State Mattress Recycling Goals

CalRecycle is required to review, and may update, the state’s mattress recycling baseline amount and goals in consultation with the mattress recycling organization every four years beginning July 1, 2020.

The mattress recycling organization must demonstrate its good faith effort to comply with the goals in annual reports. The Mattress Recycling Council (MRC) is currently the only mattress recycling organization operating in California.

Refer to PRC section 42987.5 for more information.

CalRecycle established statewide goals that include mattresses managed both inside and outside of MRC’s program: 

  • Recycling Rate 
  • Efficiency Rate 
  • Consumer Convenience 

CalRecycle established that a baseline of 225,000 units were renovated in 2018 and monitors this number annually. 

CalRecycle established program goals specific to MRC’s program:  

  • Consumer Access to the Program 
  • Rural Retailer Access to the Program 
  • Urban Retailer Access to the Program 

MRC must also comply with the Consumer Access and No-Cost Freight Service requirements. 

Goals and Requirements

The tabs present the goals and requirements currently in effect through 2024. See the June 2024 Request for Action for goals and requirements in effect in 2025 through 2029.

Baseline: 81% of mattresses and foundations (units) recycled and renovated in 2018

Statewide Goal: Recycle and renovate 81% ± 5% of units from 2021 to 2024


(units recycled statewide + units renovated statewide)
(units recycled statewide + units renovated statewide + units disposed statewide)

Note: The statewide recycling rate is based on the number of units recycled and renovated statewide, both inside and outside of MRC’s program. More information on the data source and calculation method is included in the June 2020 Request for Approval.

Baseline: 65% of mattress materials recycled and renovated in 2018

Statewide Goal: Recycle and renovate 65% ± 5% of mattress materials from 2021 to 2024


(pounds recycled statewide + pounds renovated statewide)
(pounds recycled statewide + pounds renovated statewide + pounds disposed statewide)

Note: The statewide recycling efficiency rate is based on the amount of material recycled and renovated statewide, both inside and outside of MRC’s program. More information on the data source and calculation method is included in the June 2020 Request for Approval.

Baseline: 120 collection sites in 2016

Statewide Goal: Add three additional collection opportunities per year to increase consumer access to free mattress drop-off, recycling, and disposal options.

2021 Goal

2022 Goal

2023 Goal

2024 Goal






Note: The metrics for monitoring the achievement of this statewide goal will include the number of sites in MRC’s collection network, disposal facilities that accept mattresses, curbside programs that accept mattresses, retailers that take-back old mattresses upon delivery of new mattresses, and recycling facilities operating both inside and outside of MRC’s program that accepts mattresses, provided they are at no cost to the consumer. More information on this goal is included in the June 2020 Request for Approval.

Baseline: 89.6% of population within 15 miles of a collection site or bulky item pickup

Program Goal: 94% of population within 15 miles of a collection site or bulky item pickup by 2024

Note: This goal measures consumers’ access within 15 miles of MRC’s permanent collection network, which includes MRC-contracted recyclers and collection sites, as well as participating local jurisdictions’ curbside bulky item collection programs that service both single-family and multi-family dwellings. More information on this goal is included in the October 2020 Request for Approval.

Baseline: 81% of California consumers in rural areas located within 40 miles of a no-cost collection site that accepts commercial volume

Program Goal: 95% of California consumers in rural areas located within 40 miles of a no-cost collection site that accepts commercial volume

Note: The rural retailer access goal evaluates the percentage of the population with convenient access within 40 miles of a no-cost collection sites that accept mattress units from retailers and their associated delivery parties in rural counties. More information on this goal is included in the October 2020 Request for Approval.

Baseline: 63% of California consumers in urban areas located within 20 miles of a no-cost collection site that accepts commercial volume

Program Goal: 80% of California consumers in urban areas located within 20 miles of a no-cost collection site that accepts commercial volume.

Note: The urban retailer access goal evaluates the percentage of the population with convenient access within 20 miles of no-cost collection sites that accept mattress units from retailers and their associated delivery parties. More information on this goal is included in the October 2020 Request for Approval.

The mattress recycling organization is required to provide convenient consumer access to the program, including at least one permanent mattress drop-off location in each county.

The requirement to have at least one permanent mattress drop-off location in each county does not apply to a county with a population of less than 2,000 people as long as the organization continues to provide at least two collection events in the county each year.

CalRecycle may require additional drop-off locations to ensure that consumers have sufficient, convenient access to drop-off locations.

See PRC Section 42987.5(a)(1)(D)(i).

The mattress recycling organization is required to provide no-cost freight services to any mattress retailer, health care facility, educational facility, military base, or lodging establishment that has at least 100 used mattresses to pick up at one time.

See PRC Section 42987.5(a)(1)(D)(i).