Basic Permit Process Flowchart

his page illustrates the general process for obtaining a solid waste facility permit (SWFP). Click on the links below for more detail on the steps required to process each type of tiered permit. The Permit Tier/Task Chart also has more detail on the steps required for each regulatory tier.

Local Planning Process: The SWFP process usually begins at the local level, with an application for a conditional use permit (CUP) or some other local approval. This usually also triggers the CEQA process which may proceed concurrently with other permits.

Other State and Local Permits:  Either concurrently or after the local process is completed, the applicant submits the required paperwork to other state or local agencies as necessary.

SWFP Application: The applicant submits the SWFP application or notification to the local enforcement agency (LEA). The LEA accepts the application if it is complete and correct.

Regulatory Tiers: Depending on which type of permit the applicant qualifies for, the site either begins operations, or waits for further review from the LEA.

Notification: For this tier, operations can commence upon LEA receipt of the necessary paperwork.

Registration Permit: If the LEA determines that the  SWFP application is complete and correct, the LEA may issue the permit.

Standardized Permits and Full Permits: The last two regulatory tiers must be submitted for CalRecycle review. If the proposed permit is concurred by CalRecycle, the LEA can then issue the permit.

Review Permit: The LEA periodically reviews the permit and revises it as necessary.



The processing of solid waste facility permits is administered by CalRecycle in conjunction with Local Enforcement Agencies.

Although a solid waste facility permit can be processed concurrent with, or prior to, other required permits, facility operations might be delayed without obtaining other local, State, or federal permits or approvals.

Basic Permit Process Flowchart