additional equipment to enhance our process and or increase our capacity? Or are these funds strictly for the collection of the PET bottles?
The project proposal we are looking into is to contact the local businesses and multifamily units to see if their trash enclosures accommodate large roll-offs for garbage and recycling. If not we would like to fund the trash expansion project to accommodate garbage and recycle roll-off units. This would increase their bottle/cans recycling efforts and also assist them in meeting the new commercial recycling requirements.
While we do not discourage anyone from applying, The Application Guidelines on Page 2, identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects for the BCRG Program. In addition, the Scoring Narrative Criteria on Page 8 is available and will be utilized by the evaluation team reviewing the applications.
I am from Zimbabwe and received notification on the grants. My question is, is my organization eligible for the grants since we are based in Zimbabwe?
Grant applicants and projects must be located in California. The Application Guidelines on Page 2, identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects for the BCRG Program.
Can a non-profit sub-grantee in a regional project also apply for a competitive grant for a different project on their own?
There are no “sub-grants” allowed as part of this program. Participants in regional programs may not apply individually. Refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 2 under “Eligible Applicants” and “Regional Application Requirements.”
Would a recycling program at bus stops, in a downtown business district, as well as in parks be eligible for a grant?
Refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 2 for eligibility requirements.
After a reimbursement has been submitted with proper documentation, how long will it be before repayment is issued to the grantee?
Typically, the reimbursement process can take 6-8 weeks.
The grant says an eligible cost can only be start-up costs for personnel. Will it not fund an existing position?
Existing positions can be funded as long as they are used for start-up costs only. This position is funded as long as you are still in start-up mode. If the project is done, no more billing for this position can occur.
Would the BCRG fund a new individual to collect the CRV materials from the recycling bins?
Yes, new individual positions can be funded to collect CRV beverage container materials.
Do new personnel funded by the BCRG have to be paid the prevailing wage for that job description?
Personnel rates are specific to each grant and determined by the grantee usually based on such criteria as location and job specifications.
Do we submit all three competitive bids for each item we intend to purchase if awarded?
Bids are submitted at the time of billing after the grant has been awarded. Only costs incurred after the Notice To Proceed and before June 30, 2016 are eligible for reimbursement.
In the application Guidelines and Instructions there is no mention of a Match Requirement. However, the Budget question states, “Identifies budgetary contributions and or matching funds (other than CalRecycle’s) and cost savings derived from volunteers or in-kind services.” Please clarify, is there or is there not a match requirement?
No. There is no match fund requirement. However, please list any matching funds you plan to utilize.
Can beverage container grants be used fund new equipment at existing sites or are the grants for development of new CRV sites only?
This grant is a start-up grant. Money can only be used to start-up programs that reach out to underserved areas.
Can grant funds be used to buy products, such as compostable beverage cups?
No. Compostable beverage cups are not an eligible budget item.
Can grant funds be used to apply logos to products?
You can use our emblems at Otherwise, yes, you can purchase beverage container recycling logos such as “Glass, Aluminum, or Plastic” or your City logo with grant money.
Because of local policy in San Francisco, we currently use multi-receptacle collection bins that include compost and co-mingled or single stream recycling (beverage containers along with paper, etc.). Do eligible costs include bins such as these?
Yes. Single stream or co-mingled bins are acceptable as long as the item collected along with the paper etc. includes beverage containers. The grant will not cover bins that are designated just for waste trash.
Under eligible costs is says “Education and outreach promoting beverage container recycling”, but under ineligible cots is says “SWAG/Promotional Items not related to the project (e.g.-shirts, magnets, cups, gift cards, stickers, tote bags not used as recycled bins, calendars with no educational component, trophies, awards, plaques).” To clarify, are promotional items such as stickers or awards that promote recycling, meaning they ARE related to the project, eligible costs? What about reusable water bottles that have a reduce/reuse/recycle message on them (i.e., prompting people to forgo needing to purchase recyclable containers in the first place)?
Items listed as “swag” are not allowed at all regardless of whether they are related to the project. Water bottles are not allowed. Exceptions may include tote bags when used as recycling bins or calendars that have recycling messages written on them.
As part of our proposal we’d like to do a pilot project to test out different outreach tools. If after the pilot project is concluded we determined that one set of tools didn’t work well and we didn’t need the full funding we were granted to purchase them, would that be a problem? In other words, we wouldn’t spend the full grant funds we requested.
You are not required to spend all of the grant funds. Remaining funds after the grant ends are disencumbered and revert back to the CalRecycle fund.
If a cement slab is required to sit solar trash recycle bin on top of it would the cost to put in the cement slab be reimbursable?
Yes. Installation of beverage container recycling bins is an eligible cost.
Is the $250,000 the maximum budget amount for 1 year or through 2016?
You have the entire grant term to spend $250,000. You can spend this money right away or spend it over two years. It is the maximum total amount you can be awarded for the FY 2013/14 BCRG.
Is there a personnel budget limit?
No. However, personnel costs need to be realistic in comparison to other expenses budgeted in the grant.
In the example in the Grant packet, travel and food costs were included for relevant trainings and events, is there a limit/list of approved vendors for such costs?
Refer to Page 10 of the draft Terms and Conditions under “Travel.” Travel is reimbursed at the State rate. There is no list of approved vendors.
Are partial awards possible?
Refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 2 under “Available Funds.” The minimum award is $5,000 and the maximum award is $250,000. The grantee requests what they need to fulfill their obligation under the grant terms. Partial award could be considered if there is money available after the funding has been distributed amongst the highest scoring applications.
Is there a complete list of what can or cannot be purchased with grant funds?
No. This is a beverage container recycling grant. Items that do not fit into this category or apply to the project are not funded. A list of excluded items is located on Page 3 of the Application Guidelines.
I see that Grants Awarded is projected for December 2013. Should I schedule my Project Start Date for January 2014? Or will it take longer to issue the Notice to Proceed?
Yes, ensure your Work Plan for your project starts January 2014. You will have a time to review a draft before a final timeline is approved, in case any changes are needed.
The grant applications states, “Grantee may incur costs from the issuance of the Notice to Proceed to this date.” Should I propose my Project End Date for June 2016?
All grants will end June 30, 2016. This date is already listed on Page 2 of the Application Guidelines.
If we are considering the purchase of waste stations that contain a dedicated bin for landfill trash and possibly other recoverable materials. May we allocate the portion of the purchase cost for the beverage container recovery side or do they need to be solitary bins?
Yes, if the trash bin was part of a whole unit (not detachable) which also includes beverage container recycling.
What happens if someone disposes recyclable food containers?
The grantee is responsible for devising a system for or a procedure to dispose of contaminated materials.
Is the grantee responsible for sorting out the recyclable non-beverage items and omitting them from the calculations?
Volume calculations submitted to CalRecycle by the grantee during progress reporting are for beverage containers only by material and resin type.
The Scoring Narrative Criteria questions mention “partnerships and extensive coordination with other agencies.” Are these partnerships required? We are a County Department and would not require partnerships to ensure the success of our project.
We encourage partnerships, but they are not required. You may refer to the Application Guidelines Scoring Narrative Criteria on Page 8.
In the Project Description question we are asked to include “documentation of commitment from target audience.” Our target audience would be beach goers. What type of documentation would you suggest or require for this audience?
In the past, surveys were utilized by grantees to obtain pre and post recycling knowledge from the target audience. Other examples include community meeting minutes, verbal responses/interview notes (including but not limited to local city/state feedback) from local alliances.
The Work Plan worksheet states, “Include 12 months of CRV volume reporting after the date the program is in place.” Are you asking for a prediction? Or, is this to be provided 12 months after our project is in place?
For purposes of completing the grant application, the numbers entered should be an estimate of projected CRV volume if you do not have historical data to use. When submitting the quarterly and final report, the CRV volume should be the actual volume collected.
The application asks for Applicant/Participant name. What should I put in there? I cannot find the name of our company when I search.
Your applicant/participant name is the legal name of your organization and/or business.
What exactly is a resolution?
Please refer to Pages 10-11 of the Application Guidelines.
Do I need a resolution if I am applying for a grant for a recycling center in downtown Los Angeles that recycles plastic bottles, cans and glass bottles? We also pick up from schools and businesses occasionally?
Applicants that are subject to a governing body must submit a Resolution that specifically authorizes certain grant-related matters. Please refer to Pages 10-11 of the Application Guidelines for additional information.
As our client is a municipality and their recycling is processed through a hauler (ABC Hauler) and their MRF, we will be unable to specifically measure the increase of beverage containers in the recycling stream. We will be able to measure overall changes in diversion, just not at the beverage container level. Is that acceptable?
Beverage container recycling rates are a required measurement for this grant. If you do not conduct a waste audit, you will be required to do an estimate based on visual inspection or other means of inspection. In addition a business generating waste at their own business location would be eligible to apply for this grant. MRF’s do not generate their own waste and, instead, collects waste from other entities. The Application Guidelines on Page 2 identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects for the BCRG Program.
Is this the same program that is known as the City/County Annual Payment Funding request?
No, the BCRG is a competitive grant. The City/County Annual Payment Program is an entitlement program.
Are letters of support required from businesses where we hope to locate recycling bins?
Letters of support are requested, but not required, to provide further support for your program particularly if you are working with other entities or group of people who will assist in the success of your program. The letter recognizes their support on your behalf and dedication to assist you. Please refer to Page 14 of the Application Guidelines.
While it says that trash bins are ineligible costs, are outdoor “dual” units allowed? These units have recycling on one side and trash on the other.
Yes, if the trash bin was part of a whole unit (not detachable) which also includes a beverage container recycling bin.
The beverage grant that was released a few weeks ago, can it be used to purchase residential or multi-family bins/cans?
The guidelines for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant outlines that bonus points are available. What criteria will be reviewed to ascertain if an application will receive these bonus points?
Refer to Page 15 of the Application Guidelines. The Scoring Narrative Criteria on Page 8 will be utilized by the evaluation team reviewing the applications.
We plan to be the lead applicant and are a nonprofit organization. We will be partnering with several local agencies. Is the appropriate documentation to submit the following? Nonprofit, lead applicant submits Resolution. Local Agencies, program partners, submit letters of commitment. If not, please clarify what documentation should be provided.
The Lead Applicant submits a Resolution if they are subject to a governing body. Applicants not subject to a governing body must submit a Letter of Commitment. Regional Participants must submit a Letter of Authorization to the Lead Applicant. It is the Lead Applicant’s responsibility to upload the Letters of Authorization to their application. Please refer to Pages 10-12 of the
Application Guidelines.
Are Joint Powers Authorities required to submit a Letter of Authorization from each of the members in order to qualify as a regional applicant?
No, all that is required to be submitted by a Joint Powers Authority is their Joint Powers Agreement which must indicate the member jurisdiction, an authorizing provision, and signatures of all members.
Per the grant application, the secondary due date to submit a resolution is August 20, 2013. If our jurisdiction is unable to approve a resolution before that date because the Council is on a hiatus, is it acceptable to submit an unsigned resolution as a placeholder by August 20th while the resolution is placed on the Agenda for later in August 2013?
Since this is a competitive and highly oversubscribed grant program, we will not accept placeholder resolutions.
Can you review the attached resolution and let me know if CalRecycle is ok with the wording “This is for the Beverage Container Recycling Grants (Competitive) Program. We have council July 9th and I would like to have our resolution in time for the council meeting.”
Please refer to pages 10-12 within the Application Guidelines and Instructions for details and examples of specific language required for Resolutions. Draft Resolutions can be reviewed by Ms. Donnell Duclo. Email the draft to
The grant application states letter of support are required. Who do we address them to? Name and address?
Letters of support are not required. Letters of support should be addressed to the Applicant. It is the Applicant’s responsibility to upload the letters into the application under the Documents Tab.
We are a recycling maintenance company who assist businesses in implementing and operating recycling programs to comply with AB341. We are also planning to open recycling drop-off centers. Our plan is to use this grant to help launch and execute the implementation and operation of recycling programs and drop-off centers. With the plan to open a recycling drop-off center, can the grant be used to purchase large equipment for the operation of this center? Example would be, Service Truck, Dump Truck, bailer, and/or recycling containers? Can this grant be used to help businesses set up recycling program to comply with AB341? Example would be equipment for implementation and operation?
Please refer to page 2 of the Application Guidelines which identifies eligible applicants and eligible projects for the BCRG Program. Establishing a recycling center is an ineligible cost. See page 3 for a full list of ineligible costs.
Redemption of beverage containers requires you to be a certified recycler. Learn more about becoming a certified recycler.
I am wondering what the character limits are or word count limits for each section of the application form.
The Project Summary/Statement of Use document field has an approximate limit of 400 characters.
Kindly advise me of the name and address of the person to whom letters of support should be sent in connection with this grant opportunity. The application guidelines do not specify a name or address.
Letters of support should be addressed to the Applicant. It is the Applicant’s responsibility to upload the letters into the application under the Documents Tab.
The nature of our project includes the upfront purchase of equipment. Will grant recipients be able to receive advances to help with cash flow and upfront equipment purchases?
No advances are allowed in the BCRG program.
With regard to creating the project budget, the guidelines state on Page 6: “Budget Amount: enter the amount for each individual project. If you have multiple project sites, the total for all projects should equal the total requested amount. Summary: provide a brief summary of each project site funded by grant funds.” Our project envisions outreach, education to provide new recycling services to un-served multi-family dwellings. My question is whether “each individual project” means each individual multi dwelling site? Or does our individual project encompass the budget for the new 20+ buildings we intend to service. The budget forms do not indicate break-out for each individual site.
You need to provide the total cost for all the units combined, not each individual unit.
What exactly do you mean by “documentation of commitment from target audience?” Can it be an explanation of what we plan to do to obtain data once we get the funding? For example, if we are planning to expand recycling at multi-family complexes we will do pre- and post-surveys and waste audits if we get the grant funding, but we wouldn’t have any of that data prior to submitting for the grant, nor would we be able to get documented commitment from the target audience (the residents).
Refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 8 under Project Need, Goals and Objectives (20 Points). Your needs must be established before the grant is awarded. A document of commitment from the target audience reinforces there is a need for the project and should be included with the application.
I’m trying to determine how to categorize our application and was wondering if you might give input? XYZ Business is a private business as well as a non-profit organization – I know both eligible to apply. Do you have a sense of which is more appropriate?
Please refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 2. If you are eligible as two different types of applicant, either is appropriate.
I’m trying to determine the differences between Letter of Commitment, Letter of Designation, Letter of Authorization and Letter of Support – and who should write these…can you provide guidance on this?
Both the Letter of Commitment and the Letter of Designation are required documents. The Letter of Support is requested, but not required. Please refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 10-14.
The City would like to apply for funds to purchase trio containers (trash, recycling, food waste) for City parks. We understand that trash containers are not eligible. However, at one time we were told that applying for trios would be eligible since the trio included a recycling container.
Yes. Trios are acceptable as one unit with no separate or detachable units. One of the bins in the unit must be utilized for beverage container recycling.
Is there a requirement for how long the project must be maintained? If so, what is it?
Refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 3 under “Grant Term” and Page 9 under “Project Sustainability.” The term of this grant is June 30, 2016. You can finish the grant earlier than June 30, 2016. However, CalRecycle requires a full twelve (12) months of volume collection.
What is the Grant Agreement breach criteria of the grant?
Refer to Page 7, clause 22, of the draft terms and conditions.
Since the final quarterly report is due in 2016 does that mean that our obligation to maintain the project would only be until 2016?
Refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 3 under “Grant Term” and Page 9 under “Project Sustainability.” The term of this grant is June 30, 2016. You can finish the grant earlier than June 30, 2016. However, CalRecycle requires a full twelve (12) months of volume collection.
Does CalRecycle have comprehensive research on public space recycling (including best practices)?
No. However you can contact your local Public Works department. You can also learn more about becoming a certified recycler.
Under the Applicant/Participant section, what is Certification ID?
This applies only to people who are a certified recycler.
Is a school a “Lead Participant” or “Participating Jurisdiction”?
Refer to the Application Guidelines on Page 2 under “Regional Application Requirements.” The lead participant takes ownership of the grant. A lead acts on behalf of participating jurisdictions.
As a school, are we subject to a governing board (school board)?
Generally a public school is subject to a governing body.
The application form requires the identity of individual job sites. If part of our project is outreach and engagement of new multi-family and multi-tenant housing, and these have not been identified as yet, how do we indicate site name and address on this form.
You are not required to identify individual job sites if they do not exist yet.
Can the services provided be in more than 1 county?
Are there a minimum number of Letters of Support required?
No, there is no minimum or maximum.
Are proposed entities applying for the grant required to provide financial records? If so, for what period.
Going through the Scoring Narrative Criteria, the last Section is titled, “Quality of Proposal (10 Points”. This Section reads as if the funding entity would use the two statements contained here as a means to evaluate the applicant’s prior responses in previous sections. It is not clear how the applicant should respond other than to give him or herself good marks for a well written proposal. Would you clarify the type of information or response you are seeking here?
There is not section for the applicant to complete, it is for the review committee only.
Do promotional materials need to be printed from a specific vendor/under certain guidelines?
No. Each grantee is free to choose their own vendor to print advertising/promotional items. The items need to be approved by your grant manager first and be specifically related to beverage container recycling.
Are budget funds able to be used on receptacle decoration? There is a small possibility of getting trash bins donated but they would need to be revamped and decorated for recycling. If so, we would like to do mosaic art and hire an artist director to guide student artists.
Yes, however your grant manager will have to approve any signage or specific language prior to application on the recycle bins. Signage or language need to be specific to promoting beverage container recycling. Hiring a contractor is an eligible cost.
Can the funds be transferred from one area to another? (For example, more receptacles are needed, so personnel hours are adjusted accordingly)
Yes, it is possible to transfer funds from one budget category to another. Budget amendments are officially requested by the grantee and can only be approved upon written approval from the grant manager after an official grant agreement is on file.
A large component of our project will involve youth and working with schools to educate the future about environmental issues. Are there any limits, special permits etc. when working with minors for this grant?
It would be the responsibility of the grantee to follow all applicable laws/requirements involving working with children in your school district.
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