As part of the state’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that have the most immediate impact on climate, and to adapt to the increasing threat of climate change, SB 1383 establishes statewide methane emissions reduction targets in several sectors of California’s economy. The law supports a more sustainable green economy, lower global emissions, reduction of hunger, and improved public health.
The enforcement provisions in SB 1383 support jurisdictions, non-local entities, local education districts, state facilities, and federal facilities, and CalRecycle to achieve the state’s climate goals and the 75 percent organic waste diversion goal by 2025 and into the future.
Compliance with SB 1383 will be determined by how jurisdictions and non-local entities implement programs that include:
- Organics waste collection, processing, and diversion
- Using recycled organics products like compost and biofuel
- Edible food recovery
The regulations require both jurisdictions and the State to conduct enforcement.

Jurisdiction Oversight and Enforcement
Jurisdictions are required to implement an inspection and enforcement program to ensure organic waste generators comply with the requirements.
The jurisdiction’s oversight and enforcement program is also required to incorporate evaluations of edible food recovery, CAL Green Building Standards and Water Efficient Landscape program requirements.

CalRecycle Oversight and Enforcement
CalRecycle conducts compliance evaluations of jurisdictions.
CalRecycle also conducts compliance oversight of non-local entities, local education districts, state and federal facilities that are organic waste generators, that are not subject to a jurisdiction’s compliance oversight and are required to comply with SB 1383 to reduce the generation of organic waste.
SB 619 Notification of Intent to Comply
Jurisdictions were able to submit a Notification of Intent to Comply if they were out of compliance with SB 1383 (see PRC 42652.5). Notifications of Intent to Comply were due on March 1, 2022.

Guidance on CalRecycle’s SB 1383 Compliance Process
CalRecycle has developed a SB 1383 guidance document which covers CalRecycle’s enforcement process.
For more information contact: Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP), Organic Waste Methane Emissions Reductions, SLCP.organics@calrecycle.ca.gov