Plastic Minimum Content Standards and Reporting for Plastic Material Reclaimers
AB 793
Assembly Bill 793 establishes recycled content standards for plastic beverage containers subject to the California Refund Value (CRV).
The law requires a postconsumer plastic recycled content standard of:
- 15% beginning January 1, 2022
- Increasing to 25% on January 1, 2025, and
- 50% on January 1, 2030.
The law will help improve the market for recycled plastic by increasing the demand and scrap value of the material for recycling centers operating in the Beverage Container Recycling Program.
The plastic minimum content requirements apply to all plastic beverage containers sold in California that are subject to the California Redemption Value (CRV).
The law requires plastic material reclaimers to report the amount of:
- Empty plastic beverage containers subject to the California Redemption Value (CRV) collected and sold by resin type and in pounds and
- Empty plastic containers sold or transferred in the state to a manufacturer of postconsumer recycled plastic for beverage processing by resin type and in pounds.
Manufacturers of postconsumer recycled plastic are also required to report the amount of food-grade and bottle-grade plastic material sold in the state.
A standardized report form will be sent out with an official notice prior to the upcoming reporting period.
- The report is due March 1st each year for the previous calendar year.
- CalRecycle provides a standardized form as the Department believes that it complies with the requirements of PRC §14549.3.
To receive updates, including notices regarding workshops and rulemaking, subscribe to the Beverage Container Recycling Program General Listserv.
Plastic Material Reclaimer Information
- On or before March 1, 2024, and annually after that, a plastic material reclaimer must report to CalRecycle:
- The amount in pounds and by resin type of empty plastic CRV beverage containers collected and sold in the previous calendar year.
- On or before March 1, 2024, and annually after that, a manufacturer of postconsumer recycled plastic must report to CalRecycle:
- The amount in pounds sold in the previous calendar year:
- Food-grade flake
- Pellet
- Sheet
- Fines or
- Other forms
- And their capacity to produce food-grade material.
- This report must include the amount of material that meets bottle-grade specifications.
- The amount in pounds sold in the previous calendar year:
Current Status
Permanent regulations to implement AB 793 have been adopted and become effective on January 1, 2024.
- These regulations adopt definitions for:
- Postconsumer recycled material
- Post-industrial recycled material
- Plastic material reclaimer
- Manufacturer of postconsumer recycled plastic
These regulations clarify definitions for:
- Food-grade and bottle-grade terms
- Recordkeeping and compliance requirements for beverage manufacturers
- Reporting requirements for:
- Beverage manufacturers
- Plastic material reclaimers and
- Manufacturers of postconsumer recycled plastic
- Petition requirements for an association to petition CalRecycle’s director to adjust the minimum postconsumer recycled content standard
- Requirements for beverage manufacturers to submit corrective action plans and requests for reducing administrative penalties.
Notice of Violation
These regulations amended section 2100 to make clear that failure to file a required report correctly and accurately by a beverage manufacturer, a plastic material reclaimer, or a manufacturer of postconsumer recycled plastic may be subject to discipline through the Notice of Violation process.
To receive updates, including notices regarding workshops and rulemaking, subscribe to the Beverage Container Recycling Program General Listserv.
A beverage is defined in PRC §14504. If you are uncertain if your beverage is subject to CRV, contact our Registration Unit via phone at (916) 323-1835 or via email at
More Information
AB 793 comments and questions may be submitted via email to or via mail at:
California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
Division of Recycling
Financial Analysis and Policy Development Branch
Statistical Information Section
P.O. Box 4025
Sacramento, CA 95812
For more information, visit Beverage Container Recycling Home