RDSI Guidance: Draft Chapter 3
21600(b)(3) subsections (A) – (F)
Note: This draft guidance is presented for LEA and public review and comment only. Please use the links provided to refer to the entire text of Title 27 Section 21600 when preparing or reviewing an RDSI/JTD.
This page provides draft guidance on preparing, amending, reviewing, or approving a Report of Disposal Site Information (RDSI) in accordance with Title 27, Sections 21600(b)(3)(A) – (F) which is divided into six sections:
(A) Airport Safety
(B) Volumetric Capacity
(C) Site Life Estimate
(D) Site Location
(E) Land Use
(F) Ancillary Facilities
Please see the entire text of Title 27 Section 21600 which describe all nine parts of the required content.
Airport Safety
Regulation (Title 27) | Text of Regulation |
Section 21600)(b)(3)(A) | Provide documentation that the Federal Aviation Administration and appropriate airport officials were notified if a new MSWLF unit or lateral expansion will be sited within a five-mile radius of any airport runway end used by turbojet or piston-type aircraft. Include results of the demonstration requirement, if required by section 20270. |
This section should contain information (text and maps if necessary) which shows that the site is designed and operated in a manner that will not pose a threat to airport safety.
Existing units and lateral expansions that are within 5000 feet of a runway end used by piston-type aircraft and 10,000 feet for turbojet aircraft must demonstrate that they are designed and operated in a manner that will not pose a threat to airport safety.
Proposed MSWLF units that are within a five-mile radius of an airport that is used by turbojet or piston-type aircraft must notify the affected airport and the Federal Aviation Administration at:
FAA Western Pacific Regional Office
Airports Division
15000 Aviation Bl, Rm 3012
Hawthorne, CA 90261, USA
Phone Number: (310) 725-3600
Example FAA Notification Letter
FAA – Western Pacific Regional Office
Airports Division
15000 Aviation Bl, Rm 3012
Hawthorne, CA 90261, USA
RE: Solid Waste Municipal Landfill Located Within Five Miles of (insert name) Airport, (insert Location), California.
Dear (Airports Division Manager)
This letter is written in accordance with Title 27 California Code of Regulations, Section 20270 requiring that the (name) Airport and the Federal Aviation Administration be notified of a proposed/expanding solid waste municipal landfill.
The landfill is located approximately (distance in Miles) from the end of runway for the (name) Airport. A scaled map showing both the airport and landfill locations is attached for your information.
(Discuss specifics such as type of planes used and exact distance from the end of the runway.)
The design of the solid waste landfill has taken into account the proximity to the airport and airplane traffic patterns. Operational activities are conducted to assure that the landfill does not pose a threat to airport security. Personnel are periodically trained and reminded of their responsibility to minimize conditions that may effect airport safety.
If you have any questions or comments please contact (name) at (telephone number).
Representative of Landfill Owner/Operator
(Name) Landfill
City, CA Zip Code.
Attachment (map)
cc: Local Enforcement Agency
cc: Regional Water Quality Control Board
cc: CalRecycle
Volumetric Capacity
Regulation (Title 27) | Text of Regulation |
Section 21600)(b)(3)(B) | Provide calculations for volumetric capacity of the site expressed in cubic yards, net permitted capacity available for waste disposal, including the amount of capacity consumed by soils used for liner construction, daily and intermediate cover, and final cover, if included in the total capacity given. Attach topographic maps, including the delineation of the site property boundary and the disposal area used for the volumetric calculations and the date of survey. This information shall be certified by a registered civil engineer or registered geologist. |
Accurate information on the total site capacity of a landfill is crucial to planning, construction, daily operations, and closure of the site. Several methods are available for determination of capacity. The method used and the assumptions made for calculating the site capacity should be stated or displayed in a clear and logical matter for verification.
At a minimum the following information should be included within this section:
- Total disposal capacity in cubic yards;
- Total capacity required for liner system;
- Total capacity required for daily and intermediate cover;
- Total capacity required for final cover;
- Total net disposal capacity;
- A topographical map(s) delineating the disposal area within the site boundary; and
- Assumptions, methods and calculations performed to determine gross capacity.
ABC Landfill will have a total disposal capacity of 1000 Cubic Yards (CY). Of that 1000 CY; 100 will be for the liner system; 100 for the final cover system, 200 CY for the daily and intermediate cover; and 600 CY for disposal of waste. These are estimates which are based on the assumptions and calculations contained in Appendix XXX.
This section or a referenced appendix should present the assumptions, methods and calculations performed to determine the gross airspace capacity of the site, the volumetric requirements for daily & intermediate cover, final cover, and liner systems, as well as the net waste capacity of the site. Copies and dates of the topographic maps used in these calculations should also be provided.
Review Guide
- Does the information provided correspond to other documents for the site?
- Are the assumptions made reasonable and acceptable under current engineering practices?
- Does the disposal site area correspond to the area used for the calculations?
- Is the capacity consistent with the preliminary or final closure and postclosure maintenance plan?
Site Life Estimate
Regulation (Title 27) | Text of Regulation |
Section 21600)(b)(3)(C) | Provide an estimate of the site life based on the capacity of the site and the waste flow projections, and assumptions regarding the compaction density used in life expectancy calculations. Include any other factors which may effect site life (e.g. local restrictions). |
An estimate of the site life should be provided based on the capacity of the site and the waste flow projections described above. Assumptions regarding the compaction density used in life expectancy calculations should be described and supported.
Review Guide
- Are the calculations used to obtain the site life estimate attached to the document?
- Is the compaction density used for life projections reasonable?
- Is the site life estimate consistent with the preliminary or final closure and postclosure maintenance plan?
Site Location
Regulation (Title 27) | Text of Regulation |
Section 21600)(b)(3)(D) | Describe the site location, referencing a location map highlighting the legal boundaries, points of access, and major access routes for waste deliveries to the site. |
Text should be provided describing the site location, and should refer to a location map highlighting the boundaries of the facility, points of access to the facility, and major access routes for waste deliveries to the facility. As a suggestion the map may be or equivalent to a USGS topographical quadrangle map of scale 1:24,000. [More in depth guidance on legal boundaries will be provided in this section]
The facility is located in the City (or County) of (name of City or County) at (street address of facility).
This address is located in Section ??? of Township ???, Range ???, ????? Baseline and Meridian as shown on Figure ? – Vicinity Map.
The site latitude and longitude are ??? O, ???’ N, ???o, ???’W. Access to the site is from (name of street, road, or highway).
Review Guide
- Is the information provided consistent with the application form and other supporting documentation (including CEQA documents and other permits)?
- Are all streets, roads, highways, etc referenced in the text and occurring in the area shown on the vicinity map provided?
- Is the map of a clarity, quality and size that can be easily read and interpreted?
Land Use
Regulation (Title 27) | Text of Regulation |
Section 21600)(b)(3)(E) | Describe and provide a plot plan showing land uses and land use zoning for all properties within 1000 feet of the facility boundary shown on a site plan. The site plan must show structures located on these adjacent properties or distances to the nearest structures. The plot plan shall include specific limits of the existing and planned disposal areas, in relationship to the surrounding land use. |
Current land uses and land use zoning for all properties within 1000 feet of the facility should be described and shown on a site plan. If known and when possible planned future uses of adjacent properties should also be identified. To the greatest extent feasible, all structures located on these adjacent properties should be shown on the plot plan. If this is not practical, the location and distances to the nearest structures should be shown. A legend should be included on the map(s) clearly explaining land uses.
Review Guide
- Does the information provide fully explain the surrounding land use of the area?
- Are the land uses mentioned in agreement with other documentation?
- Are both zoning and actual land use shown or described?
- Are the locations of the nearest structures shown on the site plan with their distances from the landfill?
- Are there adjacent land uses, which may present special concerns (e.g., residential uses, schools, wildlife refuges, etc.)?
Ancillary Facilities
Regulation (Title 27) | Text of Regulation |
Section 21600)(b)(3)(F) | Describe and provide a plot plan showing all ancillary facilities at the site, including, but not limited to, administration buildings, entrance facilities, scales, maintenance structures, and hazardous materials storage areas. |
A plot plan should be provided within the document clearly denoting, with appropriate text, all buildings, structures, and areas that are used for support of the landfill.
Review Guide
- Do the facilities listed/shown on the plot plan correspond to the activities listed in this and other documents pertaining to the site?
- Are there sufficient facilities to adequately perform the functions necessary to operate the site in a manner that will assure public health and safety?
Other Available Draft RDSI Guidance Chapters
For more information contact: LEA Support Services, PermitTrainingAssistance@calrecycle.ca.gov