RDSI Guidance: Draft Chapter 1
21600(b)(1) subsections (A) – (C)
Note: This draft guidance is presented for LEA and public review and comment only. Please use the links provided to refer to the entire text of Title 27 Section 21600 when preparing or reviewing an RDSI/JTD.
This page provides draft guidance on preparing, amending, reviewing, or approving a Report of Disposal Site Information (RDSI) in accordance with Title 27, Sections 21600(b)(1)(A) – (C) which is divided into three sections:
(A) Facility Overview
(B) Site Plan
(C) Hours of Operation
Facility Overview
Title 27 Section | Text of Regulation |
21600(b)(1)(A) | "Provide a statement including:
Provide within this section an introductory statement that will briefly describe the facility. That statement should include the following minimal information:
- Name of the facility;
- Name of the firm(s) or person(s) that will operate the site;
- Name of the firm(s) or person(s) that own the land;
- Name of lessee of land if applicable;
- Type of facility (Class II, or III, in accordance with Title 27 section 20200); and
- Description of the operation cycle.
Operation Cycle:
Briefly describe the daily waste flow through the facility, including, but not limited to:
- Receipt
- Handling
- Processing
- Diversion
- Transformation
- Spreading
- Compaction
- Disposal
Example of Introductory/Overview Statement
“This Joint Technical Document/Report of Disposal Site Information describes the design, sequencing, and operation of the (name of facility) Disposal Site which is (or will be) operated under permits issued to (name and address of permitted operator).
Actual day to day operation of the site will be conducted by (enter the name of the permitted operator(s) or the name and address of the contract operator).
The facility is located on land owned by (name and address of land owner(s) if different from operator).
This facility is a Class III (or Class I, Class II, or unclassified) facility as defined by 27 CCR Section 20200. The operation cycle consists of (operation cycle)”
Note 1: If the site is a new site and is leased, an appendix to the RDSI should be attached which includes a copy of the lease and documentation that the landowner is aware of his responsibilities under the standards (Title 27 sections 20180 and 20182)
Note 2: This example should be appropriately modified if the facility contains discrete waste management units with differing classifications.
Review Questions
- Is the information provided consistent with the application form and other supporting documentation (including CEQA, ROWD, closure/postclosure maintenance plans and other permits)?
Other Relevant Standards and Resources
- State Minimum Standards – Excavation Records – Title 27 Section 20510(b)
- Title 27 Definitions
Site Plan
Title 27 Section | Text of Regulation |
21600(b)(1)(B) | "Provide facility plan(s), including:
The JTD/RDSI must include information that clearly describes the facility. Several of the items below may be included on one plan/drawing. However, it is suggested that several plans/drawing be incorporated to ease evaluation of the information. At a minimum, the following information should be included:
- A predisposal topographical map that is clear and easily read:
A topographical map that clearly shows the contours, elevations, and structures, etc. on the site prior to development.
- A plan/drawing that clearly illustrates parcels owned and/or leased by the operator:
Information should be included clearly showing who owns or leases the land allowing the EA/LEA the ability to evaluate the proposed use of this site.
- A plan/drawing that clearly shows the extent of the disposal area:
Information should clearly show the boundary of the area within which waste will be disposed.
- A plan/drawing that clearly shows the extent of the permitted boundary:
Information should clearly show the area that is permitted or proposed for permitting under the Solid Waste Facility Permit.
- The acreage of the disposal area:
Information should be included that states/shows the exact acreage of the disposal area.
- A plan/drawing that clearly shows the fill sequencing:
Information should be included showing the filling sequence of the disposal area. This may be completed on one map for a smaller site or several maps for a larger, more complicated site.
- A plan/drawing that clearly shows the excavation:
A plan/drawing should be included that clearly shows the elevations and contours of the planned excavations and the sequencing of those excavations, if necessary.
- A plan/drawing that clearly shows the extent of any buffer zones between the disposal area and the permitted property boundaries provided by the facility layout:
Any and all buffer zones at the site must be clearly shown regarding their proximity to the permitted property boundary of the facility.
- Vertical limits of the site:
A plan/drawing should be included that clearly shows the contour and elevations of the existing/proposed vertical limits of the facility.
The information needed in the above points should be explained or demonstrated in the clearest possible means. A drawing/plan clearly showing the information required should provide the necessary facts in most cases. Several items listed above may be placed on one map or plan if it can be done in a clear manner.
Predisposal topography maps for facilities may not be available for all sites. It is important that the operator make a good faith effort to use other sources for predisposal topographical maps. Other sources may include local and university libraries, local engineering and surveying firms, local flood control districts, and Caltrans.
Example of Permit Boundary Information
In addition, the map should identify leased property, buffer zones, and asbestos disposal areas.
Review Questions
- Is the information provided consistent with the application form and other supporting documentation (including CEQA, ROWD, closure/postclosure maintenance plans, and other permits)?
- Are the maps clear, drawn to an appropriate scale, provide the most current information available, and accurately represent the site topography?
Hours of Operation
Title 27 Section | Text of Regulation |
21600(b)(1)(C) | "State the hours and days of operation for the site, including but not limited to maintenance, site operation, receipt of waste, and public and commercial access." |
The days and hours of operation should be described in this section. That information should include but not be limited to the following:
- Hours of operation for the public;
- Hours of operation for commercial haulers only;
- Hours of operation for compaction and cover operations; and
- Hours of operation for additional site specific activities and requirements.
Review Questions
- Is the information contained in the document consistent with the proposed operations for the facility and additional documents regarding this site?
- If any operations occur during darkness, will there be adequate lighting available?
Other Relevant Standards and Resources
- RDSI Standard for Lighting, Title 27, Section 21600(b)(5)(B)
- State Minimum Standards – Lighting – Title 27, Section 20580
- RDSI Guidance, Chapter 5(B)
- Title 27 Definitions
Other Available Draft RDSI Guidance Chapters
For more information contact: LEA Support Services, PermitTrainingAssistance@calrecycle.ca.gov